I am a Muslim and I'm going to drink alcohol for the first time, what should i drink anons? I would really like to try Red Wine first. Any suggestions or Brands i should look for? p.s. i don't mind spending extra because I want it to be a bit special.
I am a Muslim and I'm going to drink alcohol for the first time, what should i drink anons...
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Allah will be displeased! Think about what you are doing, brother. It's very haram!
Where are you from where you can't get alcohol?
I'll tell you, alcohol doesn't taste good at all at first but drink enough and you'll feel good
General rule of thumb with alcohol: Don't get the very cheapest stuff, it'll taste (more) awful. But don't bother with the really expensive stuff either, you won't be able to tell the difference between a $100 bottle of wine and a decent-but-mass-market $20 bottle of wine. Expensive liquor exists mainly as a status symbol for people who want to show off how much money they have to blow.
Well red wine is pretty shit imo white wine is 10x better. And youre gonna have to drink a fuckton. If youre new to drinking id sugest vodka and whatever soda you like.
Even really good red wine will taste like ass to you, you won't be able to appreciate it as a first time alcohol drinker.
Go for a mixed drink cocktail that has flavors you like in it.
well it's legal in Dubai. but, I am currently in Alberta studying.
alright cool
As a connoisseur, I can tell you that yes, yes there is a big difference between those price points.
It will not matter until you build up your taste for it though.
Alcohol is for the weak. I am not even religious, just someone who has no interest in drinking.
there are many types of red wine, so what i'd recommend is that you try several varietals (types of grapes). If you don't want to get drunk do it over the course of a couple days. Also, be careful, wine hangovers are literally the worst, much more painful than beer hangovers.
If you want to get into liquor - skip the girly drinks (unless you're a girl........). A great introductory cocktail is the Old Fashioned. If you are in the USA have it with bourbon, a nice one like Makers Mark or Knob Creek.
yeah, real men do meth
>Makers and Knob
Wow you're such a fucking pleb.
Vodka is the best.
cheap and fast results
you fucking elitist douche, it is OPs first time trying alcohol, the top shelf stuff would be wasted on their taste-buds
Yo you guys ever get really tired and lose all interest in doing anything late in the night when going out? I've been looking for a way to counter that. I try to stay fed and hydrated, but maybe there's something I am not doing right.
Remember op, the cheaper the drink, the worse your hangover will be unless you're drinking water all night to avoid it.
Anyone that offers you cisco or some other cheap as shit 'distilled malt beverage' isn't your friend.
There's more than one study that shows that people think wine tastes better when they know its expensive, but that when they do a blinded test, they can't pick the difference between cheap and expensive wines. You're just fooling yourself because you'd feel like a bit of a yutz if you admitted that you spent all that money for nothing.
This OP. Get some orange juice and a $20 bottle of vodka. Then do 1/5 vodka and 4/5 orange juice. Nice alcohol doesn't taste "better" per say. Also do weed instead of alcohol if you have the choice. Far better and less harmful.
Then in a few years time to repent he runs over a bunch of randomers in a lorry.
What do you enjoy? Sweet things? Sour things? Hot things? Bitter things? What's your preference?
southern comfort
tastes like nyquil
>Yo you guys ever get really tired and lose all interest in doing anything late in the night
It's called aging, there's no cure for it. It means you are maturing and losing interesting in pointless aimless "fun". That's a good thing.
Stay safe user, never drink alone the first time ask your bf to join.
I'm just sitting here like, he won't be able to appreciate those either
If he's getting anything, just going 'well' is fine enough.
I was making fun of you though, if that's what you think is actually good stuff.
>As a connoisseur,
t.has drunk over 200 cans of special brew and tyskie and wakes up in a different park bench in london each time
Is that your ass?
>people did blind taste tests and couldn't tell
Or maybe most people don't give a fuck about the drink and never refined their palate.
I wish it were that easy for me to get smashed
We were talking wine though, but yes I like fancy beer. I brew, it's a hobby at this point.
I don't know man. I am 19 and healthy. However I agree that aimless "fun" is almost always a let down. It's good to have a goal for the night.
I found you a really good recipe OP, it's really tasty stuff.
makes sense. Anyway, alcohol doesn't taste good at first, but once it hits your bloodstream you'll feel amazing. It's an intoxicating chemical, so it changes your brain chemistry. Brands don't really matter except for taste, the only thing that really changes effect is amount of ethanol so whatever. I don't drink anything except the cheapest shit so I don't know what brands to recommend. In New Jersey we have Yuengling beer, but they probably don't have that there.
definitely sweet
wine is gross doesn't taste like how it looks
get something sweet
Actually that makes you even worse at it.
>The first experiment took place in 2005. The last was in Sacramento earlier this month. Hodgson's findings have stunned the wine industry. Over the years he has shown again and again that even trained, professional palates are terrible at judging wine.
>In 2008 a study of 6,000 blind tastings by Robin Goldstein in the Journal of Wine Economics found a positive link between the price of wine and the amount people enjoyed it. But the link only existed for people trained to detect the elements of wine that make them expensive.
For me to be able to have fun for the whole night i need to have a goal. Which is usually to get laid or get someone laid.
World is your oyster bruv
Pick any basic liquor like vodka, rum etc, mix with fruit juice you like and viola, you in.
They but then you usually have to go to a club unless you're going out with a group that already has girls in it.
My wallet doesn't really like clubs :(
Rum might be good for you, with coke or some other soda.
You might like Gin since it works well with various sweet joiced and sodas like tonic or sprite.
Irish Cream might be your thing.
Sweet or semi-sweet wine is an option, but be warned, it can produce bad hangovers.
Just remember that fun is that time when you are both engaged, but also challenged at the same time, and with a good ratio. Just doing something pleasant isn't always fun. That feeling when time flies by without you noticing it happens when both your mind, body, and soul are engaged in something and it's not too easy and not too hard, and it's a bit new a but also a bit familiar, it's not too slow and not too fast.
Moderation is key. Just doing the same thing you've been always doing with your friends (going to a bar, getting drunk, dancing, whatever) is not gonna work. You have to find something more.
Can you actually not get any form of liqour outside clubs? Walking into a club sober is cancer
juices, I meant juices.
but thats haram user. wouldnt you get sin, and displeased by allah. Also, your imaan goes, and for 40 days you cant read prayer.
doesnt that scare you as a muslim?
Can muslims repent like they do in christianity?
What wines were they comparing though? I think that honestly has a lot to do with it, not as much the price point.
I said I had a refined palate, but I'm not on the level of those judges.
Picking out tannins and being able to guess steps in their process is one thing, making a career out of it is about how well you can bullshit your way through a full analysis when all you've done is a tasting. It's overthinking.
A well developed cab is wonderful, but young cabs are awful. The price point reflects it.
As for the 200 ones, you caught me, I don't actually have enough anecdotal knowledge of what they're like to give you a real response about them.
fuck yo negativity, old bastard. die already, you negative spreading fuck. you make earth less worth living whilst being here
Yes dummy, with jihad. OP is a suicide bomber in the making.
Interesting, maybe there's something to it. What else is there to do on a night out though? The only thing that comes to mind is murdering prostitutes but I don't think anyone else would want to do that.
Seriously though, it usually ends up with us roaming the city blocks and just dying somewhere. I could do with some ideas.
Of course you can get shitfaced beforehand but then your alcohol level is only decreasing for the rest of the night and you feel like shit.
You're not a Muslim, congrats
Ask someone who drinks for a recommendation. Don't listen to wine snobs. Wine doesn't really get better with price after you get over the 10 euro mark, There are many different types of all kinds of alcohol. The first time you drink you won't be accustomed to the taste of alcohol, so just drinking some beer, cider or mixing a stronger drink with juice or something is probably the best!
It largely depends on you social circle and how popular you friends are. House parties are infenatley better than clubs. And its also alot easier to to pick up girls there.
Yeah just a random bitter white whore
None of the women of the other races are siding with you
I don't understand the appeal of alcohol at all
OP here and soon im gonna be this
Have you tried sports?
Bowling? Billiards? Darts? Boules? Parkour?
There's so many possibilities.
Making the best paper airplane? Drawing?
Maybe music? Do you play instruments? This goes well with alcohol, and also bitches love a guitarist.
>beer is good for your first drink
This is the most incorrect thing in the thread.
get a bottle of the 63% wray and nephew white rum and mix with sprite 1:4 or 5 ratio senpai. Only non gay mixer
Pineapple juice is better but this is good advice. Be careful, though. Don't drink too much to fast.
>It's very haram!
He's abandoned us.
>Only non gay mixer
Gin and tonic would like a word with you.
Hey user, I support your decision. Alcohol is great, fasting sucks.
Start with a lager just to get used to the feeling, make sure its nice and chilled, maybe Corona or Peroni, once you understand alcohol, feel free to experiment with wine, if white, a Pino and if Red, a Shiraz. Do not start with spirits or any sweet alcohols, you will get mislead and get too drunk.
That is true, I always dreamed about those american house parties and shit. Sadly I am from a bolshevik country. I'd love to live the stereotypical american teen story.
Good ideas, I just don't know about parkour, that sounds a little unsafe hammered lmao.
Not bad advice, but just eating beforehand would make a big difference
>Good ideas, I just don't know about parkour, that sounds a little unsafe hammered lmao.
Been there done that, although usually I'd just be baked when doing parkour with my friends. Also, why does it have to be drunk? Just do it without drinking, if it click with you and your friends you're gonna enjoy it more than just getting drunk.
Use orange flavored vodka and Triple Sec
OP your ass is white as snow
Who are you fooling you're not a muslim
Apple cider is decently sweet and not too strong. Remember, moderation is key. Don't be like a dumb western teenager on friday night.
my favorite liquor is jagermeister that's been in the freezer for a couple of hours. it tastes good and not alcoholic at all. You can mix it with red bull for a jager bomb (this tastes bad, unless you really like red bull), or you could mix it with pineapple or orange juice (not the super sweet OJ though). You can google jarger drinks though, but I don't think it needs to be mixed in a drink to taste good.
If you can find mead, drink that.
>moderation is key
As with everything, but especially with alcohol, since it's so easy to forget yourself. Do regular (30 min?) breaks to get your bearings and guesstimate your smashness level. Standing still and looking at something static like a window helps this process.
0 - cold sober
1 - light buzz, grin is there
2 - just right, fun, but not difficult
3 - starts impeding your regular functions
4 - you're about to black out
5 - doesn't matter, you're gone already
The key is to learn to stay within 1-2 during the week and 2-3 during the weekend.
So are you renouncing your wicked religion, or just using this as an excuse to rape and blame it on being unfamiliar with alcohol?
lemme guess, overbearing but ultimately well meaning dad sang praises of your eventual immense success in islam, so sent you to boarding school, where your first kiss was with a big lipped feminine boy arabian, who everyone was suspicious of those alone hours in a both locked rooms together, us desperately trying to unlock our puberty,as we kissed and tussled on each other bedsheets, when your dad sent you there to read quran, but as well as your first kiss, you got your first punch, and because you were so pampered you got your first bullies.
back to young, you asked every and all questions about islam, but it never answered. just bullshit, accept accept. Then you reached the athiest community online, and your ego was rewarded immensely for this natural skepticism. but their circlejerking only fed your hatred, so you live your days ignorantly happy of religion after leaving your parents, and just joke about religion to satisfy what time you spent on it earlier
Up yours infidel.
nah it's just cuz i like to be a free man without chains
Yea I might be alright sober, but that's not usually an option because nobody wants to do anything sober and I don't want to be the only one behind the curve.
Might try it some time though, maybe just a slight buzz but mostly sober and see what happens.
>overbearing but ultimately well meaning dad sang praises of your eventual immense success in islam, so sent you to boarding school, where your first kiss was with a big lipped feminine boy arabian, who everyone was suspicious of those alone hours in a both locked rooms together, us desperately trying to unlock our puberty,as we kissed and tussled on each other bedsheets, when your dad sent you there to read quran, but as well as your first kiss, you got your first punch, and because you were so pampered you got your first bullies.
So OP you want to do the only intoxicant that's confirmed to kill braincells.
>nobody wants to do anything sober
Your friends are trash.
>I don't want to be the only one behind the curve
Stop being a fucking sheep, lead, bring new ideas, organize things. Don't just follow, if you do that in your teens you'll be doing that all your life.
no it's just that i got a date a a cute girl tomorrow at a fancy restaurant and I want to drink with her, but i have no expertise in this area so i thought i could ask you guys what should i get
>You don't want to be Muslim that means you're gay
I know it's written in the Quran to be a dick to anyone that's not a Muslim, but we're having a nice thread here.
Sulphuric Acid. Feel free to share with some fellow muslims
>never drunk
>wants to drunk to impress cutie
Oh god, this is a beautiful disaster in the making.
You MUST come back here and tell us what happened and how you ruined the night.
naa, arab boi was cute as heck. still would bang, and im 21
nigga unless you can use magic. asking a barman for tonic is gay as fuck.
You're going fancy and trying to impress her?
That's a whole other field man
Get a whiskey drink, or go red wine but just expect it to taste like ass.
Every time I order one I get that brief look of bartender respect
What the fuck are you talking about. Tonic is fucking great.
You're probably one of those people that wouldn't order water at a bar when they notice they are already too drunk. Sad.
They have to be absolutely blackout drunk to even consider dancing or doing anything silly. Also it's not that I follow, I meant that it's not as fun being around drunk people when you're not drunk yourself (and vice versa).
gawd you're making me nervous
I'm currently driving to nearest liquor store to get a drink so at least i can get used to it so tomorrow i don't look like a ass when i drink in front of her
bro its known in UK as a girls drink, the 2 lowest calorie ingredients. dont tell me your getting a straw and a slice of lime too?
Try the double wray and lemonade. the lemonade is so you dont die.
Why don't you be a man and stick to your guns, even if not for religious reasons(which are silly mind you) then for rational reasons, since someone inexperienced with alcohol has a very high chance of doing something really stupid while drunk for 2nd time.
I'd recommend just telling her you don't want to drink because you don't have experience and you were to try it wouldn't be at a restaurant/bar but at your own place preferably for a more controlled environment.
I dunno man, well it's a long story but I'm gonna try to summarize it for you. It started as a friendship with her she knows that i don't drink/never drunk and she doesn't mind it. I actually like her and she knows so last Friday i asked her if she was interested in going on a date with me. She accepted, now i have been secretly thinking about drinking for a long time too. So I finally decided to have my first drink with her since we really like each other a lot.
That's kinda sweet, but you are also playing with fire. I recommend you set a clear limit of how many drinks you are gonna have that night and don't go over it.
If you're gonna have wine 2 glasses should be fine. 3 might be going into dangerous territory.
Personally I'm a big fan of Chianti red wine, but I'm not sure how expensive/easy to find that will be in Canada.
Either way, I didn't really like alcoholic drinks when I started.
Sweet stuff is good though, I would recommend Limoncello or Baileys. If you want to fix yourself a tasty strong drink, make yourself a Black Russian (vodka + kahlua).
Thanks user for the advice!
Also, red wine is best enjoyed with food. Cook yourself a nice steak and pour yourself a glass.
yup yup i was initially going for that classic combo of steak and some red wine
Try some spiced wine, it's the best, it has a little bit of an alcoholic taste but overall it's genuinely delicious
Its kind of ironic that the men are usually the ones that quit islam