Hey femanons.
Why are you marxists?
Hey femanons
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What is this absolute garbage fucking thread.
We all know femanons are marxists.
Its the only thing that explains why theyre acting so retarded and fucking neets and minirities.
ending a question with a period while being extremely aggressive
using the word 'garbage' as the insult of choice
yep, you're a femoid marxist
As posted before in these low quality threads
>the most well known leftist intellectual is a male
>the most well known rightist intellectual is a female
Why pretend like women are leftists lol, go back to Jow Forums you retard. Leave our board alone
Whose the most famous rightist intellectual?
I assume he means ayn rand, who is not mainstream right and who feminists believe to be literally Hitler
She is pretty main stream imo. A lot of the Tea Party's fundamental ideas here in the USA are based around Ayn Rand's philosophy.
The Tea Party has absolutely zero relevance in modern rightism, and the modern right is leaving lolbertarianism behind regardless
Shows how much you know about american politics. They have a like 15 senators elected right now in the Republican party. This is why the right shouldnt be allowed to vote lol
>the most well known rightist intellectual is a female
What is this bullshit?
>leave our board alone
Your board. R9K is for men with autism so fuck off
t. agelet
The Republican party is certainly not the future of the right, baby boomer politics are being left behind. Also nice edgy totalitarianism there kid.
>they have a like
You have to go back.
typical leftist "intellectual"
Yea? Name a more well know rightist intellectual. Hahahaha YOU CANT. BACK TO Jow Forums
BACK TO Jow Forums
BACK TO Jow Forums
BACK TO Jow Forums
BACK TO Jow Forums
Leave you stormfags, you don't belong. Adding Jow Forums on Jow Forums was the worst idea ever, moot is retarded. It has quite literally ruined this website. God you guys are like Jehovah Wittnesses trying to make us like you.
Tits or GTFO back to whoring THOT
You tell me I am Jow Forums and I know less about politics than you, you are a brainlet and KYS
Ernst Juenger and Evola are two famous ones, just because you are ignorant, girlie, doesn't mean you need to project that ignorance on everyone else.
not left = stormfag
lol. get out kid
Its a fucking woman, I can't understand why an animal would come here
any toastie roasties care to comment on this?
Want to know how I know you're newfags?
They are too busy sucking Chad's cock
I bet those "femanons" came here after Toronto attack, because woman are attracted to dangerous men.
Time to remove this cancerous board! Jow Forums needs to go! Bring back 2010 Jow Forums!
you mean karl marx right? I'd much rather entrust the country to rand supporters than marx supporters. considering the latter spawned the most murderous ideology of all time
toastie toastie, roastie roastie
Shut up, woman have to be physically removed from Jow Forums. You only act like roasties or semiroasties. Kys roasties
Neither of them are more famous than Ayn Rand, you poltard. God you guys are so dumb, lead by a female like the weak little men are. A RUSSIAN female too HAHAHA
Im a male you weakling. You have to create false qualities about me cause you have no arguments, you guys are ruining both MY BOARD AND MY WEBSITE
Ayn Rand wasn't an intellectual first of all, she was a failed writer and a hypocrite. Nobody seriously pays attention to her nonsense, and she is certainly not more famous among the right than those two, which again shows your ignorance of right wing politics. Keep posting cunt, your embarrassment grows with every words you type.
So much newfaggotry in this post.
the founding fathers are more influential and famous
>b-but I hate the constitution
>literally ban freeze peach get it it's like that free speech thing the right thinks is important but I made it funny because it sounds like it but it's not
>literally ban assault guns
>literally ban assault knives
>literally jail everyone for hate speech
>Nobody pays attention to her politics
> Has 15 US senators elected on her politics
Wahh, i don't know what I am talking about so I am just gonna say the opposite of everything you say and hope people from Jow Forums will come to this thread and agree with me! The fact that you rely on social agreeableness to feel not embarrassed and "right" proves that you aren't a robot. You are just some weak edge lord who thinks saying that the Jews run everything and black people are inferior is funny.
state your age, agelet.
literally hitler
Jow Forums is the source of Jow Forums's power
We cant have nice things until we stop living in a feminazi police state.
26 you wimp, show those superior white genetics. Lets see these the perfect facial features of the white race. Lets see your arms and stomach you dog.
>100 senators
>51 republican
>15 ayn rand cultists by your own claim
meanwhile, 41% of democrats are actually socialists. according to Hillary Clinton, last week.
liar. I'm 28 by the way, and not a white supremacist
there is no way you're older than 20. why do you lie, agelet? are you ashamed?
HAHAHA THE LIES YOU HAVE TO TELL YOURSELF TO JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE. You quite literally on one of the most anti-female boards on the internet yet you think we are huge feminists here?!
GO BACK TO Jow Forums
So what? You don't even vote so how can you be the future?
the absolute state of you. you can't go a second without a low iq, poorly written normie outburst
No you are the liar. I doubt you are even old enough to have even been on Jow Forums 10 years ago HAHAHAHA why do newfags think that Jow Forums has been here from the start and that is "belongs". Nope it doesn't, was a HUGE mistake and needs to go away!
I wasnt talking about this board im talking about the west.
>believing in IQ
Only brainlets believe in IQ hahahaha
look at you. look at your obnoxious writing. if we take you at your word, you don't even have the excuse of being an agelet. you're simply low iq. low eloquence. you most certainly don't have a degree.
I've been on Jow Forums longer than 10 years, deal with it agelet
it's over agelet lefty. you just ruined yourself. there's no point in talking with you after that. everyone who's anyone can see you're deluded
>>the most well known rightist intellectual is a female
Pretty sure this is referring to Ayn Rand if so
>Not liberal
>doesnt have an arguement
>tries to pretend like Jow Forums has some eloquence
God YOU ARE NEW. Its obvious this isn't reddit! DOESNT MATTER HOW I TYPE YOU WEAK MAN. What are you gonna do? Down vote me??
top blup. it's over for you agelet. I might have typed like you when I was 13 (not really)
he's obviously b8ing, sage this thread
Some communist keeps coming back to shill his failed, irrelevant ideology.
>inherent intelligence
>Changes based of child diet
>changes based off culture child was raised in
>changes based off quality of education child received growing up
IQ is a meaningless "indicator" that is rife with contradictions. While the right is stuck in pissing contests with out dated "im smarter than you" scales, the left is debating the origins of sovereignty and legitimacy. Doesn't matter though, you guys are educated through memes! This is why democracy fails, the amount of effort it takes to develop a political opinion through memes versus spending years of your life formulating a rigorous understanding of civics yet having the same power in a vote is ridiculous. Retards should not be allowed to vote, or make their votes worth almost 0.
So does that mean you leftists will be leaving? Jow Forums became right wing naturally. You guys keep trying to force and raid us into being leftists and it doesn't work. You marxists are wrong about 99.9% percent of things. The one thing you're right about is the fact that the political climate won'r change unless conditions change. Well mainstream society is still overwhelmingly leftist and is fucking people on Jow Forums over. So we're right wingers now and into the indefinite future.
And don't pull that "NOT REAL LEFTISTS!" crap or "BUT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MARXISM WILL FIX EVERYTHING!" crap. The left appreciates Marx and marxists more than it does libertarians, paleoconservatives, and fascists. So they're on your side whether you like it or not. And no Marxism doesn't fix shit - it fucks things up so bad you have to scream "NOT REAL COMMUNISM!" after it failed dozens of times.
Not an argument.
Height can be influenced by environment somewhat. That doesn't change the fact that height is overwhelmingly inherited.
Also IQ isn't just a random score. It measures how good you are at abstract thinking and problem solving. Such tasks are very important in life. IQ is a FAR greater predictor of success than education level, parent wealth, upbringing, etc. It's the gold standard in terms of predicting outcomes.
You only hate IQ because it invalidates your ridiculous ideology which is based on outdated tabula raza ideas. And the left is screeching over "MUH RUSSIA TRUMP IS A DICTATOR" and screeching over tranny bathrooms, vidya, and MeToo shit. Don't act like you're not fucked up.
you type with the temperament of reddit feminist, and you are wrong. your writing makes me cringe because it's so bad. you were clearly never a standout in english class. you probably weren't in any class at all. so knowing you were never the smart kid, what makes you so smug?
get your facts right, low iq.
because capitalism sucks
This, all women are queens and based
low IQ retard doesnt realize the average height of man was 5'5 just 150 years ago. B-but my inherented height!?! Im 6'2, my dad was 5'9 and mom 5'7. Grandpas 5'11 and 5'10. Diet is the main factor of the growth in the average male, not inherent genetics.