Have you ever killed an animal to prove to yourself that you don't feel anything? Tell me about it (also include a smug anime profile pic)
pic unrelated
Have you ever killed an animal to prove to yourself that you don't feel anything? Tell me about it (also include a smug anime profile pic)
pic unrelated
> be me
> about 10
> with some "friends"
> they tell me to throw a frog at a wall
> Think to my self why dafuq would i do that
> throw frog
> 2 seconds later
> feel sick
> realize i like animals more than people
I killed 5 cats when I was 10. 1 with a stomp (their mother), 1 with neck break, 2 with throwing at a wall, I threw the last one in a pool and watched it drowning, then I dried the corpse in the basement for 1 day. After the pool one dried, I burned them. It was fun.
Damn man, kids these days are fucked hahaha.
How does one just catch 5 cats? I call bullshit.
They were our cat, they thought that I'm harmless since catmom got used to me. The little ones were weak, slow, and I could pat them.
How did you not get caught murdering a cat family? Doesn't your family just grow suspicious of the cats disappearing around you? lmao
They didn't know about the family and our cats always were disappearing sooner or later as they told me. So they thought that the cat(mom) just went somewhere and never returned. The corpses were on the loft where I usually was, but they not. I burned it at the other end of the town after 30 mins of biking.
I got away with liting a drawer on fire while my whole family were home because I act quickly.
not to proof anything just for the lolz i shot all kinds of insects with my toy gun when i was around 10.
That sounds interesting. Like trying to get away with a crime just for the fun of it, acting like nothing happened in front of family.
So I assume that you enjoyed it. Would you do it again to recreate that thrill? Have you thought about possibly doing something bigger?
Have your parents ever suspected that you were different or do they think you're perfectly normal?
No, i'm not white.
>be me
>young and dumb
>bought a bb gun
>killed over 20 pigeons
>killed over 5 small birds
>executed ducks at a pond
I felt regret after.
you people are fucked holy shit
When i was in kindergarten i killed a black racer with a piece of mulch
Stabbed it right in the head
Got a yu gi oh card from a friend for it
I've killed animals and felt terrible about it. I've hurt some people though, including stabbing a couple, and felt great because those cocksuckers deserved it.
What kind of blade and how deep did the knife go?
How injured were they?
>mouse caught in mouse trap
>get knife
>try to cut it down its middle to kill it
>knife too blunt
>end up just squishing it where I press
>probably organ damage
>just leave it there and let it starve
When I was like 6 I caught a lizard and started to play with him, like I would with a pet. He started bleeding so I thought it'd be a good idea to hold him in the bottom of the mop bucket for a minute or too. He died and it made me sad, so I went to find another lizard. Didn't find any.
I don't know man, I think it only counts if it's big enough that you sorta have to hide the body.
So then when was the last time you did a drive-by?
I guess that's alright because it could have been a threat.
Why did you kill animals as in plural if you felt terrible?
mission failed: we'll get 'em next time
not really to prove edginess, more like, do you know that primal desire to just wreck some shit because it's so cute, especially when you were a kid? it doesn't make sense now, but it felt so real back then
>be me, around 8
>love cats, but never could touch them (strays are easily spooked)
>one day a cat walked past
>i thought damn this little shit is cute, i wanna feel its soft belly
>i kicked it in the belly while walking, not too hard
>it was soft
>it walked away
>be me, around 8
>be with little brother and some neighbourhood kid
>spot black kitten
>'played' with it by sliding it from a small slide multiple times
>'showered' it by pouring some water on its body and wiping it with a small handkerchief
>threw it in a muddy ditch so it would get dirty and i have an excuse to wash it again
>ended up slowly running over it with my bicycle multiple times
>it was still alive after we were done
i don't know what led me to do that. i love cats, why did i do that? i hesitated typing that story and i feel horrible now. at least my brother grew up to be a normal, sensitive and rather confident person
>That sounds interesting.
If you say so.
> Would you do it again to recreate that thrill? Have you thought about possibly doing something bigger?
Nah, I have better things to do now, but prison sounds better than nothing, so after I went homeless.
>Have your parents ever suspected that you were different or do they think you're perfectly normal?
me too
I even collected Ants from the garden and ripped their Legs out
When I was a kid I used to burn my toys and imagine them screaming and asking for help.
I'd love to stomp the shit out of you.
Whoa that escalated fast, one minute you're talking about washing cats and the next you're crushing it with your bike lmao what the fuck.
But you feel bad and that's important, you're not fucked up. Don't think it makes you a terrible person, kids do dumb shit.
You're making it sound like you regret it, do you?
I never understood how people do that, I mean they're so tiny and move all the time. Who just goes and thinks "huh, this sounds like fun"
Now that's a weird fetish in the making.
It's interesting how angry people get over animal abuse. I understand it's bad but many people wouldn't bat an eye when a guy gets blown to bits and somehow killing an animal is a worse offense.
I shot some squirrels and birds in my friends back yard and I felt excited, I couldn't stop laughing. I never picked up a gun again because it scared me how fun it was. I get hunting is normal and all but I shouldn't have been excited to kill small critters I'd never consume.
>So then when was the last time you did a drive-by?
i've never done a drive-by.
Killing animals is fun!
Why would anyone kill something to prove to themselves though?
I've killed a dog, cats and smaller things like mouses.
I almost killed a duck recently but it got away.
I feel excited, not nothing. If someone felt nothing while doing it i feel like they wouldn't do it at least i wouldn't.
Rhetorical question, just pointing out that whites aren't fucked up but humans are.
how about you kill yourself, you disgusting animal
That's not very nice thing to say friend.
Oh also, i like to choke that's my favorite method. But if i get really horny ill mutilate them.
Despite the painful amount of edge you bring an interesting point to the table. I really don't know what to make of this because it's a stereotype that people who go through with these unprovoked kills don't feel anything, but why would they do it if they didn't.
It's talked about how psychopaths don't feel stress or fear but when you see the interviews they talk about being pretty anxious. Sure, not all serial killers are psychopaths, but still I don't know what to believe.
>pedo bullshit gets you banned
>mods will let this asshole stay
If I only ruled the world.
I wanna lick toga's fangs
Anyone that says they feel nothing are lying.
I don't feel empathy but that doesn't mean i don't get excited doing things. Otherwise i wouldn't bother to do them.
it will bite back.
No, but I killed an injured bird that my mother's cat wounded.
Poor bastard had no chance, it was better for me to end it instantly, no pain. It was not emotional.
Then it will be a bite fight, I have big fangs myself.
How do you know you feel no empathy? If it's a feeling you've never felt how do you know how to recognize it and how do you know you don't feel it?
> I've killed a dog
Probably some low excuse for a dog like a pug or some small mutt. Try to strangle a full grown dobermann and tell us how it went.
Hell, if you are too much of a bitch, idc if you even use a knife, but do that to a grown dobermann.
>be like 10 or 11 or something
>enjoyed going outside everyday and killing insects in all sorts of ways
>did all sorts of creative shit that definitely wasn't typical for a kid
>would research anatomy of different insects and poke them with needles in different spots and then mentally document what happened
>find a toad one day
>realize that I've never killed an animal that wasn't a bug before
>get a hammer and a 1 1/2 inch nail
>drive the nail through the toad's skull with hammer
>toad screams in pain
>feel bad and smash its skull with the hammer to put it out of its misery
>feel bad for toad to this day
Poor toad :(
well not kill but
>be walking home
>see a dead chick on the sidewalk being swarmed by ants
>oh fuck it's still breathing
>take it home
>try cleaning it up of blood and ants
>oh god it's fucking skull is peeling off
>it's chirping so much i'm sorry i'm sorry oh god
>it goes limp
>leave it in a shoebox with a towel to sleep peacefully
>go to sleep
>wake up
>it's dead
>bury it in my front lawn
When walking to a spot up the road I liked to shoot BB guns, I saw a bird on the lines over 50 yards away, and decided to see if my aim was good
That thing went right down, and I went to find the body, only to see it was still alive
I knew it was already dead and that leaving it here would prolong it's suffering so I shot it again point blank trying to kill it quickly
Apparently birds are hard as fuck to kill because that fucker ate like 12 BBs and was still breathing
it wasn't to prove that I didn't feel anything, just because we were preparing it for food.
>be me
>be about 12
>visiting family in ghana
>go to local farm and get chickens and a goat
>cousin says "hey user, want to help out with the chickens"
>say sure
>holding the chicken up and the bastard shits on me
>cousin "ok user, hold down its wings and cut through its neck, be quick and take off its head"
>cut off chickens head
>its neck flip flops about spraying blood around
>let go of it and laugh as it bumbles about, headless
That was really fun, I really want to kill something else.
I might just get some dogs or cats from the animal shelter or something, I'd kill my current cat but too many people would notice the sudden disappearence.
That's a dumb question it's pretty obvious i can look up its description dummy. If it was something more complicated then i wouldn't be able to know probably. Like love for example.
It was kinda small, i was literally a child when i did it i used a shovel. The neighbors dog kept barking so i went outside and killed it to stop. I was caught in the middle of the act though and i was severely in trouble.
>Probably some low excuse for a dog like a pug or some small mutt
Fucking pugs. Why do normies think that they're so cute? They're ugly little fucks that we've genetically engineered to be broken.
I hate it when I'm just enjoying a quiet time somewhere and some person comes in with a dog and all of the fucking normie women flock around and gawk about how "adorable" the dog is. Like, what the actual fuck. Have you dumb bimbos never seen a dog before in your lives?
If you want to kill cats and dogs at least do the world a favor and kill strays instead
Give me your address so you can know how it feels when a larger, superior creature chokes you out. I'm 6'6 250 pounds. I would destroy you.
Stronger doesn't matter when i am smarter than you.
im a doctor that regularly performs neonatal circumcisions while being fully aware of how damaging it is. honestly turns me on seeing the boys faces turn red from screaming in pain. how the trash and struggle against the restraints while i play god and decide what parts of their penis they get to keep. Sometimes i decide to give one an extra tight cut and make sure to excise as much frenulum as i can get, just to make sure he won't be able to feel a thing.
>Be me, 22 or 23 yr old NEET
>Mouse is stuck on glue trap
>Leave it alone for a round half a day, hoping it dies before I have to handle it
>Come back later and the fucker is still full of vigor
>Literally too much of a bitch to take it out while it squirms
>Pour boiling hot water in it
>It struggles harder than ever
>Feel bad for torturing the little fucker
>Beat the thing to death with a stick
I felt bad that entire week. I've stabbed a dude and punched a girl in the face and the only thing I felt bad about was possibly going to jail.
I didn't know toads could scream what the fuck
Trying to do some good and get scarred for life, damn.
This is way past the double tap rule, this is a dozen tap.
By people noticing the animal disappearence you mean your family? Because who the fuck keeps tabs on who owns which animal.
Actually, not a dumb question. Let me elaborate.
Love is described as feeling happy when the other person is happy (not to be confused with lust). Empathy on the other hand can be measured on different levels. Being in actual pain when you see someone in pain being one of them. However I think it's more complex and much harder to diagnose.
Getting off on cutting pieces of kid dicks off? That's a new one.
hatbot I know this is u come back to the server and unblock me
Never quite killed any animals, well not directly but I started really enjoying beating up dogs and cats as a kid, there's some kind of good feeling I get out of it. I frequently have to fight the urge to murder my current dog
Give me your address now you fucking faggot. I am going to kill you.
>be me
>in dads house,hanging around with ghettos kids
>One of them finds a cat,and grabs hold of it
>turns out is the most hated cat in the neighborhood
>shitting on doorways,eating birds worthy more than a car
>they tie him by the tail on a tree
>start hitting him with anything they find,like a pinata
>at some point i notice blood
>"alright,thats enough"
>try to untie the poor bastard
>he literally claws to my back
>its digging up deep,i feel horrible
>he digged his claws so deep in my back i was feeling like a puppet
>desperately try and throw him off my back
>grab hold of him
>pull him off my back,hurts like a bitch
>Snap the cats neck on the spot
>leave the body there and walk back home with my back looking like exposed raw meat
I'm self aware enough to know what i can and can not feel though. Empathy is extremely obvious.
No you're not, You won't ever do anything because you're a pathetic being.
>expecting to stop a 250 pound man-monster with autistic traps fashioned from shoe strings and baking soda
B-brain power rules!
I killed a few deer and ate them. 10/10 would do that again.
it's turning me on
I got to the point killing mouse can be done.
Few different houses since then have had mice.
Better to just crush them than let them live with there boy half crushed in a trap. Poor fuckers
One of my first pets was 2 mice they are grate pets
i gave it a better death than it would've had if i left it to die on the pavement. i like to think that that's the best thing i was able to do for the poor thing.
Implying he would ever actually find me and meet me and then have the chance to "kill" me.
Obviously if some fatfuck was right next to me he could probably kill me if i wasn't fast enough. Not that impressive though considering how tiny i am.
You don't think I won't kill you? I've killed people before. I trained Krav Maga and am an expert knife fighter. Here is what I look like.
pffffff hahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahsdhahah
But the ones at the shelter are likely to be euthanized later on, right?
Yes, family.
Okay friend, come find me and kill me then.
Would be funny to see you try.
Look at your door. Now stand next to that door.
I am bigger than a fucking door. I can break you like a twig.
I know no such thing.
Why the fuck do you even have a dog then?
You're not scaring him, you're just giving him a platform to laugh you in the face you mongol.
You absolute monster!
What the fuck even is this gay roleplay.
There was an injured bee on my windowsill once and I tore off its wings with tweezers and left it there to die.
Give me a hint so I can find you.
yeah when whites do crazy shit it's because of humanity or the joos but when others do it it's because they're savages and it's in their nature.
Killed frogs whenever I saw them with Dad's pitchfork. I liked to stab them and watch them try to escape the fork impailing them.
dios mio...la luz extinguido...
don't harm frogs please
implying im a guy
How about, no.
Frogs with fireworks is a classic but also very cute.
Which is true. Savage whites are an outlier, savage niggers are the norm.
Idk, I remember killing my pet rabbit when i was a 10 year old tho, told my parents it died fighting my other rabbit, don't know if they ever believed me. I still don't understand why i did it tho.
hahaha lmao, he ran into that one himself
I'd say with about 95% certainty that you are indeed a guy.
did it feel good user, did you get the rush?
Alright, guess I'll just ask the mods for your IP. See you in the night :)
>be me
>9 years old
>saw a big rat running around our yard
>killed it with a fucking shovel
>be around 9-10
>saw pheasant next to my dad's car
>grab baseball bat and ran outside
>hit it few times with the bat and stepped over it
>be me
>10 years old
>ran over a kitten with my bike
>later throw it in a freeway
>be me
>at beach
>see a hedgehog
>throw it in the lake
all the times I havent feel anything but feeling of happiness and excited
Allow me to help
tits with timestamp or gtfo
When I was a kid my neighbor would makd me choose between being fucked and doing crush cp. I fucking hate myself.
no but I remember being angry because of my parents divorce and my dad was a very violent alcoholic. I suffer from severe depression and ocd.
You're gonna ask the mods are you? Well I think I can take on one lankyass xcom alien looking basedboy.
741 W Church St, Orlando, FL 32805, USA
Then you are wrong, not surprising though.
yikes, you're an idiot.
how about no.
I would go varmint hunting all the time in my dad's truck when I was younger. Had a .22 and just drove down some forest paths taking pot shots from the back of the truck while my older brother drove. I must have killed at least 200 possums, coons, strays, etc. over the course of about five years.
I also shot and killed my neighbor's dog but he was literally in the midst of tearing my leg off, so it was self-defense.
we used to have a fireplace in the garden, i always loved making fire.
i would often throw slugs like pic related into the roaring fire just for the heck of it. i didnt even think of them as 'alive', just as annoying and disgusting pests.
weirdly enough, i never even thought about hurting or even killing a 'real' animal (like a cat or dog or mouse or whatever) in any way, i always loved those (and still do)
but slugs and bugs? no remorse.
i still dont have a problem with crushing random insects underfoot. but i dont do that with slugs because that leaves a disgusting mess on your shoes.
Monitoring this thread veeeerrry closely.
was your neighbor a cop?
>be 8
>heard that you can explode ants with a magnifying glass
>curious and want to see if its true
>get a magnifying glass and go outside to hunt
>find a few ants
>aim the magnifying glass at them and wait
>see one of the ants freaking out, and writhing in pain
>feel terrible and sick
>go back inside crying
i cant begin to understand how people can hurt another living being and feel nothing/be excited about it.
how can someone watch something in pain and agony and get giddy about it.
all of you should neck yourself. you have nothing to contribute to this world but pain and sorrow.
youd be doing everyone a favor
I never heard about putting slugs in a fire, I think a much more popular way is putting salt on them. Or at least that's what the kids did back in my day.
I don't know what you are talking about, this is not an FBI supervised thread and no users are being placed on any watchlist. Suggesting such thing could be a double tactic by the FBI or CIA niggers.
>you have nothing to contribute to this world but pain and sorrow.
im pretty sure slugs dont have a consciousness
i mean theyre not even vertebrates, so they dont even have a brain
do they even feel pain? are they even capable of suffering?
actually i dont really care either way. slugs are disgusting, all they do is eat the flowers in my garden and shit up everything with their slime. no remorse killing them whatsoever.
>implying that mods will tell you the IP and help beating up someone
Nice try, retard norman. Even if you could prove somehow (funfact, you can't) an expired thing, you would go to jail, not user.
I hate standing on them with bare feet.
Feels so fucking weird
waa waa muh feelings
it was just a dumb animal user, I bet it didn't even understand the pain it felt.
The idea that people like you get really rustled by dead animals really turns me on.
>I never heard about putting slugs in a fire, I think a much more popular way is putting salt on them. Or at least that's what the kids did back in my day.
i never tried the salt.
but we had special "slug powder" around the house, it was some special gardening poison that people use to protect their flowers from getting eaten by slugs and snails. when they crawled on that they would curl up, stop moving, and die.
the fire thing was just because i had the fire going anyway, and when i then saw a slug crawling in the vicinity, i would pick it up and throw it in the flames just to get rid of it quickly. they curl up immediately and turn black, thats all.
>joined army
>in Iraq
>see Achmed point AK and another soldier
>shoot Achmed, he dies
I have no idea why that would bother people
My man
Damn, I swear you're the type of guy who plays TF2 as scout and then taunts after every kill.
Doesn't sound extremely painful, indeed it sounds like everyday shit for most Russian babushkas.
>in france aged 8.
>find grasshopper
>initially become friends with it but begins to piss me off with erratic behaviour
>get string and tie each wing to leg of patio chair so it's stretched out
>get pin and make tiny incisions in legs
>put ice cube over it and let it melt onto it (DIY waterboarding)
>piss on it
>wait until the final day of holiday to kill it by electrocuting with AA battery and wire