>tfw gf dumps and blocks you
>been 3 years sometimes get vivid memories of us cuddling
>open whatsapp and see this realising shes gone
Lifting only helps for 2h a day
>tfw gf dumps and blocks you
>been 3 years sometimes get vivid memories of us cuddling
>open whatsapp and see this realising shes gone
Lifting only helps for 2h a day
Jesus fucking christ, get the fuck out of this board, 1. no one gives a shit
2. you are a fucking fag
get this gay r9k shit out of this board
But this is Jow Forums
well it shouldnt be,fucking Sage
Saying what we are all thinking, thank you user.
fuck off
Jow Forums is a /feels/ board, user.
Man she left you for a reason, whether its bullshit or not it's still up to her. Shit sucks.
Should have spent the next year getting swole as fuck and getting female attention - nothing feels better than that.
Can speak from experience, I still get vivid dreams of my ex where we make friends and get back together etc
>I still get vivid dreams of my ex where we make friends and get back together etc
that diddly feelerino, man.
By far the most vivid dreams I have. This feeling of happiness I have in them... almost eery.
On the bright side, I recently started going out with a new girl and things are getting kinda serious, we'll see how it goes.
they should just make an r9k general or incel general, half of the fucking threads t b h even more are not about lifting and atleast 85 percent of those threads are either they are social reatards that cant talk to people especially girls or they are this gay shit about them cuddling with some slut that cucked them and eventually left them, how much of a bitch can these faggots be, in 3 fucking years you get over a dead family member who killed himself, how fucking beta do you have to be to think about a bitch that left you before 3 years
I feel for you, OP. After 6 years of on and off stuff with my oneitis I think it's finally over. Worst part is that it's neither of us, but outside circumstances that keep splitting us up. Fuck, I hate my shitty luck so much.
Angry virgins, who have never loved or been loved.
kys, there where threads like this before but now its the majority and they are more beta then ever
>crying over a girl from three years ago
>coming to Jow Forums for lifting advice
This is like going to /tv/ and trying to start a genuine movie discussion or asking /v/ for good games. You know this place is 95% dyels with 6 months of lifting experience parroting shit they heard on some e-celeb's youtube, right?
wtf are you talking about, it sound more like you are the virgin, a girl cant be so good that you think of her for 6 years, how pathetic do you have to be to not move on, i get month or 2, if youre a fag even a year, but 6 fucking years it is like the only woman that ever showed you love
>coping this hard
It's been a few years since me and my ex split. Suddenly started having dreams of us back together and laying in bed together. Then I'll have dreams of her getting married to someone else. It ruins my whole day. I dont even really want to get back with her, I just miss the life we had made together I think. I also miss her as a person and not seeing her for so long is still sad to me.
>dat reading comprehension
We were together for 6 years, you illiterate retard.
there are some good generals like fraud and ocassionally there is a good advice but atleast make the threads not pathetic, it is the same shit over and over again, this shouldnt be like this, fit is fucking reddit tier now except there are most probbably better looking dudes on tumblr and they score more pussy most probbably, when did Jow Forums go to such shit
>when did Jow Forums go to such shit
It was always shit, you're just new. You think feel threads are new or something? Even back when was Zyzz was posting here they were common.
ok got me there, well in that case i guees we can make an exeption, that is a long fucking time to be together with someone, but you should of cut the relationship way before
I remember those days it was different, now its just too fucking gay, atleast back then it felt like the place had a meaning, it was the edgy reddit, now we are worse than fucking reddit
Why would I cut it when it was going great until she was forced to move away by her family?
Just go to /b/ or Jow Forums if all you're looking for is mindless edge.
What do you want faggot, stone age memes? Everything changes with time,or are you afraid of change? You might be a little insecure I must say. Explains alot
Nice blog post normie
>been 3 years
holy shit man, you have to get over it. she is no different than any other woman.
She's done with you, now find someone else and you will literally be just as happy as you were with her.
All women offer the same thing, companionship and intimacy. These things are not something only one girl can give you.
You can be in love with any girl who you can get along with, and it can be no different than your stupid "the one" nonsense.
now go kiss a fucking girl you faggot
again, didnt know the context, i guees you get a pass
>it's been 3 years.
Jesus christ......get over it. Find a new one already.
>She's done with you, now find someone else and you will literally be just as happy as you were with her.
He's lying, user.
Oldfag here. It's entirely possible for you to go through dozens of girls and never feel the same way again. It's entirely possible for you to go through dozens of girls and never get over "that one girl".
Time doesn't help, other girls don't help. The only thing that can possibly help is to meet someone who you fall for so dramatically that it obliterates your prior memories. That can happen, but not just any new relationship is going to do it.