Why don’t aren’t you good with women Jow Forums?
Why don’t aren’t you good with women Jow Forums?
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Why don’t aren’t you good with English OP?
why don't aren't you good with english
>don’t aren’t
I know why you aren't
I may not be good with women but at least I’m benevolent heh
kissing is awkward
Because I spent years 12-30 at 350lbs and never learned how to socialize.
lack of social skills from being a shut-in all of my life.
This. like what are they gonna do after that kiss? just sit there and force small talk with nowhere to look but in eachothers eyes? count me out!
im really kind of obnoxiously ugly.
27 yr old virgin (have held hands and kissed a girl though):
>Fat in middle school and high-school
>Good parents in many respects but distant and indirect when it came to how a man should act (beta values instillation).
>A nerd with glasses
>A face that has a mix of attractive and unattractive features that makes me about average, but strange looking (I suspect)
>high IQ plus being a right-wing sperglord, means even if I could have done it, I can't believe I am doing the right thing. I feel as though society is just as fucked as I am, so casual sex feels like a breach of my own principles and worldview. I sabotage myself because I hate the idea of giving in to our infantile social expectations and just feeding a chick's ego or pretending I am someone I am not.
>formerly fat, overly-introspective, self-critical space-alien with super high standards.
Better question: why are you fags so awful at online dating?
It's the easiest way to get laid ever.
NEETS out here can minmax every RPG known to man but can't game the easiest MMOs in history: Tinder/OKC
It doesn't work like that when you have a ugly face and you aren't integrated in a social group who can validate you to outsiders
however you may look, get fit and become a 5/10
would fuck every day
>ugly face
Take better pictures, have a good body, write a funny profile
>social group
None of my e-dating bangs ever met anyone in my social circle.
It's an MMO, and it's the easiest one in history because your only opponents are women. GAME IT.
Anytime I go to speak, my voice is too low and phlegmy. Which is a shame because when my voice is clear and projecting, it's one of my best assets (been told I should do voice acting/radio because of my voice).
I used to think it was an effect of social anxiety, but I'm starting to think I have some kind of undiagnosed reflux disorder.
And it totally goes away when I'm drinking. Which I thought was liquid courage, but is possibly just the dehydration of the throat preventing phlegm build up.
youre a cringy retard
>haha bro just minmax IRL like you do your stupid games xDDD
get a fucking clue fuckface
these incels have been shunned by their peer group for DECADES
bullied throughout high school, few or no friends in college, never known anything but the low status loser life
thats why they get so mad at your retarded normie platitudes that you sell off as "advice". you are completely missing the point.
these guys have effectively suffered from total social isolation for most of their fucking life. rejection and humiliation is all they have ever known.
these dudes are proper fucked in the head from years of emotional scarrin.
and telling them shit like "just be urself bro" "just put in more effort bro" "just minmax tinder bro" shows that your intentions arent benevolent, you are just trying to fuck with them and rile them up for laughs.
What's a good profile picture for tinder? I know you have to maximize your looks as much as possible but where should I take it
Because im fat and lack balls to pursue shit sexually.
Even then they like me.
I look handsome enough to land a girl, but I have always been really shy and introverted my entire life. Trough high school I had pretty severe acne and got pretty depressed and lost a lot of confidence. I am still battling acne, but my face is pretty clear now and I have managed to keep it that way for almost a year now, but my weird personality, confidence issues, introversion and shyness makes things difficult. I also study in a very male dominated field so there isn't a lot of women to go around. I do get laid once in a while, although it has been an entire year since I last got laid.
>i never had a girlfriend and go without sex for years at a time
>but every once in a blue moon i manage a pity fuck from a drunk whore haha totally worth it
youre an incel in denial
its fucking over for you
cant understand their logic at all
it's like thinking to play chess without knowing how the pieces move, of course you will suck
>these incels have been shunned by their peer group for DECADES
>bullied throughout high school, few or no friends in college, never known anything but the low status loser life
Me too.
I'm not telling you to "be yourself". If you were to "be yourself" on these dating sites you'd probably come off as a tryhard cringefest and freak out women. If I put my honest political beliefs, that I like anime and vidya, that I lurk al/ck/ threads and collect screencaps of the saddest stories possible, that my discord buddies powerrank school shooters based on aesthetics, do you think I'd pick up a single woman?
Fuck no.
You PLAY online dating. My game of choice was OKCupid, since there's more room to actually work. Tinder is a bad system that attracts the worst of the worst.
You deliberately AREN'T yourself until you go on dates and can actually feel a real connection with a woman. Heck that's how I found my wife who grew with me over the years and now we're both far-right and getting Jow Forums.
i'll try okcupid i guess. im getting my ass kicked on tinder.
I vomit every time I see my crush and I have never even talked to her
because I'm a 25 year old gay virgin. Women aren't my thing, or other people in general.
Couldn't have put it better. Kudus for you to be able to put yourself in other people shoes. Very few people cam do that. (Assuming you are not a incel yourself).
Main pic: your best casual looking picture but one of you that fills up the frame. You want to be seen.
>Flattering picture of you with a dog
>Flattering picture that shows your physique favorably without looking like you're trying to show off for the camera
>Flattering picture of you wearing/doing something ironic, just have something weird or attention-grabbing about the picture.
No memes. I repeat: NO MEMES.
Have a brief, witty profile. Be a bit absurd but cool and aloof. Don't go writing your fucking manifesto or about what a supreme gentleman you are.
The idea with your profile is to grab their attention. THAT'S IT. Not to give them a dossier on you and your life.
On sites where you swipe to match (Tinder/OKC) DO NOT SWIPE RIGHT ON EVERYTHING. Not even MOST things. These sites have algorithms, they have secret profile scores. Being too thirsty on swiping means you get tanked in the algorithms and won't show up as much.
On sites where you can send messages PLAY THE NUMBERS. Craft a sweet, complimentary, GENERIC brief paragraph of an introductory message that shows you're not just sending her "nice tits" or "wana fuk" or "hey/hi/hello/whats up" or worse the "i wanna suck your toes" types. Females get bombarded by those. The key here is STAND OUT. Write that message and send it out to literally every female that mildly catches your interest. That doesn't seem to affect you in the matching.
For example:
>"Hey there [woman], I'm [your name], and I know these intro messages are awkward as hell, but I came across your profile and just had to say hi. You seem like a bright, sweet, and fascinating girl, not to mention insanely fricken cute. [insert sentence of any details you'd like to mention, or just skip.] I'd love to [chat/go out/whatever] sometime and get to know you better."
This may seem like scum tactics but fuck it. It works and it's no more dishonest than makeup.
>Have a brief, witty profile. Be a bit absurd but cool and aloof.
this is where i always fuck up.
Is writing Supreme gentlman in my instagram bio ok?
Just cut the flab on your profile.
Be relatable about what a clusterfuck online dating is, don't brag about the gym or what a smart fucker you are or whatever. You don't want to be there, they don't want to be there (probably).
If you got a good career, mention it once in the appropriate context, women know what makes money and are attracted to a guy who can take care of himself and them, but given the ubiquity of feminism-by-osmosis these days it's not a good idea to go full-patriarch.
Sure if you literally never want to get laid then go right ahead.
Then what should I write??
>finally attractive and fit enough for women
>some hot freshman is fucking obsessed with me, good sex and all
>still just want (((her)))
I miss when I was a beta and weak, I don't think making it was worth it
My main pic is going to be "The weak should fear the strong" and then the one with the dog will be my dog, but it will say "Idk whose dog this is"
Don't do stuff with others, so I don't get a chance to meet women. You know? I just don't do social stuff enough, or in fact, almost at all. I know how to socialize just fine, though I'm a bit quiet and don't offer too much myself, I can hold convos and stuff just fine, nothing weird going on there. It's just, I don't go to places where that happens naturally, and I don't initiate contact or start events or anything, so I get acquaintances, and that's it. It never develops further cause I take no action, which is sad.
How does this affect your abilities with women?
I dunno, something funny but nonthreatening.
Post your profile and we can critique.
>The weak should fear the strong
Wow bro mondo edgy that's definitely going to make women feel super safe meeting you over the internet.
It just makes me less likely to talk in general and definitely adds an anxiety when people talk to me. So if a girl expresses interest, I become self conscious about how shit my voice is going to sound and ruins any potentially good dynamic.
>put yourself in other people shoes
it only works when youve actually been on both sides - in this case: bully and bullying victim, at different times.
the thing is, normies absolutely have no fucking clue about just how bad this shit fucks people up inside. i know they dont because ive been there and participated in it with them, side by side. its just a group thing, everybody does it, nobody thinks about it for much besides being grateful that they're not the one on the receiving end.
for them its just a little thing that happens, stops halfway through high school, cant be a big deal.
they simply have no idea about how brutal the damage is. they are not even remotely aware of how soul crushing and hopeless life is for a man with zero social status (which is where bullying puts you) and they especially cannot comprehend how thoroughly fucked up a persons social development is after having been a complete outcast throughout the most important developmental period of his life.
I forgot that also I will be doing the finger-ring thing in the main pic with my arm flexing.
because I'm a 23 yo manlet and only attract niche women
Not everybody who is bullied ends up scarred for life, though. What determines how long the trauma lasts?
Scott Adams has a trick when socializing at parties or whatnot. If you quietly hum "happy birthday" to yourself before you speak, when you speak you should be speaking in your "perfect voice".
Try talking to yourself, then hum "happy birthday", and immediately try again.
Give it a shot. I haven't tried it out too much but I have noticed a difference.
It also helps to know what you're going to talk about before you open your mouth, then the anxiety doesn't clamp you down. I know "The Art of Manliness" or whatever is a total shekelgrabbing meme but there are some decent tips in this video.
>Post your profile and we can critique.
"i like doing Olympics lifts, indie music and just started getting into photography
It's new and there's nothing on it not even a profile pic
Never heard of that trick before. Just tried it and it does seems to clear me up better. Thanks user.
>boring shit about me also I go to the gym look at my muscles
Nothing there to grab attention. Remember profiles are not for finding your one-and-only, they are to GRAB ATTENTION.
The only people who write out whole "one and only" profiles are really, REALLY fucking miserable women who have either hit the wall at 30 or single mothers, or both. Sometimes you can manipulate this to bang them by coming off as the one earnest guy who is actually interested in them for who they are, but you and I know these types are nothing you want attached to you for the long term if at all.
Is this for Tinder? You need something punchy and offbeat. Off the top of my head: "Into photography - take pictures of me like one of your french boys".
>Not everybody who is bullied ends up scarred for life
most keep it to themselves forever and never talk about or admit to it, for obvious reasons
>What determines how long the trauma lasts?
how intense it was and how long it lasted
some manage to get out by switching schools and recover after a while, others dont
I have a stutter and lisp
Exaggerate your height online, just don't catfish about anything in your pictures like hiding your fat. Just say you're 6'. Once they've shown up to the date they've already invested enough that they're already there and the date can proceed.
yeah tinder. thats why i mean man. it feels corny to me if i try to overhype shit besides lifting that im good at. still learning photography and Im learning how to play bass,
PSA: Don't engage incels, don't reply to incel posts, don't entertain incel ideology.
Ignore them and they'll wander off to another board.
this whole posturing feels so fucking fake and repulsive to me
im not gonna create a massive fake online persona just to get tinder thots.
if they expect me to act like a fucking clown to have any chance at success then i'd rather stay incel for life and go full elliot rodger at some point.
>I stutter AKA natural beatboxing. Fight me.
There you go.
You aren't overhyping shit. Overhyping shit IS corny. Even mentioning you're into olympic weightlifting is corny. When you're chatting sure talk about how you love getting to the gym but don't advertise it: your pictures should tell enough of that for you.
motherfucker this whole board is nothing but a giant cope
its a bunch of incels desperately trying to find ways to escape their inceldom, has been this way ever since it was created
yeah this is why I can't get laid. im corny af and can't find it in me to lie about how cool i am when im not.
>he thinks modern dating was the norm since always.
cause im 5'4
Fuck you. You're one of a sea of men with dicks trying to get them wet. Women look at online dating like a field of barbed dandelion-cocks, any one of which could possibly rape them mind you. You need to STAND OUT.
Once you've got your foot in the door you can small-talk, get to know them, ask what brought them to the website, what their experiences have been, a great trick is asking them to tell you things about themselves that aren't on their profiles.
It's not fake, it's MATING.
No, that's a story you tell yourself to explain why you aren't getting laid. You can tell dad jokes and be a bit goofy and a lot of girls lowkey love that shit. You just can't come off as a sweaty autist.
>he thinks female nature has fundamentally changed in 2 generations.
You dumb as fuck my dude.
alright bro imma try harder. think i need to take a break from Jow Forums. too much self-hating has killed my confidence
>>he thinks female nature has fundamentally changed in 2 generations.
Not what i implied. But brainlets like you need to strawmen in order to win internet arguments. I bet you post on Jow Forums also.
>You just can't come off as a sweaty autist.
In other, more simpler, words, don't be ugly
>Fuck you. You're one of a sea of men with dicks trying to get them wet. Women look at online dating like a field of barbed dandelion-cocks, any one of which could possibly rape them mind you. You need to STAND OUT.
>Once you've got your foot in the door you can small-talk, get to know them, ask what brought them to the website, what their experiences have been, a great trick is asking them to tell you things about themselves that aren't on their profiles.
>It's not fake, it's MATING.
if thats how things are, then there simply is no hope.
i refuse to compromise. they refuse to compromise.
well that only leaves the option of violence. i know you all would rather have us roll over and kill ourselves, but im not gonna do you that favor.
george sodini, elliott rodger and alek minassian were only the beginning.
I had low self esteem for a very long time, to the point where I felt unfuckable. Then through sheer chance a qtgf landed in my lap and she actually thought I was really attractive, I realized I had some market value. However due to all that wasted time I have absolutely 0 game or even the courage to approach.
My advice to any young 'incels' out there. Go out to the bat and don't stop no matter how many times you strike out.
I definitely can’t pull off 6’, maybe 5’11 if they’re real short. Honestly as long as they’re shorter or the same height when they’re in heels it doesn’t bother me
>don't be ugly
Yeah, exactly. You can control that. Even if your face is fucked up you can
>get fit
>have clear skin
>have a good haircut
>wear decent clothes
If you do that then whatever facial structure you have will probably not tank you unless you're full blown Quasimodo.
Yes, dating today sucks in a lot of ways. The patriarchy is dead, religion has no authority, and there is no longer a societal road-map with clearly defined rules on how to meet and court women.
That doesn't mean you still can't get laid, in fact getting laid has never been easier.
Hit up tall girls.
Not even kidding.
There's no getting through to people with entrenched victim mentalities. They will perform any and all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're right and the whole world is wrong and they aren't responsible for their station in life.
I missed the key windows in my teens due to being generally shy. I managed to get a really cute girl to actually fall for me last year but I still couldn't bring myself to kiss her. As recently as March she was still expressing romantic interest but I think she's given up on me and got back with an ex or something by now.
Awful feeling.
you used some lovely imagery there my dude
>just get 5 haircuts and take 10 showers bro, you'll be a chad in no time
>Spooky skeleton body
>Weird greasy haircut
>CoD shirt
Tell me where I'm wrong again?
you're right man
i took a shower and this is what happened
now i'm slaying every day
Nice meme, faggot.
>they aren't responsible for their station in life.
Most incels are perfectly aware that they are responsible for the situation they are in. That is why they usually hate themselves.
>They will perform any and all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're right
>that guy who is ugly, has parents who never gave a shit about him, was bullied all trough school by his peers... is a incel totally because of himself.
Funny thing is that when i confronted a "roastie" because she was laughing at a typical incel this was the type of response i got: "He doesn't have to be like *that*"
>"He doesn't have to be like *that*"
She's right.
This is the same attitude Jow Forums takes towards fatties. Just apply it to yourself regarding your spergy shit.
>They will perform any and all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're right and the whole world is wrong and they aren't responsible for their station in life.
i mean yeah
when youre short, ugly, and got bullied from a young age, there isnt much you can do to change that
fatties can un-fat themselves by just eating less. its that simple.
bullied kids can't un-bully themselves no matter what they do
>self reported high IQ
i think i found the reason, pal.
I hope you don't mind constantly being taken advantage of.
>Funny thing is that when i confronted a "roastie" because she was laughing at a typical incel this was the type of response i got: "He doesn't have to be like *that*"
Except she's correct. Adopting a passive attitude and digging your head in the sand at taking steps to change is pathetic. It's just as pathetic as a tub of lard (raised to be obese by his equally fat parents) who blames his weight on 'muh geneticks'.
women are shallow ingorant and naive
the provide nothing to me, why should i give a fuck about them?
you already do.
I've screwed up opportunities in the past because I take too long to make any kind of move. And then of course there's the times I've gone for it and completely misread the situation. Signs that are definitely flirtatious from some girls are just friendliness from others. Confusing as hell man.
well if you say so
>Just ignore every life experience you've had since you were born, dude lmao.
Humans don't work like that, my simple minded friend. Perhaps if you spent more time around one you would know that.
>This is the same attitude Jow Forums takes towards fatties. Just apply it to yourself regarding your spergy shit.
Jow Forums doesn't mock fat people for being fat. Jow Forums mocks fat people who give excuses and spout the stupidest shit to justify their fatness.
Mocking fat people just because they are fat is just not cool.
Your attempt to make a comparison would be correct if i was here trying to justify my inceldom as a good thing with absurd rationalizations and huge leaps of logic.
You can change the mindset around those things. Short, ugly people have managed success with women and life, despite what screeching incels claim.
Think of it this way: What did the bullies pick on you for?
Was it for acting like a weird faggot, being chubby/lanklet, looking gross in general?
Did it occur to you that they were right and you could've changed all that stuff in one summer?
Not saying it's entirely your fault. I don't want you to feel bad about yourself. If you were poor or had a garbage home life that's not your fault, you don't have to carry that weight on your heart. You can assign the blame properly to your parents, your protectors, whoever was supposed to be there to keep you from that hell.
I was the same way, my dad was a fatso and he never sat down with me, talked this stuff out, and offered to help me grow out of my insecurities and improve myself. He just left me floundering and I was gross and miserable. The most he put into it was forcing me into team sports where I underperformed and made a fool of myself, only extrapolating the problem.
I'm guessing a lot of us had similar circumstances, and developed the copiest of coping mindsets we could to protect ourselves.
The problem is the coping methods you used in a destructive childhood, the ones that actually did keep you alive and sane enough, are exactly the opposite of the ones you need to become a growing, successful adult.
The bullies aren't there anymore. You're not being forced to go to a literal half-day prison where you're in a psychotic hell of constant peer jockeying for status and acceptance.
You're a free man, an adult, with agency and the ability to associate with whoever you desire. You're safe now, user. You don't have to be scared anymore, you can become who you want to be.
i refuse to buy into this bullshit. im average at best and almost everyone is super nice to me. if anything its guys who are sometimes cunts
Also, how do you expect someone who had pretty much only negative social interactions to be more sociable? Just be yourself?
>Jow Forums mocks fat people who give excuses and spout the stupidest shit to justify their fatness.
>Did it occur to you that they were right and you could've changed all that stuff in one summer?
bro just grow taller lmao
just fix your eyesight and lose the glasses haha
like bro just be normal lol
you either were negative yourself and did not realize (i used to be a huge cunt without realizing it) or the interactions arent negative, you just think that way because you have anxiety (i still have this, i always think i did something wrong)
i dont buy into this only had negative social interaction thing honestly. isnt there anyone who is nice to you? at least a bartender or something? never asked for a cigarette on the street? or like made a small talk with a random dude on the toilet?
i dont buy into this dude. there are certain people in my life i cant stand and would avoid at any cost but they are rare
I literally never mentioned height. Being a manlet is hard, but if all the men who were short never got laid then there would be no manlets, so clearly that's not enough to stop you.
Glasses can be attractive, or just get contacts you faggot.
Stop telling yourself these gay-ass stories. They're shit.
>im average at best and almost everyone is super nice to me
and hows all that niceness working out for you so far? all those girls being super nice to you, well how many actually fucked or even dated you?
>dude just ignore the last 15 years lmao
>like, just pretend none of it ever happened haha
>just forget about it hehe
You can move past those life experiences, and choose to stop letting them ruin your life. Or you can keep masturbating yourself over how much of a victim you are and choose feeling self righteous over being healthy. Your call.
>Jow Forums doesn't mock fat people for being fat. Jow Forums mocks fat people who give excuses and spout the stupidest shit to justify their fatness.
Likewise, we're now mocking you for the stupid shit you're justifying. You are justifying your inceldom. You're not saying it's good, but you're still justifying it. You're still stamping the ground and insisting your incredibly self-destructive mentality is correct and that everything is hopeless and the game is rigged and there's no moving past the first-world trauma you've been subject to.
are you retarded?
you literally posted this:
>Did it occur to you that they were right and you could've changed all that stuff in one summer?
well you fucking tell me, can an 11 year old boy who gets trashed for being short and wearing glasses "change all that stuff in one summer"?