hilarious and makes a great point.
Hilarious and makes a great point
I fail to see how this is funny?
Even when trying to make a point, roasties have to have their midriff showing.
Every Marvel film has some guy shirtless so I don't see your point
Do women think things like this offend men? I have no problem with it.
>implying men dont WANT to be a conan looking motherfucka
lighten up you roastie whores lol if stacy can do cardio (which is fucking easy) so can you
This. Its like they are unable to understand anything, not even satire
10/10 guy, post moar off his ass.
I don't think it makes a great point, but I do appreciate good cosplay.
I don't know. This looks like a male power fantasy to me, it still probably supports patriarchy.
honestly idk why she has to have her stomach showing-- to really drive the point home, the man should be wearing a bikini top and she should have her stomach covered
Not sure where you're going with this. Post the original without the twitter shit so we can inspect further.
>to really drive the point home, the man should be wearing a bikini top
Guys don't have anything up there though.
the point is, he's wearing a slave leia costume. it would make it funnier.
Her middrif doe
Makes a great point I would agree with, but how is this hilarious
>take a picture satirizing the sexualization of females in fiction
>wear tight top that shows midriff and tight pants
This. In fact, it's my greatest fantasy to live in a role-reversed world where I run around wearing nothing but a skimpy loincloth (or nothing at all) and have strong women use me as a sex object and plaything. Although I wouldn't really want to look like the guy in the pic. I prefer having a body like pic related.
Women are so blind to the benefits of being considered beautiful that they think *we* don't see them either. It's like a fish not knowing it's wet. They ask "How would you like to be a sex object in skimpy clothing?", fully expecting us to say "Uh, well, I guess I wouldn't like it very much. I guess I'm a feminist now." They don't realize that many, many men would reply "I'd love it, especially since it's something I've never been able to experience in the real world."
why do roastie whores not understand that men and women are sexualized in different ways. that picture doesn't make me upset or get me thinking except for how dumb women are to not understand that men and women are different when it comes to attractiveness
he should also be physically inept, not a guy who has developed his body
really makes me think
Also he's missing the worlds dumbest hair cut.
How perceptive
Yeah, the people who make these kinds of things keep missing the point. They think they're subverting gender roles, but they're only doing it in the most superficial way. Except for the clothes they're wearing, everything else reinforces the normal gender roles. He's still taller and more muscular than she is, with short hair, a beard, and so on. Everything implies that he'd probably still play the typical dominant role in bed.
If they really wanted to subvert the gender roles, they'd take pic related and make it a muscular warrior woman with a naked boy who has a body like clinging to her leg submissively.
You're missing the point retard he's wearing a male version of the outfit
Couldn't that be the point though? That even if the woman takes the male/dominant role in media they are sexualised?
I think that is too thoughtful for the average roastie.
That's true actually, I retract my comment lel
Tiny skinny twigs aren't hot tho.
Maybe not to you.
this thread is fucking stupid.jpg.wav.original
>tfw no bounty hunter gf to save you from slavery to a Hutt, cracking one-liners while she does
>conan looking motherfucker
He's mildly athletic at best
>Woman wearing sexy han solo Halloween costume instead of the actual getup
Roasties will always be whores
But you know bikini armor does piss me off. Even pic related does. He has a powerup that turns his clothes into armor with the same exposed midriff design. Yes, leave your vitals uncovered... I don't even post on /tg/ but I agree with them, this shit is retarded. Also high heels with fighter characters. It needs to stop, really. Great way to twist your ankle and get killed by the opponent.
I support this 100%. Scanty costumes should be a requirement for all attractive males. No fatties though.
tfw no twink bf with babyface. Twinks and otters are god tier. I've also started to like traps as a straight female. Anime really does make you sexually confused. But the point is, muscled guys, twink guys, they're both hot. Just no skellies and no fatties.
What would gender swapped hutt be like anyway? Ranting about body positivity?