Walk into a shopping mall. Anxiety kicks in.
Walk into a shopping mall. Anxiety kicks in
Other urls found in this thread:
>Think about shopping mall
>Anxiety kick in
>anxiety kicks in
>See someone walk by you
>Anxiety kicks in
>brain activity
>anxiety kicks in
>hear someone walk
>anxiety kicks in
What does social anxiety feel like? I heard it's like tingling on random parts of your body and sweat if it's really bad. Is that true?
I think everyone feels it differently.
I feel pressure surrounding me. I also feel like everyone is staring at me and laughing at me. Feel uncomfortable too. Feel like I can't take a rest and just sit down.
Have you tried drinking? Not constantly but you know go out a few times with friends (if you have any) and maybe you get more comfortable not being in control?
I don't drink alcohol.
I have went out 5 times this year. But the alcohol doesn't help me.
I only have 2 college friends so always hope they invite me to come out.
Damn man, that's fucked.
However it's good to see that you hope they take you out. Believe it or not it really helps to ask, maybe they don't know that you'd like to go somewhere but would be happy to take you.
There is a low probability, nobody really has money. I'm also not a local. I live 1h30mins away from them.
Fuck man that sucks. What country you from anyways that nobody has any money?
>anxiety kicks in when thinking about anxiety
>anxiety kicks in
A little faparoo always calms me down.
Have you ever thought about your performance in social interactions while performing said interactions? Maybe wondering once or twice, "Oh, did I say the right thing" or "Do I smell?" Now increase this by 1000x until it's almost impossible to pay attention to the world around you or to think a coherent goal-oriented thought because your reality has pigeonholed itself to being only racing unwanted thoughts pertaining to social performance judgements. The sense of lack of control (i.e. danger) activates your flight or fight response, and all you can think about is running away, running far away to somewhere safe. Oh yeah, and nausea and sweats and an elevated heart rate.
This is how I experience social anxiety (at least in its worst, most panicked manifestations).
That's a pretty good explanation user, thank you.
I can safely say that I've never felt this, but I think I know people who do and it doesn't look that bad from the outside. So I guess keep that in mind if it helps, but you probably know that.
>anxiety kicks in
>anxiety kicks in
Here's some music that approximates the feeling
>tfw i literally run across town so nobody who knows who i am sees me because of shame
Yup that was very much like it at its worst god damn that was rough
It doesn't help by the way. I've been told this before, and it only heightens the sense of isolation, knowing that if you act in a perfectly reasonable way to what you're feeling like maybe screaming until your voice goes hoarse, other people will be shocked, confused, and hostile to you. Honestly, my only two choices at this point are either continue staying in my dark quiet safe room, or becoming an ascended psychopath (truly not caring what other people think at all). You'd think a third would be to gradually and slowly reintroduce myself to low-risk social scenarios, but considering simply being awake during the day gives me strong anxiety, so I think I'll continue making excuses to stop myself from feeling the pain of self-improvement.
How do you cope with public speeches? Although I enjoy presentations and public speeches, sometimes my cheeks get a little warm (no homo). Do you experience something similar?
I don't publicly speak. But when I was in HS, I would stutter wildly until I got into a groove and could talk without paying attention to the crowd. Body would get warm, yes.
Damn, were you picked on in HS?
>Walk into a shopping mall
>Niggers and spics everywhere
>realize I'm literally the only white person there
>crossing the road
>a car turns too quickly and tries to take the turn while the crosswalk sign is still on
>PTSD-induced disassociation and panic kicks in.