quints and I'll livestream my suicide
Quints and I'll livestream my suicide
Other urls found in this thread:
Dubs and I'll fucking kill myself
You know your not going to get quints faggot
trips and i'll kill a suicidal robot
If this is true, gimme your discord and we can talk it out. Let's be friends, man. Suicide isn't the answer, bro.
So, if no one gets quints will you still do it without streaming? Or are you just not going to follow through at all?
yeah I know, but fuck me do I wish I could just inhale some of that sweet sweet nitrogen and end it all
I do not get people who go kill themselves in a corner. If life has no value, you have limitless possibilities. You can do anything, the rules no longer apply, there are no consequences
I thought so too.
So i robbed a bank with a note and did 3 years in prison.
Now im back living with my parents.
True story...
Life doesn't have "limitless possibilities" when it's already bad to wake up