I am infuriated by the state of society
The worst thing is it's so corrupted already that it's impossible to save
I am infuriated by the state of society
And this thread proves me right
>we shouldn't be worried about the world slowly dying, let's talk about pussy :-DDDDDDDD tits ass fuck fuck fuck dick fuck cum sex :-DDDD
it's too late to stop the train now
lets enjoy the ride before it crashes
I feel ya user, I really do.
Many people are, but wtf can you do about it?
There's no society.
Why you need to "save" society?
Not everything has to be fixed, society is working in your favour currently, at least if you're a white guy in with white person in a first world country.
Like, who cares? You'll be fine either way.
you are in the most corrupted website of all normie wise ,faggot
Yeah tell me something i don't know.Just let it be,honestly i'm just waiting for something that will be the last straw and everything fucking collapses.
>pulls up his horse to a wayward tavern
>enters the most foul haven of all time
>filled with demons, traps, imps, lepers
>stands in the middle of the room
>something is wrong with the world!
>lets band together and save it!
>why won't you guys help me?
Where can i join a renegade. Gib secret links i want to go to an outer heaven
You should read more history user
pay attention to the gruesome parts
Thanks Uncle Ted
>it's too late to stop the train now
its never too late. we have to try
Okay, switching metaphors. It's the Titanic. Lifeboats are probably better suited.
exactly. we can't save the entire ship, but we can secure our own state to preserve as much as we can.
I guess where both metaphors break down is the fact that the government is still running. It's like a '93 Dodge with a rusted-out fuel line, a cracked cylinder, and a failing transmission. You can still make a cross-country trip if you're exceedingly careful, but you're just one wrong move from being stranded in the desert.
right. we need to ditch this truck and go find a bicycle. then we can get to our destination in a slow but safe manner
Yeah, but the driver has a huge boner for "ROLLIN' COAL" in his fucking Dodge. wat do
I know that feel. It's difficult being a man of morals in an immoral world.