What is your opinion on women?
What is your opinion on women?
why do i need to have an opinion on women?
Why did she do that to that kid? What the fuck.
they are pretty neat, also pic related when i see a good looking woman.
opinions dont matter these days
who is going to stop her. if he retaliated, what do you think would happen?
He's literally like a middle school kid. I wouldn't step in if he attacked her after that.
tfw I got a boner from this
Fucking love them.
They've mostly been good to me, I have had sex with a lot of them, I have a great relationship with my mother and sister... I honestly have no reason to hate women.
I get the frustration people have with women, but it's literally just because none of them want them and they have a shitty mother.
There's no logic to hating women just because they don't want you... if you're completely revolting and fat and ugly... they have a right to not want you.
because of the fact that she gave him attention, attention that you'll never have and never had?
>He's literally like a middle school kid
So is she.
No opinion in particular, I just wish they stopped brapping so much.
Because of the fact that she kicked him
I enjoy their vaginas
>they have a right
Stop lying on r9k lol we all know you're either a virgin or a girl
So what? she's much larger than him (as girls are at that age) and this was fucked up to do.
Why are you trying to make excuses for her behavior?
I have a great relationship with my mom and I'm not a virgin and I hate women. It was only when I started dating that I started hating women.
Your theory is wrong and overused.
She didn't do anything. This is the equivalent of putting your hand up for a high five and then taking it down when someones goes to slap it.
I have no reason to lie on an anonymous imageboard.
I gain literally nothing from lying.
Stop being sour because you're woefully unappealing.
She literally tripped him on purpose to cause him to fall. This is the equivalent of doing a Kosoto Gake on someone. Shut the fuck up with your pussy defense shit you virgin white knight cuck.
>I have no reason to lie on an anonymous imageboard
Except for the attention you're getting right now, right?
Fuck off thread hidden
disgusting, they hate me, i hate them; keep it that way.
pic not related dont worry
Why didn't that roastie get vanned? Why god, why?
They are naturally kind and caring, obviously not all like OP's webm but on average they are nicer than men.
>They are naturally kind and caring,
No they aren't
>throws a fit over someone getting knocked down
>calls others pussies
I like them but most dont like me.
Thats pretty much it
it's okay to stand up to women user, they're not that scary
Yet here you are standing up to me on the internet rather than standing up to those scary women. What are you afraid of? Think they are going to knock you down, manlet?
You sure are acting like a woman!
I'm not throwing a fit you're defending some girl just because she's a girl. Also this guy isn't me.
I stand up to anyone who acts like an asshole. You're just pissed that you got called out for your pathetic white knight pussy defending shit.
Also I wasn't calling YOU a pussy, I was saying you are defending women like a white knight virgin faggot just because they're women.
Wtf are actually talking about you double nigger. You're the cuck saying "h-heh good one stacey, she did nothing wrong" while she laughs at you crying behind your body pillow.
Calm down. little fellas.
I'm not a manlet, virgin. Where did you even get that idea?
5'5 is average you spaz
>5'5 is average
If you're a shitskin maybe lmao
he could have cracked his skull on the pavement. if this happened on soft grass or a mattress or something it woulddnt be too bad, but on cobblestone? the bitch should get the lights slapped out of her.
I'm 6' even.
You're still a virgin white knight.
Stay mad lmao
>he could have cracked his skull on the pavement
You sound like a soccer mom on myspace lmao
you sound like a nigger. 'lmao'.
let me tell you a secret pal
penis size and height are inversely proportional
get fucked lankboy
that's what you get for being a manlet
The dude's a white knight virgin
He's a 12 year old kid
dat cope
>hey Stacey check out user
>lmao becky what a beanstalk loser
>yeah ikr he even walks like a virgin, never gonna make it
>i want me a 5'5 muscular chad with a 12 inch dick, someone like user will never satisfy anyone
>he should kill himself, but there's not enough rope in the world
"man"lets on suicide watch LMAO just end it pls
I'm not a manlet, WHY are you defending a woman who for no reason hurt a middle school kid? You're fucking pathetic as shit, you virgin.
you are right, my dude.
When I was a child, for example, I beat up girls my age all the time in far worse ways, and nothing bad ever happened afterwards, their parents sometimes even thanked me. People underestimate what the human body is capable to withstand, maybe because they never get outside and do something. I remember one particular day, on which my father took me fishing. On our way, there was a quite good looking fellow, he stood out because he wore some thick boots and a fedora. Anyways, we started to talk and I dont remember the details but he must have said something that was not OK. Next thing I saw, was him, swimming with the fishe . Dont worry, the next day I met him again, collecting empty bottles and watching me and my frens play for a healthy 4 hours from a distance.
My point is, that you can do everything if you try, my dude. People will tell you all kind of shit, but in the end it only matters if you can stand up again after falling
It's the worst feel desu
t. 5 6ish
ITT: WAAAAAHH BOO HOOO HOOO i base my opinions of women on a stupid fucking video i see online and guys on the other hand have never done something like this to their little brothers or friends
They are both middle school "kids", you retard. By your logic, she is not a woman, but another kid. Why are you so angry that a manlet got an innocent prank played on him? He has probably fucked that girl by now, you omega loser.
Yes they're, only in the outside
No one's basing their opinion of women on this video you fucking idiot, where do you even see that? It's one loser white knight virgin defending this woman's behavior and everyone else telling him he's a pathetic loser for defending this for no reason. Then cornered he starts autistically yelling about manlets.
Women mature and grow faster than boys. I'd be mad if anyone did this, it is not an innocent prank being thrown onto stone is fucking dangerous and he landed on his head.
I've fucked more girls than you you pathetic white knight virgin incel. Go cry about manlets some more.
I've only read the first few replies but I don't need to read any more. Every thread on this board is the same boring shit. I'm not defending men or women or anyone in particular, but Jesus Christ how you are wasting your life talking about women online is fucking lame.
It's very easy to break bones from the stupidest falls. I broke my arm as kid once because I fell from a 3 feet high table...
I think I might prefer porn to actual women (sexually).
None of the anxiety that makes my dick go limp, also all of the fantasies I want.
Also, love is a drug: it's got great highs but terrible lows. Heartbreaks are horrible, why would anyone want to go through them? Love never lasts anyway, and I'm too much of a beta, I always end up being the one who suffers from it.
As for the rest, women are alright.
I don't really get along with them too much because too much of my identity and humour revolve around self deprecation and me being a loser who can't get any pussy. It doesn't really translate well with most women.
lying to yourself like that isn't healthy