I never grew up

I'm almost 30 and I still live at home. In a sense, I never grew up. Part of me feels intense nostalgia for the days when I was a young boy and could just sit around playing video games with friends on a nice sunny day with no obligations. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life--honestly, nothing right now--and I'm having a hard time with it. I don't have any real friends anymore and I don't know how to make them. I'm lonely in that sense. I have a long-term girlfriend and I'm consistently failing to deliver when it comes to my relationship. That's not a humble brag--I know many people here think having a girlfriend is an accomplishment on its own... but having one and failing to live up to who I should be as a man is an immense amount of pressure, and being single would definitely be a relief in that sense.

I'm not completely unaware of how an adult should act, but I'm having trouble actually implementing it and every step outside of my comfort zone is horrifying. I've taken some steps, but most of the time it feels like one step forward and two steps back. Have any of you guys ever turned your life around?

I just wish I had someone to talk to who has been where I am now.

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all I can say is that Internet friends are not real friends

They disappear eventually...

Same. Is this what they call "arrested development"?

Do you get the feeling that none of this shit will matter soon enough anyway somehow? Like the eternal rat race will just cease?

you could say this about all friends. I think most people end up separating as they get older.

>Do you get the feeling that none of this shit will matter soon enough anyway somehow? Like the eternal rat race will just cease?
I'm not sure. I want to be a part of it, I just don't know how. I feel like I'm too far removed from the equation at this point. I know I stagnated in adolescence and that was the beginning of my problems.

I was the son of a single mother. Anyone else?

How do I make friends as an adult? I'm having real difficulty with it, especially as an adult with the life position of a teenager.

>I have a long term girlfriend
wow.... you have it soooo hard.

Hate to shill for bucko dad, but Jordan Peterson has some good stuff on building a solid foundation for rebuilding a functional way of living. Maybe its shit you've heard before but I think he does a pretty good job of at least giving you a direction to work in.

You may have misgivings about him but a direction is far better than aimlessness

I knew someone would say this

>I want to be a part of it

I fucking don't. Good luck out there.

Join real life hobby clubs or mental health support groups

Can you recommend a starting point with his material?

What is your proposed alternative, though?

I will turn 20 next month and I'm legitimately terryfied I'll end up like you.

You have so many years ahead of you to get into a good place before you do end up in such a position, though. What are you doing now to avoid that?

A deep intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

My problem is I was aware of how much the world sucked at an early age so withdrew. I want to keep withdrawing until the world becomes better. Any advice?

I've never seen a pussy but also don't care about that so how fucked am I?
may also be 25

>Join real life hobby clubs or mental health support groups
I don't have any hobbies but I suppose I'd do well to pick some up. Can you recommend any? Also, I've never heard of mental health support groups... are there some that you can just walk in on without being proselytized to?

i'd like to know this as well. i think it's impossible unless you got a job or something. i even tried volunteering at a church for 5 months but didnt make a single friend

So what is it you actually want to do OP?

You've stated you have a problem, but you've left out the outcome you desire.

Have you even thought of what outcome you desire? If not, that's step one.

>Do you get the feeling that none of this shit will matter soon enough anyway somehow? Like the eternal rat race will just cease?
I believe this 100% so I cant into forcing myself to be a working joe

You have to just make progress on one thing at a time, unfortunately that will mean stepping outside your comfort zone sometimes, but the more you are out of it the bigger it will get.

I moved out and had a family, my own house, nicer that most people I know, I worked hard on it and was proud. It didn't work out and I moved back in with my parents and I've completely regressed to my teenage self again, I can't even put dirty clothes in the laundry, whereas I used to maintain a nice house and garden etc.

If I'm completely honest it's all about knuckling down and manning up, and eventually you don't even think about it anymore. There's no magic solution.

His youtube channel is got great longer form stuff but there are a ton of smaller channels that break up his stuff into more easily consumed bites. ill try and find one for you


This should be fairly easy to get into

I want friends who I identify with and a decent job. I want to get married, buy a house, and have some kids.

But I'm almost 30 with no real work history, so my job prospects are kind of shitty. I decided to self-study software development, but I go through cycles of decent productivity and absolute zero productivity, the former lasting maybe a month at a time and the latter lasting 6 months at a time. I feel like by the time I'm 'done' or manage to get my ass in gear, I will be fucking old and nobody will take me seriously. So, as a result, I sort of give up for long periods of time and just descend into hopelessness. I spent most of today staring at the screen and F5ing Jow Forums. I can identify this behavior as problematic, but I find it hard to start and maintain consistently productive behavior.

I have no friends and no way to identify with other adults, and thus I have nobody to even consider asking to stand up in my wedding. My fiancee, on the other hand, has a handful of life-long childhood friends. Fuck.

And there are all sorts of little problems related to social anxiety and basically arrested development. One stupid example to illustrate the point: I'm genuinely scared to dance in public, so I consistently avoid it and thus have never learned to dance. I know that sounds stupid, but it's one of the many little neuroses I have that prevent me from having fun at e.g. weddings.

This all sounds completely asinine when I read over it, but I'm basically a mentally crippled manchild who is self-destructing and has been doing so for many years, probably since I was in middle school or early high school

>I have a long-term girlfriend

>If I'm completely honest it's all about knuckling down and manning up, and eventually you don't even think about it anymore. There's no magic solution.

I know. I guess I just want someone to talk to. I'm not even sure why I really posted. Sometimes I just lay in bed and don't even want to get up because it feels crushingly hopeless. I spontaneously cry a lot despite being a grown man. I teared up while writing this. I wouldn't want anyone IRL to know that, but I'm posting about it because I'm in a rough spot at the moment.

I've taken a lot of steps to man up and fix it, but it often comes back to this. It's tough for me to act when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't even know which way to travel. I don't mean that to be dramatic or deep, I'm just trying to explain where I'm at in my mental state and outlook

Thanks, I'll check them out immediately

do you want everyone to be miserable? if so, why, user?


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How can you complain about "not growing up" when you have a gf?

Growing up is synonymous with reaching sexual maturity and actually having sex. That's what maturity means in a biological sense.

>i have a gf
i read until that part. you need to get out, normalshit.


Get a part time job, any job and get into a uni/community college, and just work your way up to where you want to be. Don't let this place warp your mind like the rest of us. Op's finished, his brain finished developing years ago. You still have about 6 more years to develop the habits that will lead you to a successful life.


Why 100%?

When I say that, I mean that in many ways, I don't think I've matured beyond maybe a young teenager in my mindset and certainly in my actions and my accomplishments. Like I said, I live at home and I have an essentially empty work history. I've got a few minor accomplishments under my belt and I know that I could achieve more if I could only figure out the secret formula for doing so, but I've got a lot of problems regardless.

Sexual maturity is not the issue, anyone can hire a hooker and cum. If you're jerking off, it's basically the same thing. Is it safe to assume that you're hung up on that because you're a virgin? Sex is nothing. It's just nothing

>Op's finished, his brain finished developing years ago
Is there scientific evidence that people can't recover after 30?

because I have an unconditional trust in my navigation ability; not navigation like in using a map but in navigation of lyfe, nigga, I know what's up in my heart center so no amount of pain can make me change my mind.

also, just like little examples too - elon musk of tesla tweeted something about roko's basilisk recently; that's theory, playing around the concept that of, if a tyrannical AI is to be created then it'd likely punish all that didn't aid in it's creation; I see that as a way for making sense of technology's development being stagnated - like it's just another way of looking at good/evil dichotomy, anyway
I look at this kinda stuff and believe in the good opposite where it's a post singularity benevolent AI that'd solve all our problems and we'd live in harmony n stuff.

I hear it in music too btw: youtube.com/watch?v=DzLt-11Glzg

They can, but it's fucking hard as hell. You're never too late to stop growing, but fuck man is it hard, it's why so many people over a certain age never tend to change over the remainder of their lives.

Like a person who has sat on their ass for most of their 20's, likely will never become a hard worker, or know what determination is. The negative thought patterns that have gotten us to this point are probably going to be with us forever, no matter how much we change things.

Also, I forgot to answer your question

>Is there scientific evidence that people can't recover after 30?

Of course not, brain plasticity and all that. Like I said, it's just going to be hard. Couple that with your body starts to enter decline around 25/30. If you felt like Sisyphus before, hah, you're going to feel like Atlus soon.

I do have some first hand experience with this. To some extent I made it this year by making some major progress in one are of my life, but I almost immediately regressed. It/s actually similar to what another user said in his anecdote about owning a home above.

boom boom tua.
boom boom boom tua.

anyone else get a lot of psycho retardation?
I just computer, bathroom, kitchen, can't talk much..


>I moved out and had a family, my own house, nicer that most people I know, I worked hard on it and was proud. It didn't work out and I moved back in with my parents and I've completely regressed to my teenage self again, I can't even put dirty clothes in the laundry, whereas I used to maintain a nice house and garden etc.
Can you elaborate on this story of yours? Why did you lose it? Had a family = divorced?

You have to be brave and keep going out of your comfort zone. Ones you build a tolerance to your fears you'll feel a lot better.
I would tell your family and gf about how you truly feel. You don't have to be a lone.
You don't have to rush to have babie, your not a girl. You can naturally giver good sperm into you late 40s.
Take one day at a time and try not to think to far ahead in the future.
Exercising helps anxiety a ton, I would do it everyday of i was you.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Stop comparing your live with other.
Try to be positive and use self talk to motivate you. It is not going to go away over night.
Be brave and keep on fighting for what you want in the face of fear. Eventually, you will over come it!!!

>You don't have to rush to have babie, your not a girl. You can naturally giver good sperm into you late 40s.
Yes but with a Iong-term gf I do have to rush because unless I dump her she has that time limit

So whats your problem?
I don't get it
You are 30 years old and you are criying because you have no friends or what
You are 30, just look for a job, get money, because everything is about money and with that money do things that make you happy
Is that so fucking hard? I'm 18 and i alrready know what i want to do and what i should do with my life
Stop bitching bro

I am 32 and couldn't care less about growing up, more like if I cared enough, I'd care about not growing up.
Still living with my mother and sister in a flat and ofc I am a NEET.

No regrets

>I'm 18 and i alrready know what i want to do and what i should do with my life

im the son of a single mother. i used to blame my problems on not having a father figure to model my adult behaviour around. now i just look towards males i respect, as well as myself, to know how to behave as an adult. having friends definitely helps because thats how you discover how you project yourself

yes, all of your problems stem from not having a girlfried! not the shitty ininteresting pathetic person that you are.

Grow up nigger, is not that hard

this is exactly like me, except without the girlfriend.

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i second this. peterson's lectures on his youtube are a good place to start, and clips from philosophy and psychology chanels can be found anywhere if youre looking for a specific topic- he covers a wide range

also i think OP mentioned being fatherless. he talks about how males cope without having a father figure

I'm grown nig nog; just depressed and am uncomfortable with children that browse Jow Forums believing that they've got life figured out because I'm knowing the reality check you're about to experience.

Any tips on how to make friends as an adult?

mfw but nowhere near as sad cus 10yrs younger

wow. everyone come heed the eternal wisdom this 18 year old is spouting. "its easy bro just make money and spend that money on things that make you happy" the prophet bowed his head, knowing he has simultaneously cured all depression, as well as grant world peace.

im not saying that all 18-20 y/os are this fucking stupid, but pal over here might take the cake.

grow up you shitstain. spend some time outside of your mom's protection, shelter, food, and clothing as well as high school before you decide you are experienced enough to talk down on anyone about how to live their lives

Watching this now
>[and when you do nothing] you don't just sit around in a state of responsibilitiness bliss... you suffer existentially
This is wrong, I can successfully lie to myself and stay in responsibilitiness bliss until it finally boils over

personally i struggle sometimes because i dont have much motivation to make friends always, it depends where you are too. when i first started living on my own and out of school it became x10 harder to have friends, coworkers arent necessarily "friends". i started small like i always do; this might sound beta but i just started hanging out at the local video game store. they would have card tournaments and stuff i found on their facebook page.

protip i find useful: people are less judgy when youre in an environment of like-mindedness. when you all have something you can relate to together making friends easier. going to adult recreationals at a community centre wpuld work too if youre into sports.

>when i first started living on my own and out of school it became x10 harder to have friends
This is probably a big part of it. Not having a place to host people makes it extremely tough.

boiling over/ suffering existentially. same thing. being robbed of your worldly values can sometimes cause existential grief, especially if you lose those things because of avoiding responsibility

What do you do if you withdraw because everyone seems like lifeless NPCs and the outside world is like 1984? Then what?

this is extremely true. i could never host/ invite people over in the first place i was renting, which is why it was important for me to start small. i sometimes invited people to hang out at this pizza place i liked or this ramen spot! i guess coffee shops are good too but i dont really drink coffee

im not an expert but this sounds like a depression symptom. you can try a number of things, support systems are important i.e. friends, hobbies, outlets. make a list of things you like maybe, people say that helps.

ultimately depression is diagnosable and treatable to an extent. honestly talk to a doctor if these feelings persist despite aforementioned intervention

>i started small like i always do; this might sound beta but i just started hanging out at the local video game store. they would have card tournaments and stuff i found on their facebook page.
I wish I could get into something like this but in the case of card tournaments I feel like it's almost a sort of regression, and on top of that I'm just sincerely not interested in that stuff. I don't really know how to get interested in a hobby in general. I don't know why that is, I just have no interest. I'm not sure what I'd do if I had no challenges or struggles in my life. I think I'd just watch TV and play video games all day, or spend all day lounging at the beach or feeding squirrels at the park, enjoying the sun. Sounds pretty stupid but I don't really have any ambitions on a personal level at the moment--they're all external and a result of obligation---which I assume is part of my problem.

is there any hyperbole to your question? I feel the same way but I still manage to find pockets of the world that I enjoy

>y-you are too young! Y-you don't know nothing about life, that's why you are wrong! B-baka!
>getting this butthurt because of my post
What a pair of sad cock suckers, kek

>still lives with parents in late 20's
>has gf
Just how obese is she?

youre right in realizing this. i kinda felt that way at first with the card games; in not really interested in them at all, but as i started playing i realized it was a comfortable way to interact with others. i started enjoying it purely for the relaxed way of communicating with others, and began to enjoy the act itself as a result.

>spend all day lounging at the beach or feeding squirrels at the park, enjoying the sun. Sounds pretty stupid but I don't really have any ambitions on a personal level at the moment--they're all external and a result of obligation

somewhat unrelated but have you read the stranger by alber camus

ohh sorry; I actually don't mean to say that you don't know anything because you're young - that'd be being as arrogant as you appear.

I just know that you don't know dick about the world until around a year outta high school due to the indoctrination.
in time you'll realize you know nothing but distorted truths, the small box you think within will expand and you'll be as lost as me.

love you that being said.

It could be worse, your e-crush could be running the dread game on you because they don't really give a shit about you and it's fun to watch you squirm.

>Just how obese is she?
Not even cIose. We met when we were teenagers, which explains why I have a gf (still).

>dread game
What does that even mean?

You're just the avergage failed normie, I'm afraid you have to leave.

actually i changed my mind, give me more advice you wise old soul.

im not attacking the fact that youre young (i said not all 18y/os are this dumb remember), im attacking what you said because it was some of the stupidest bullshit ive ever read. plus your tone was pretty fucking condescending to OP which you have absolutely no right to be.

not saying to (solely) to be edgy but for everyones sake just go fuck off to /b and type kek under a ylyl thread or something. you really dont sound like you have anything to add to the discussion.

As opposed to you who are what, exactly? You're just a failed normie, friend.

I'm still sort of there, but I'm trying my best to "grow up."

It's just tough because there's not a lot out there; I went to college, got my degree, and I'm still basically unemployable. I went to school for teaching, got my certificate. I'm a certified fucking teacher, and yet, I can't get a contractual, permanent job. I can only get long-term substitute positions. It... sucks.

I'll probably be a hamburger engineer soon because I just can't seem to make a living as a teacher. Shit, even as a teacher I would only make like 40k a year anyway.

It's kind of hard to pull it all together when there are so few opportunities and so many responsibilities. I'm managing, but fuck is it hard.

>tl;dr life is hard but keep plugging away at it because wtf else are you going to do?

not OP but former mcdonalds employee and now teacher/ tutor. i found tutoring especially way more rewarding than hamburger engineering, even if i wasnt making much i took pride in being better than most of my teachers were

Why would you say you're having so much trouble securing a teaching position? And how's the day-to-day when you do manage to get a sub job?

You can be a shitty uninterested pathetic person and still live a fulfilling life with a gf if you're ATTRACTIVE

>in time you'll realize you know nothing but distorted truths, the small box you think within will expand and you'll be as lost as me.
So just because you were a retarded faggot at my age, that means i will be as stupid as you? Damn i don't wanna be a monkey, why don't we an hero together user? I don't wanna end like you and you are alrready a disgusting retard
I think you have a salty anus user, stfu or something.

>thread degenerates into spiteful bickering
Jow Forums in a nutshell

gf having normie detected

Have you considered going abroad to teach as an expat?

I hear ya, user. Keep up the good work.

Well I live in a state that is saturated with teachers. And I picked a content area that is even more saturated. For everyone 1 open position in my content area and my grade level (high school), schools get about 120 applicants. Just pick my name out of a fucking hat why don't you.

Also, many schools are downsizing. The school I'm working at now as a long-term sub... the teacher isn't coming back. Good news, right? Wrong. They just cut that position entirely. Now they don't need to hire anyone else, and they've saved money.

Long-term subbing is great when I can even manage that. It's cool to be somewhere and act as a "regular teacher" for a few months as opposed to hopping around from school to school each day.

This but women do it naturally:


>in time you'll realize you know nothing but distorted truths, the small box you think within will expand and you'll be as lost as me.
bitch, this is true even if your a genius; you were not conditioned to think about this world clearly; you've grown up in a system where everyone is trying to play you or sell you something; it'd make 0 sense for you to have a strong foundation; you're designed to fail like the rest of us, accept it.

I'm considering this now actually. I haven't really looked into it all that much, but honestly, I may have to look into it more seriously and I think I will. I just don't know that I can make it work here. It's fucking TOUGH.

Kind of sucks, too, because I was considering law school and when someone -- a lawyer friend of mine -- told me that they were graduating 3 law schools students for every 1 open position at a firm or whatever, I was like WELL FUCK THAT.

And, like an idiot, I went into teaching where my odds are 120-to-1. Kill me.

I just love teaching, though. It's the only thing that I actually wake up in the morning and want to go do. So... I don't know. I'm distraught and frustrated and I just feel so... defeated.

Do look at it seriously. In some cases it's a bit of a dead end, but it'll be work experience. As for law school, that's because there was a huge boom in law programs at horribly subpar US schools back when demand was high in the late 2000s, and since that's wound down but the programs keep recruiting supply is high. Guys from top-ranked schools still don't have too much trouble finding work.

tI;dr? toofucking long

youre getting fulfilling life and having a gf mixed up, thats where im suspecting the pathetic character.

having a girlfriend doesnt solve all your problems you also need yourself.

also imagine a world where you werent born attractive and had to be interesting and thoughtful to actually engage people and meet someone you get along with to be your girlfriend. HMM

have you considered reIocating?

>implying anyone is going to read that bullshit jargon filled essay

>high school teacher on Jow Forums
are you 3000% more likely to diddle an underage teen, or is that just a meme?

>I have a long-term girlfriend and I'm consistently failing to deliver when it comes to my relationship.
Fuck off normie.

Considering it now.

Honestly, it's a meme. For me, anyway. Teenage girls quickly lose their appeal once you're around them all day. They're fucking annoying as all hell. Believe me.

why are you here kid? what are you adding to this discussion?

OP isnt even implying that youre dumb but you seem pretty fucking dense to me. he was politely saying that your perspective is not really one that hes looking for here, especially when you come in and sound arrogant as hell about something you know absolutely zero about.

besides maybe not fitting in at school because you arent a likeable person (an estimated guess) have you experienced anything truly difficult in your life? isolation, your entire system of beliefs shattered? even smart people question themselves and what they believe... introspection kind of comes along with strong cognitive ability

if you werent such a prick to begin with i could not care less what kind of stupid advice you give but regardless please dont speak on things you know nothing about

imo its completely a meme. being around them quickly tells you they arent meant for diddling. unless your brain is a bit broken teens are more of just a forbidden fruit sort of thing hence the meme, in reality all seem too young to some degree

I was actually just joking but thanks for the insight