Tfw I want a christian, loyal, traditional, family-centered gf...

Tfw I want a christian, loyal, traditional, family-centered gf, but at the same time I don't want to be with someone stupid enough to believe the christian (or any other (((RELIGION'S)))) bullshit.

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Christianity is the staple of Western civilization and culture, user. There's very much so a reason that you want a traditional girl and not one of the disgusting abominations that secularism and liberalism produced. The more that we continue to move away from Christianity and traditional values, the worse that things are going to get.

The quicker things get worse, the quicker they'll get better

Tell that to Rome.

Just get an Asian gf. They are traditional but secular.

That's not what I am denying. But I am too intelligent to be around someone so stupid who would literally fall for the (((CHRISTIANITY))).
As in - I want someone traditional etc. but withouth the hibbie jibbies about some zombie jew.

What about an asexual Tumblr virgin atheist?

That's sort of my point, though. You need to get over your hostility towards Christanity, because without it as a unifying cultural force, things turn into what they've turned into.

you're retarded and don't deserve the traditional life you want

How do you find a virgin girl who wants to be a virgin for life so you can have a pure virgin marriage?

You are not intelligent at all user, sorry. Deep down I think you realize this

A marriage has to be consummated or it isn't a marriage

You are not getting me... I don't need to believe in JEBUS to be a good person. I want another person like this in my life.
If they would be believing in some jewish literature fictional stories literally, I can not be them, it's a deal breaker.

But then she won't be a virgin. That's the problem.

Did I hurt your fee fees?

Werther's original.

I may not be christian but I am loyal, traditional and I love family! :)

Are you a virgin and willing to have a marriage where you never have sex?

I get you just fine, actually. Once again, though, you need to reconsider what you're saying and your feelings towards Christanity. Without a unifying cultural force such as Christianity, an individualistic society (basically all of Western civilization) is going to turn into the exact opposite of what you want in terms of upholding traditional values. They're going to gradually move away from them as a matter of consequence for having no uniting force.
The ability of Asian societies to do so without a religious influence is a result of their being collectivist societies.

What's your sex, age and where do you live?

Western traditional, morals, and values, all come from Christianity, which is true. You fell for a false redpill and think everything you don't like is a Jewish conspiracy. Let me tell you, a lot of things wrong in this world are because of Jews, but Christ's love is pure and good. Regurgitate your redpill and take the Catholicpill.

No, I already took a Charles-Giulianopill:!nYoxWZAQ!99Zd5qAQCWI0PdYVVjTKJ4pqRQHtaSHk1EYMqOju-bw