>sister dropped PS4 while moving it from my room to the living room without my permission
>punched her in the arm
>mom went ballistic and said if I keep misbehaving she'll have dad "punch my fucking teeth out"
Was I even in the wrong here? It's my stuff.
Sister dropped PS4 while moving it from my room to the living room without my permission
No. Your mom sounds like a narrow minded bitch.
>consolefag goes full autism
She was doing you a favour by dropping that piece of shit
user you're doing brother/sister punishment all wrong, you give them a slap on the back of the head lightly and give them a stern look. You don't hurt them but they understand what they did was wrong and not to mess it up next time.
t. guy with 3 brothers and 1 sister
Also depending on how old your sister is, your mother is either in the wrong or the right. 15+ it's fine under nope little girls hurt easily. Make sure to talk to you're dad about it before you mother, ask for his advice on how you should deal with it next time. That way your mom isn't making you seems like a murderous villian, always worked on my side.
wew lad, you're retarded.
My mom would have killed me if ever I harmed one of my sisters. How old are you and your sister?
pro tip user: Don't hit girls
>T. faggot who cries everytime a game doesn't come to PC
Should of broken something of hers
Eyes for an eye etc
>T. faggot who plays at 640x480
She's 8. She should know not to touch people's things or at least be careful. I got her a 3DS for her birthday, she should be playing that.
>"punch my fucking teeth out"
Your mom is a bag of shit if she actually said that. Move out asap bro, get a part time job, any job.
>in the wrong
Depends. If you bought it with your money you earned (not gift money) then she had no business touching it. If it was a gift then you're in the wrong.
On the other hand if she broke it she would have done you a favor. It's like you want to remain a virgin the rest of your life.
Obviously it was an accident, dumb fuck. You don't assault people for accidents. You were in the wrong here. At the very least, damage something of hers. You went overboard.
Why not? Sometimes they deserve it. That said, OP's sister did not deserve it.
HAHAHAHA you punched your 8 year old sister? I hope your dad slaps your shit.
>*Evangelion battle music plays*
How hard was the punch?
A light jab would be ok but not a strong one
It's because it was a younger sister rather than a younger brother
t. younger brother
i miss good quality ytp's
Not hitting women is how you make Roasties.
I punched my cousin in the mouth and she's married with kids now.
Well shit happens, best way to handle it now is to go out buy a shitty toy or something she'd like give it to her say you're sorry, but not to touch your stuff next time.
Tbh with you're parents seeing this, they'll just know you lost your temper, parents will then reinforce her not to touch your stuff because that's usually the natural response.
Youre wrong on the last two.
It's not hers to touch and you break it you buy it.
OPs sister is a roastie "who can't do no wrong" in the making.
This had op said brother you fags would have said destroy him.
>and people say 4channers are mysoginists.
You faggot, you're gonna give her a complex about getting hit by older men.
>venetian doors.jpg
This is why I have kensington locks on all of my electronics.
Oh man it sure sucks not being able to play a three year old game by Fromsoft
>She's 8.
I was on your side before you said this. If your sis was some 14 yo roastie in the making I would have told you to hit her in the eye next time. Now you just seem pathetic and petty.
>punches a 8 year old girl over potentially damaging a console
The absolute state of console fags
Did it break? Did you leave a bruise? If it didn't break it's no big deal. I have dropped my fair share of stuff. I dropped a PC onto concrete and that shit still didn't break, the case popped off.
She's your imouto, you have to be nice to her man. Let her play your shitty console with no games.
Future roastie got rekt.
OP probably broke her arm.
>young bro disturbing the peace
>confront him
>punches me in jaw
> walk out of the house
>throws his beer bottle at me
happened 3days ago
there are bad people in the world and it's your responsibility as an adult to surround yourself with good people that you care about. if you fail to do so the gates of hell will swing open
also I seen this before. your mother clearly prefers her over you and shame on you for not seeing it. It's imperative to your survival to abandon your biological family.
>8yo imouto tries to move the ps4 to the living room, where the rest of the family is
>drops it because weak imouto arms
>autistic 26yo NEET brother fucking punches her after seeing the ps4 drop two feet
She had it coming, no doubt.
As God intended, and as Terry A. Davis created.
if your mother said shes gonna punch your fucking teeth out, just LMFAO what the fuck.. is this normal for her? HAHAHHAHAHAH