Just why couldn't I be born a girl? Why do I keep envying them so much? I know this is not healthy.
Just why couldn't I be born a girl? Why do I keep envying them so much? I know this is not healthy
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Why do you want to be a girl user?
Before you do something stupid, keep in mind that the suicide rate for people with gender dysphoria is virtually the same before and after their transition.
Taking hormonal therapy won't help you if that's what you're thinking about, what will help you is a therapist.
Do it so people can cringe at the ungodly hormonal nightmare you'll inevitably become
I dunno but don't be petty about huh?
it's unfair isn't it. women are born in paradise pretty much, they experience heaven on earth. the rest of us are worth less than dirt.
I don't know, it's hard to describe in a comprehensible, understandable way.
Maybe I just want to be more attractive to boys? Idk.
Sometimes I almost feel like it was something I was meant to be, but was robbed off.
If it's as high as for trannies, guess I'm fucked long-term.
I'm not a tranny and I don't intend to become one.
I am saying this because believe it or not, wanting to become a trap is common among lonely asocial shutins.
If you really want to suck a dick, go suck a dick and see if you like it. But for the love of god don't fuck up your body to the point of no return.
first you need to figure out why you feel that way. I cant give any advice otherwise.
Gosh i want to stick my dick in OP and make him my little bitch so much ahhjh
>be you
>born again as a girl
>in some rape ridden hellhole in Africa or as an Arab sex slave in France or UK.
OP is really fucked if there's no logical thoughts behind it and it's an almost automatic feeling.
>OP is really fucked
>if there's no logical thoughts behind it and it's an almost automatic feeling.
I feel like this describes it basically.
Because it is probably never gonna go away then. How long have you had this problem?
is your fantasy being a little girl or teenager? eventually, you will get older and being an older man is much better than being a woman
I agree with Are you gay? Then it's possible those feelings are just you wanting to be feminine, there's nothing wrong with that. I wouldn't go getting on drugs and chopping your dick off though, that's drastic.
Just see if being a femboy is enough to make you happy.
I think I realized when I was like 11 or 12.
It sucks being old female or male.
>I don't know, it's hard to describe in a comprehensible, understandable way.
>Maybe I just want to be more attractive to boys? Idk.
>Sometimes I almost feel like it was something I was meant to be, but was robbed off.
I'm not one of the guys you're replying to, but I have a theory on why you might feel this way: You want women to find you beautiful and desirable, the same way you find them beautiful and desirable. You want your body to be considered erotic and sexy. You might be sexually submissive, but not a masochist.
You want to be treated like you have inherent value as a sexual being instead of being treated like you have to make up for being born as "the ugly gender" by doing a bunch of other stuff in order to "earn" sex, like it's a prize or something, or some huge favor women do for men who jump through the requisite hoops. And you know that even if you did succeed in doing all that other stuff, and did get sex because of it, it wouldn't satisfy you, because you wouldn't get the feeling of being desired. You wouldn't get the authentic human connection you want.
That's why I sometimes wish I was born female, anyway. Being born gay would have worked as well.
>it's unfair isn't it. women are born in paradise pretty much, they experience heaven on earth.
Well, except for the really ugly ones, but things are no better for really ugly men, so that's sort of a moot point.
I'm not him, but the thought of being "the older man" repulses me. I talked to one therapist about my concerns about age and he said "You don't think there are a lot of girls out there who would want to be with an older guy?" I guess he thought he was being reassuring, but he was actually missing the point. I don't want to play the role that's expected of "the older guy".
Why are you so averse to the idea of hrt op?
Seek psyquiatric assistance.You may be trans or may have some issues that induce those desires, but only a professional can help you know if it is one way or another. Needless to say a board for losers, incels and misfits isn't a good place to take advice from so go and do the only logical thing to do.
I know the answer.
Being a man requires a person to be a leader , have confidence and be able to protect other. Becoming a man is scary.
Meanwhile women are allowed to be softer and more vulnarable. Men wanting to be a women are often intimidated by manhood.
I don't want to be a tranny.
I don't find girls attractive, except in inspirational sense.
>I don't find girls attractive, except in inspirational sense.
Okay, forget that part then. So you're attracted to men? Does the other stuff make any sense in terms of the way you'd like a partner to treat you?
You aren't born gay you become it. People can condition themselves to be attracted to anything if they watch enough porn.
I really don't think so. If that were true, men would be going gay in huge numbers to get away from the bullshit expected of them in the straight world.
>I don't want to be a tranny.
No one wants to, it's not something anyone chooses to be. Even if you don't transition you're still trans and you will keep hating yourself and transtition is most likely your only chance to escape it. If you're actually trans, that is. So go to the darn phsychiatrist already.
They are except they consider traps women instead of men.
This post is the most accurate. People who aren't trans don't deal with constant envy of the other gender. Go talk to a doctor
That sums me up too. I just want to be pretty and not like I am. Fuck being how I am.
That sounds more like they're looking for approximations of women rather than going all the way to being fully attracted to men. Their orientation hasn't really changed at its core.
And the African and Muslim ones. They kinda just die or are treated as property.
HRT is a good path dude, just do it
Penis means man. They also insult the vagina and want a feminine penis. Still gay.
>People who aren't trans don't deal with constant envy of the other gender.
I'm not so sure about that.
>Specifically, a "male lesbian" is a heterosexual man who wishes that he had been born a woman, but who (even if he had been a woman) could only make love to another woman and never to a man. Unlike the transsexual, the "male lesbian" does not feel himself to be "a woman trapped inside the body of a man". Moreover, none of the love-shy men studied for this research entertained any wishes or fantasies of any kind pertinent to the idea of obtaining a sex change operation. All wanted to keep their male genitalia; all wanted to remain as males. However, all deeply envied the perogatives of the female gender and truly believed that these perogatives fitted their own inborn temperaments far more harmoniously than the pattern of behavioral expectations to which males are required to adhere.
Basically, a non-trans guy might still envy women because they get to play the passive role, and his personality is better suited to that role than the "pursuer" role that men are expected to play.
Nobody wants to be a tranny, the only people who say they do are freakshows seeking attention
Its a mental illness, not a choice, and its going to suck and be painful whether you do or dont decide to transition
It really comes down to if you think it would work for you, if you have the potential to pass as a girl and love your life as one and you really do have gender dysphoria then it will make you a lot happier.
But if you dont think itll work for you you may need some medication to help repress those feelings because they can get very intense
Basically just see a therapist about it and if they diagnose you with gender dysphoria then consider whether you can make the transition or not, dont wait too long to do it because its your happiness on the line. But also understand that if you wont be able to live as a girl then it wont make you happier
Transition only helps if its successful, and it isnt always right