How's it going with that bpd girl user?
BPD thread
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About a year ago she finally left her boyfriend and we became an official couple after I had been seeing her behind his back. Then a few months ago I found out she started cheating on me about 3 months after she had left her old boyfriend and gotten with me with a guy who she had only known for two weeks at the time. I was furious but I love her so fucking much, I said we should take a break and she didnt want to but eventually accepted. We got back together again, but a few days ago I found out she had fucked 4 other guys (including her bf that she left me for in the first place) during our 3 month break. I dont know what to do, I want to marry this fucking woman but BPD makes her do things like this. I feel bad for her because she cant help it as it is the result of her mental condition but I also feel like shit when she tells me she wants to spend the rest of her life with me but is ready to fuck other guys the moment we have an argument.
relationship with sociopathic emotional vampire, what a fine idea
there is only one thing to do with the bpd. cut contact with it. never ever ever talk to it again and don't let it talk to you. it will move on to another victim, but beware that it might visit every few years because it knows you were vulnerable once and may be again
Fuck BPD, every cluster B person should be killed
Let's write this out
>Cheats on her boyfriend with you for a whole year
>You decide to date her
>She cheats on you with 4 other guys
>You want to marry her
>You believe "she can't help it"
>You know she's going to cheat on you again
Dude. I know how fucked up BPD's can make you, trust me. You need to snap out of this. I highly suggest you check out the sub BPDLovedOnes and realize how fucked up these people are.
Stoic indifference is the only way you should behave with a BPD. Make yourself seem as boring as possible so they can attach to someone else.
Especially virgincels. If you attach to a BPD as a virgin, you are fucked. She will fuck up your entire life.
If you really reallly want to be with her then you have to get her to therapy. Which is really hard
>She dumped me last month.
Been feeling like shit. Can't get over it.
Will tell the story if interested and thread lasts till tomorrow. It's 3 am. Good night.
never date anyone with a serious mental illness, and I say this as a mentally ill person as sad as it is love isn't a right it's a privilege some people don't deserve
I have a bpd girlfriend and its a lot different than that, its probably that shes just a slut, the best way is to be control her, if you let her be like that then she'll just cheat on you
Also make sure she gets on anti depressants and take away her phone if possible, I dont know how you feel its like with you but for be my girlfriend has bad outbursts and tells me to leave her alone, sometimes when she gets really angry at she tells me to kill myself and that Im a horrible person and things like that, the only way she should cheat on you is if somehow she got extremely angry at you, if she cheats on you because of nothing or sadness then shes just a slut, if she is sad seek her out and make her feel better, hold her or do other things that make her feel better.
Outbreaks of aggression and sadness only really happen if something ticks her off, other times bdp makes someone feel dead inside kind of like depression, so meds will help
If she cheats on you again then shes probably just a slut and using you
>tfw KHV and got attached to a BPD
>cheated on me the entire time, gaslighted me and told me she never had feelings for me
>2 years now almost and nothing's faded
"people" with BPD need to be registered like pedophiles.
Yeah man, whatever happened to you totally warrants that. And you're definitely doing a really good job of proving your moral superiority right now.
>inb4 something something I don't value your opinion because you have BPD and I'm going to project my hatred of whoever it was that hurt me onto you
it actually does warrant it. bpds are not human. they don't experience emotions like humans do. they are more like emotional pitbulls waiting for their target. they cannot help it but they do not deserve sympathy. they should simply be put down, like we put down a rabid dog or criminal
Holy shit. Are you me?
Originally posted.
Of course. Someone who wants to dehumanize and kill an entire group of people just because their feelings were hurt (and only by one or however many of them, to boot) obviously has an excellent sense of what humanity is.
You almost sound like you have BPD yourself. That's the kind of thing you would expect from someone who does. Or maybe you're a sociopath. But since being an asshole and having BPD are obviously identical it's all semantics and you must be both.
>BPD cheats on you
Like fucking clockwork. How you faggots still fall for this meme is beyond me.
>it's the BPD apologist guy again
I'm sorry you developed this disorder and you're a subhuman because of it but entering every BPD thread and defending your kind won't make anyone think any better of you fucking nutcases.
>BPD hate thread
>BPD comes in and plays the victim
every time
Right. I hope a convenient label for your very obvious psychological problems (but it's probably not obvious to you, maybe you're a narcissist, because you think you have the authority to judge who is human and who isn't?) comes out so everyone can dehumanize you too.
Or you can see a therapist instead of threatening to murder people you haven't met.
how do people find these bpd whores? ive met like one person with bpd in my life and i hated her why even bother with them?
Oh, I'm the perpetrator? Of what exactly? Do tell. I must be so evil just like all jews love money and all indians don't poop in toilets.
I've never met a person with BPD who was redeemable as a human being. They are complete trash. Users, liars and sociopaths. I will never trust one or try to maintain any type of relationship with one ever again.
On a side note. Am I crazy or do significantly more women have BPD? I've known several women with BPD throughout my life but only one man.
>acknowledging the fact that they have BDP
>still calling them monsters
normies please leave and learn empathy
Ignoring the fact that she cheats every 3rd day of the week... well really you just can't. It's one of those things, we say drunk chicks aren't capable of consenting because of their inebriation but the chick still had to dress up, head to the bar, and start knocking back drinks as she flirted with the guy. Your chick has bpd but she still actively and regularly places herself into these situations fully aware of exactly what's going to happen. Dump.
no need to be so butthurt that your victim got away. actually, I know there is a need for you. but a normal human wouldn't feel this. begone, vampire.
Why would I try to empathize with a person who cheats on their partner then blames them for it?
>I feel bad for her
jesus fucking christ please hang yourself you retarded piece of garbage
If there's a condition that makes you kill people en mass and delight in their suffering, and that turns your skin green and develops boils all over your body, are you not a monster?
a bpd is not that bad but it still passes the monster threshold and it should be treated as such
>someone who you did nothing to and who doesn't know you thinks you should die
>surprised when there's retaliation
>tries to shift the blame onto me
Seriously, you need to get yourself checked. You really seem like you're BPD in denial. You completely evaded my question, anyway.
don't project onto me please. is this what you call gaslighting?
you would call it a monster if you didnt understand it. again, empathy. you cant let abusive people ruin your life but its important to recognize people who have reasons for being the way they are (mental illness) and at least treat them with civility
>Help! BPD makes my girlfriend cheat on me with multiple guys! It's totally not her just being a whore who wants another dick every few weeks.
God you all are stupid as hell. Fucking retards here, kys
I didn't project anything lol. I delineated what is occurring and then came to conclusion based on it.
You're the one who seems to be thirsty for victims here, if anything. You basically said it outright. Maybe you're the one who's projecting? I'm only speculating.
empathizing doesn't mean agreeing with actions, but recognizing that the person is a complex human being like you who goes through their own mental and physical challenges in their life. attempt to put yourself in their shoes. at least attempt to understand. of course, this doesn't always mean you will be good romantic partners together. let go, live your own life without close-mindedly condemning others just because you don't understand.
lol yikes. see response above.
nope... I would call it a monster even if I did understand it. monsters have some cause but they're still monsters
you have bpd, do you not? and you're projecting it onto me. don't gaslight. it's sickening how quickly you try to work your craft. I could go into why I am completely unlike a bpd, but there's no need. it was a completely baseless accusation by you to drag me down to your immoral level. bpds often do this. they abuse their victim, then tell the victim it's their fault and they're the ones with the illness. ironically it's often true, they may be codependent and thus easily snared by the borderline
Alright I'm convinced you're trolling. Clearly you are the victim here, even though you're the one who opened by slandering a group that I belong to, you're the one who's been dragging me down to the level of a "subhuman", and you're the one who's telling me that it's somehow my fault. I sincerely apologize, normal man.
> I could go into why I am completely unlike a bpd
I would be happy to hear it.
I am BPD, is there any cure?
>Date BPD
>She does her classic manipulation because she thinks I'm a naive vulnerable loser, emotional fits, I love yous one second and screaming in rage and crying the next over stupid shit, trying to make me cut contact with people I talk too
>Jokes on her I'm actually a clinical psychopath :^)
>Years later I've completely destroyed her mentally and I'm exactly the same emotionally
Always a bigger fish in the sea bitch
DBT, CBT (or one or the other, I don't remember which if not both), not letting yourself get too invested in things, chilling out, not being afraid, taking other perspectives, willingness to be wrong and make sincere amends for wrongdoings, practicing honesty, directness, and transparency at all times, avoiding negative feedback loops and self-destructive behavior. It also helps to practice meditation and other calming strategies.
I'd say at this point I'm only about half recovered, though. The emotional impulses do not disappear and their intensity does not really lessen. But the manipulative behavior is easy enough to deprogram. BPD actually has a pretty high recovery rate in comparison to others personality disorders if I recall correctly.
>inb4 bullet in skull posts
She's dating a pajeet now. Poor bastard.
That's because being a woman and having BPD are the same thing, they're one in the same
>Not including "I don't plan on living much longer"
>No implications that if you won't do this then you don't really love her
5/10 BPD performance is the best I can give her.
typical bpd
>empathizing doesn't mean agreeing with actions, but recognizing that the person is a complex human being like you who goes through their own mental and physical challenges in their life. attempt to put yourself in their shoes.
That's why I'm asking, brainlet. How am I supposed to put myself in the shoes of somebody who justifies betraying their partner simply because they can't handle the pressures that come with dating? There is no excuse. People who have BPD are always blaming those around them and never owning up to their actions. They're professional victims and it annoys the fuck out of me that they think they belong in the same category as those who truly suffer from debilitating mental illnesses.
How do you do it lad? Even NPDs and Schizoids lose in a match up against borderlines
>attempt to put yourself in their shoes
Why should I? I have better things to do with my life.
>Oh, I'm the perpetrator? Of what exactly?
Of being an unbearable pain in the ass and wasting the lives of everyone around you.
I've posted this on this board before but I try to say it in every BPD thread: My mom has BPD and she is the most evil person I have ever met in my life. People with BPD have no empathy for other people. They are pure evil to their very core. Terminating them with extreme prejudice is doing the Lord's work.
I am completely dead inside, there is literally nothing inside me she can take advantage of. The bullshit actually stopped years ago because every time she tries something it just ends with her saying
>You just don't give a fuck about anything
And I don't so there's nothing she can do I can count the number of things I care about on 1 hand, if she really pisses me off I try and kill her and threaten to murder her friends and family :)
>I am completely dead inside,
That's pretty much what a BPD is like, the only difference is that it drives them mad with boredom. Psychopaths like you simply don't mind being empty shells, which is to your credit.
Whose life did I waste?
I've always wondered how that matchup would work. Nice, lad, she got rekt.
>I can count the number of things I care about on 1 hand
What are they
same here (my mom has bpd). it disgusts me how bpds come here and try to defend themselves. what they really want is the opportunity for more people to let them in so they can proceed to abuse them. I post here only to warn normal people about the bpd, but a bpd always pops up and demands sympathy. despite the fact you need a black, black soul to achieve that diagnosis.
Pretty much, I am emotionally dead and flat all the time with very brief bouts of extreme homicidal rage if people actually manage to irritate me which in the past half a decade has only happened about half a dozen times. I only swing between those two emotions so there's nothing a BPD can really can advantage of in my case.
>Is there anyway you can help me pack and move?
>My computer
>My dick
And that's all I care about, those are the only 4 things that matter to me in my life
>That's pretty much what a BPD is like
the feelings of emptiness BPDs feel don't even compare to people who are truly dead inside
Sorry you had to go through that user. How do you deal with it? Only kids who grew up with a BPD parent can understand just how bad it is.
I remain convinced that people with BPD are the most evil people in the world. The only saving grace that their suicide rates are so high,
Stop dating/being friends with/orbiting girls with mental illnesses. Only sadness can come from that situation.
i'll introduce olivardo in a few moments after I smoke my fed(com)ora
>straight male
I'm not going to make it, am I?
>but BPD makes her do things like this
Um, no, sweetie.
Being a whore makes her do those things.
>being friends with
This is fine if you keep it that way and don't allow yourself to be sucked in.
Honestly, friend, if you have BPD you will have ruined plenty of people's lives, no doubt.
lol kys you fucking cuck
This unironically gives me a boner every time I watch it.
it was hard. when I was 3 she took us away from our dad and accused him of sexually molesting my sister. she only did it because she worked out she could make more money from the government. she constantly gambled all her money away and didn't feed us properly, she never paid for school excursions and would beat us. she would go on insane rants on public transport. I would hang my head and she would taunt me saying, "YES, HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!" in front of everyone. once people called the police so she got off with us and waited at the station. when the police came they asked her if she had seen a crazy woman. she said something like "yes, she went that way. I think she was on drugs, officer". after this she laughed for days, repeating those lines over and over in an exaggerated voice, congratulating herself for being so smart to trick the police with her lies. that's often how she reacted to getting away with a lie. she would always come into my school and yell hysterically at the teachers when she couldn't afford a field trip. she hated the middle class and always ranted about them
I could go on. she was/is an evil woman
Those cops sound fucking dumb.
maybe... I could have contradicted her but I was scared
That sounds really shitty user. I really hope life is treating you better these days.
The stuff about field trips was the same for me. I would never ask for money for anything because she would just go apeshit and accuse me of being "ungrateful"
Then she would scream and beat me for hours about how I was always asking for money. At least it made me really independent as an adult and not to rely on anyone.
Not the same friend you are replying to, but no body has ruined my life, but the user who posted below u will certainly do if you continue to rot here with them.
>BPD turned her into a whore
Nah my dude you got it backwards.
so in highschool I had a group of friends and we'd go over to lou's house
>his sister's friends would often be there
>one girl is really ugly but with a nice ass
>one girl is hot
>one girl I hate
>his sister
>one girl I never noticed the existence of
Once in a while we hang
>I graduate a semester early and go to the college in downtown
>after that semester I'm seeing this girl from highschool named Caitlin (altho Olivia was horrible, if I had fucked Caitlin it would have been worse)
>tell Caitlin i'm gonna fuck her and take many girls' virginities
>she ghosts
>go to summerfest by myself
>having crazy time
>run into group of girls lou's sister, a few of them, some randoms who know Caitlin
soon enough I walk out with like 6 girls touching me and I walk them to their car
>they drive off, offered me a ride but I knew I better not, they were in hs and the parent was driving
>as I'm getting home i get texts from 3 girls (Mariah, Olivia, & Some bitch (the hot 1) i don't remember the name of)
Mariah is the one i hate because when i was like 10 i saw her at my sister's baseball game smashing a pane of glass in the grass with a baseball bat like a complete tard
>the next day i invite the hot one and olivia to hang out
>only olivia comes, she was the one i had never noticed
Since you're so convicted you might as well throw out a name. Surely there's evidence of some kind.
There is currently no cure. At best you can manage it through intensive therapy. The length of therapy required to manage it to reasonable levels is dependent on the severity of your BPD, and you have to maintain this therapy for the rest of your life. Because large portions of brain structure/personality is solidified in your 20's, after that it becomes extremely unlikely you will see any improvement.
I suspect psychedelics could possibly cure BPD but that's purely speculation
She's been cheating on you the entire time you stupid fuck LMAO
bpds do generally improve with age, a 0 year old bpd won't holdva candle to a 20 year old one. but by then they've destroyed everything.
Under very specific circumstances, maybe. But psychedelics are already chaotic enough and they can make things worse.
>that day we're hanging out and i'm downstairs while she's eating with my mom researching something on the computer
>we go to a movie, Toy Story 3 tho I think I had seen it
>earlier that day she told me she was going to lose her virginity to lou's friend Zach who we had hung out with at lou's house
>shrug it off, I literally gave no fucks
>we're hanging out more and more but nothing ever happens (I just was basically hated and she was the only who would hang out with me)
>we hang out with Zach and he wants to walk home instead of getting a ride with me
>Olivia feels bad for him and walks home with him
>she texts me that night "I shouldn't have walked with Zach...etc."
>I move to new Orleans
>shit hits the fan and I come back for college
>two weeks later and i'm moving into the dorms
>she's gonna come to my dorm and we're gonna lose our virginities to each other (all said over text)
>she never shows
>few hours later she texts me "I was in a car crash and woke up in a walgreen's bathroom"
>Fuck off
>she gets REALLY angry and we don't speak for months
>she texts me out of the blue, i'm moving into a house, and I invite her to help me move in
>i'm still a virgin
>she's facing the corner and I take my pants off and rub my dick on her cunt through her pants
>she ends up at home
>ff a while and we're gonna do it that night
>I should add (though this isn't nec) an incident that happened at her hs: apparently Caitlin was talking shit about me and I posted on facebook how she was a liar. a cop called me and made me take it down
>fuck olivia
>olivia says caitlin was talking shit again
>the next monday i go to see caitlin at her school (my old school)
>a block away i see olivia, she hugs me and i tell her i'm there for caitlin
>go to caitlin's house
>they tell me i wasn't supposed to be there
>restraining order broken
>eventually get a 100$ ticket
>olivia is blackmailing me that i statutory raped her and that I HAVE TO HANG OUT WITH HER
>so we hang out and she always tells me she loves me and it doesn't matter that I don't love her, she just needs to be around me
>I say we should have an open relationship and she swears she won't do anything with anyone else
>I finger blast this bitch
>she gets upset
>go to Europe
>fuck some prostitutes
>never told her
>ended up going to jail for unrelated and she ghosts me after one last fuck
>she got a new boyfriend
I meant a 50 year old compared to a 20
I've moved to a town coming from a city 3 months ago for work. Met a qt girl there who only works there on wednesdays. I Told her I moved from a far away city and was still trying to integrate there and find new friends. She instantly invited me to hang with her and her friends even thou she is 19 and I'm 26. I obliged happily. We hit it off and she only lives 10 min walking away.
I just wanted to be friends but after a few weeks we'd end up seeing eachother atleast 4 times a week and constantly texting.
A few weeks ago we went to party, got shitfaced and ended up hooking up. The day afterwards she was kind of distant so I told her we shouldn't do it again as I value her friendship and I thought she regretted it. She stzrted crying and shit and told me she really liked me but has a bf. Just told her it's okay and we should be friends. She was distant after this.
Last saturday she called me crying asking to come over. She came over and she had bruises all over her face. Her bf found out and he beat the shit out of her (this has all.been confirmed by mutual friends). We ended up talking and fucking till monday morning telling all our deep shit we hadn't tell eachother yet. She told me she had been abused, has bpd and it isn't the firdt time her bf hit her. She's very attracted to me and feels safe with me.
At the moment she is sleeping in my bed but idk what to do with her. I've had a BPD gf in the past and it ended bad. I'm much more stable, settled, secure and stronger as I was back then. I definatly like her and there is no way she can hurt me as much as my ex did. I'm a very different person now.
Should I break it off? It means alot of friends will know this. Her instability wont allow us to just be friends. Can't I just have a good time with her and see how things go? I dont even mind if we have a relationship and we break up or she cheats on me after a while aslong as I've had a good time and I'm happy and I'm both of those things atm.
Dude she's a confirmed cheater, you're asking for trouble getting involved with her.
>be me
>bpd sister
>ocd/chronically depressed/emotionally abusive mother
>normie dad
>normie dad divorces crazy mom and moves out
>leaves me to fend for myself with crazy mom and crazy sister
Ask me how I turned out.
So have I though :)
I literally said that I dont give a fuck if she cheats aslong as I've had a good time till shit goes south.
And ofcourse she cheats on her current bf with me. I'm Jow Forums, got a nice face, a car, a good income, live alone and and older and more experienced and serious than her current or previous bf. He's an unemployed 21 yo basedboy that literally lives in his grandmothers basement.
Btw she did not tell me she had a bf, I suspected it but didn't mention it. I also was just trying to be friends and integrate and what is a better tool for this than a qt girl with loads of friends
>Ask me how I turned out
Let me guess, you're a KV NEET
No I'm pretty OK actually, but there were some pretty turbulent years for a while there when I self-medicated, sedating myself heavily so as not to have to deal with the absolute, literal insanity of my family.
I know they say that you can't blame your drug abuse on your friends or family, but I think the exception is having a sister with BPD and an equally insane mother.
Anyway, I'm all better now. Still a little fucked in the head from it all though. Living in that sort of environment feels like the ride that never ends...
>At the moment she is sleeping in my bed
>idk what to do with her
The classic BPD experience. Eventually it starts to feel like you have a pitbull sleeping in bed next to you who might explode at any moment and just start biting you. Enjoy!
>there is no way she can hurt me
>I'm a very different person now
But then
>end up seeing eachother atleast 4 times a week and constantly texting
>she called me crying asking to come over
>It isn't the firdt time her bf hit her.
>She's very attracted to me and feels safe with me
Who gives a fuck who she feels safe with? This isn't your problem. Out of nowhere this poor helpless waif comes running into your arms and only you can protect her. You're as green as they come and you're going to get eaten alive. The way you'll get eaten is that you have just met the girl yet you obviously feel very protective of her. She is going to use this against you. You'll eventually become the mean old bf who "abuses" her and whom she needs to be rescued from.
>aslong as I've had a good time
You won't.
>tfw bpd male
Coupled with the fact that I'm unattractive, I am actually worthless.
Don't feel bad, BPD females are worthless irredeemable trash too.
Not the guy you're responding to but it's pretty funny that you actually have bpd. I don't think they should be killed just avoided by anyone who is sane. Everyone I have met with bpd was a terrible human being.
are you me? originalorlileolaoel
Told her not to talk to me until she looks for psychological help. Its been two months
I'm beginning to suspect that I am a bpd male
> unstable/ non-existent sense of self
I didn't ask my dad to beat me you know.
I don't know what I'll do
>>Years later I've completely destroyed her mentally
are you sure?!
My God you are a simpleton. I always used to wonder how people fall for scams like Nigerian prince emails and shit like that, then I discovered people like you.