I don't understand...

I don't understand. Why did people live such rich lives in the past while in the most technologically advanced era in human history we live in misery?

Attached: mass-hysterias-3.jpg (907x605, 314K)

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To be fair that's a festival in the summer or something. They did a picture because it was such a great day. That same village in the winter and it would have been a different story.

because they kept Jews in check as no more than money making tools without actually giving them all the power, and periodically kicked them out of the country or expunged them before they made a mess.

>get black death
>die in agony

>rich life

sounds romantic desu


1/3 of the worlds population killed by romance. Kek

>such rich lives

Pretty sure they were just used to misery, and whenever there was a festivity of some sort it was an unimaginable treat. We, on the other hand, have that festival of theirs (and some) every day, of course the excitement fades.

Down by my house there's a canal, it's 3 meters deep and 8 meters wide, it goes on for several miles. It was hand dug in the late 1800's, from dusk til dawn they dug, their wage was food for the day, nothing else.

>le black plague meme


Everything which drove them was out of necessity and was thus fairly straightforward even if it was horrible (also see , in order to survive you had to be durable as fuck for a long time). We're way past the point of survival, to the point of needing to choose a purpose.

Because we have too much technology. People back then had to find joy in nature. Their dopamine receptors were normal. Getting a dopamine/testosterone/whatever chemical boost in a natural way (seeing a real naked woman, having sex, spending time with friends, getting into a physical fight with another human or an animal, eating a sweet fruit, etc) feels way better than getting an overload of dopamine/testosterone unnaturally (porn, masturbating, conversing with idiots on Jow Forums, playing a violent video game, eating a bag of potato chips, etc). Your primitive male ancestors was lucky if he saw 3 naked women in his lifetime.

You're loading yourself up with more dopamine than you should have and it makes you unhappy because nature isn't able to compare to NewVomitInBrazil.com. It leads to you feeling like shit.

This is why nofap/noporn is a thing, because it helps you get your dopamine back in order.

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do you even history, bro?

They had real communities rather than the loneliness we have. Nowadays you can only find that in rare small towns, or in certain churches.

You can find community in big cities too, but mostly in ghettos. Those are the only places where people still go outside.

Yeah, but ghettos aren't comfy communities, they're usually full of crime and violence. I just want a comfy peaceful community, where everyone know everyone, and everyone helps/looks out for each other.

You've got a lot to learn, kid.

Attached: Ted Brain.jpg (682x1388, 279K)

ted was hot

Black plague vs BLACKED plague
Which is worse?

sometimes I forget this board is infested with teenagers



industrial revolution. first they made working hours all fucking day, then they realized workers needed time off to buy things. thus the 9-5

before this people never worked so much. a medieval peasant would not work all day

Too bad Mayberry doesn't really exist.

Is there any realistic chance at returning to normal if I've gone as far as ending up here? I'm sure a hard break from immediate-gratification entertainment would help get me back in order, but I worry some of the damage becomes permanent after a certain point, like the receptors are fried. But hell, I guess even normal people are overexposed, the standard itself is different.

From what I've read, your dopamine receptors start going back to normal after around 3 months. Nothing in your brain is permanent except for physical damage. Just stay away from instant gratification (porn, video games, unnatural sweets, only interacting with online retards, social media) and stop bathing your brain in dopamine and you should be normal again.

those things are literally my life

Good to hear, much appreciated. At the same time, damn, I'm only now realizing the true extent to how out of hand this is.

>before this people never worked so much. a medieval peasant would not work all day
[citation needed]

whatever you say neo-puritan

>man has NEVER masturbated in previous millennia

yeah user those peasants starving on their farms or dying from incurable diseases with treatments that did nothing or made it worse sure had great lives

here you go faggot. how about you try googling before making smug memeposts like this begging to be spoonfed

>It stretched from dawn to dusk (sixteen hours in summer and eight in winter),
>According to Oxford Professor James E. Thorold Rogers[1], the medieval workday was not more than eight hours
>yearly average of 9 hours
>this estimate assumes a 12-hour day because the days worked were probably during spring, summer and fall
What a shittily written article, find a real source and come back

Huh, it's almost like a massive transition from a spiritualistic, traditional society to a modern, materialist society is actually pretty harmful to the human psyche

Attached: Read_Evola.jpg (500x690, 53K)

no, you find a real source that says it was all fucking day

Freedom to be uncivilized is human nature

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Their cameras didn't even work in the winter

Have you considered that the people who had the ability to record their life in writing and/or art were generally the wealthier, top portion of society? The large portion of humans have lived lives that have been completely erased by time.

That among many other things, but you're just so wrong on so many levels, this will have to do.

Hear you bro, have no idea. Memes aside, people don't glorify work as it should. Let's not even begin to talk about savings and proper management of money

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They masturbated but it wasn't to the things we masturbate to. They also weren't able edge for hours because they didn't have access to days worth of porn.

Being a chronic masturbator and porn addict took tons of effort back in those days. It takes none now.

Porn, video games, social media, food, whatever, they're all substances. They're all drugs. They're no different than alcohol, weed, coke, pills. And like all drugs, these things should be used in moderation. If someone was drinking everyday, 3 times a day or spending their whole day drinking, you'd think they had a problem, right? How is that any different than someone who swipes through Instagram all day, looking for a bit of validation or masturbates to porn 3 times a day because they can't deal with the feeling of being horny?