what do you guys think of my first homemade weapon? i think its pretty cool
do you have any homemade weapons?
post them!
What do you guys think of my first homemade weapon? i think its pretty cool
>Put aids on it
>Now its a one hit kill
Awesome op
Does it have lifegain on every hit?
here's another one i just made
ok i didnt really "make" it, but i've repurposed it - i can throw this at an enemy
I used to make pokey knuckles out of paper clips.
Never had to use them but in theory it would hurt like a bitch if punched with it.
forgot pic here it is, originhhhall
no it's just a sword, nothing magical about it
but to kill someone with it would be a magical feeling i guess
This is all I need, the swords are are for looks though.
this is the catcher
i also didnt make it but will use it as a mean of trapping or catching the enemy if necessary
my arsenal is getting bigger
Nobody will beat op in the beta uprising
guys i just made a weapons breakthrough!
i call it The Fist Enhancer
if your fist is not strong enough to damage an enemy enhance your fists with the fist enhancer! you can take it in your hand and start punching the enemy with it
some tactical equipment also
this is the Short Range Mobile Phone Trapper - SRMPT
if you need to be in possession of a nearby mobile phone and if that mobile phone has micro usb port - you can train yourself to expertly throw the SRMPT to dock the micro usb end in the port of said mobile phone
then you can safely drag the phone to you
It also helps choke people. Genius op
this is The Detractor
when encountered by the enemy i would take out The Detractor and put in its hollow hande a piece of paper that looks like a message
i would then proceed to give the detractor to the enemy who would then begin to take out "the message" out of curiosity
while he is occupied, or you may say "detracted", by all of that i woudl take out or to gain upper hand in the encounter
wow prodigious !
>He specced into subterfuge.
>He didn't build the mini mustard machinegun.
Shame, shame.
I've only made some homemade stun guns, and a flesh-burning laser. Other than that, not much.
in the r9k of old this thread would have 200 replies with a lot of similar "makeshift weapons"
but the r9k of today is just a bunch of guys whining about something
I've recently got a remote ignition working and harvested about 14g of potassium chlorate, going to encase it later this week and hopefully have some remote detonation plastic explosives, though can't into building level 3 blasting caps so it's using a ignition tube, still though should be pretty fun
>inb4 NSA v& me
pyrotechnics is a legal hobby and I'm not producing over 100g
just realized this thread is a meme, my bad lads
I made a paper-clip into a handheld dagger ring
i smart
what about,, potassium chloride?//?/??/??
you can just use artificial salts, most shops sell them
I've made a weapon called the retster. When tired, the enemy will likely sit on the rester when its placed in a tactical spot. However there is an adhesive on it which keeps them from being able to get up from their nap, and they will sleep themselves to death. Good for last resort situations
This is called a miniscule microfighter. Kinda small to see in this pic but its a little robot that crawls into your skin and releases radiowaves which kill from radiation.
I dont have a pic but i made several spears when i was about 12. One was a brass curtain rod with a sharpened barbed point that i tried to kill rabits with.
Then on a camping trip i found a wooden spear with a sick metal trident attatched with paracord. I removed and kept the trident then used it on an even nicer spear that i made and used it for spear fishing briefly. I came very close to hitting a stationary fluke but light refraction is a bitch.
Then i took fishing line and tied an arrow onto a reel mounted on a bow and added a homemade barb to the arrow from an electrical staple.
Other than that just a few hand sharpened wooden spears and a failed potato cannon. I never successfully killed anything with homemade weapons unless i count a pellet gun that i adapted for nighttime use with ghetto night sights and a duct taped laser pointer. I killed an absolutely enormous possum that had repeatedly attacked my small dogs and threw the disgusting corpse in my neighbors yard
The retardation of the phone posters didn't piss you off but their aspect ratio did okay okay and a hmmmm.
Mods, plz move to /diy/.
This ones a classic. Its called a turbotuned vendingmachine. When the enemies attempt to purchase a frozen treat, wassps are realeased from the opening, killing the victem, instently
Funny thread, very enjoyable.
Thanks for making me laugh.
>The retardation of the phone posters didn't piss
Oh how quickly we assume ;)
i see you're also an advanced warfare connoisseur
this one sounds like it's straight from some james bond film, i know... but it's real and i've made it
this seems like an ordinary camera, for taking photos and what not
i can put the camera on a strategic place for enemy to notice and subsequently pick it up
the enemy will then most likely open the shutter just to find......
.......a surprise expertly devised message meant to disrupt the enemy mentally and emotionally
from this moment on i will have a small, but safe, window of opportunity to use the upper hand gained to attack the enemy or flee the scene
i firmly believe that most of these weapons and utilities have no known counter measures and that every robot would be safe with this arsenal