What is the worst thing you have done user?
What is the worst thing you have done user?
I'm just gonna say what everyone thinks
Being born
>What is the worst thing you have done user?
eating my head
I killed a cat when I was sixteen it was part of a dare
If you could just push a button would you undo your birth?
shit in the bathtub
Probably when I choked my little sister and tried to suffocate her with a pillow.
Yes I know I'm scum.
Fuck yeah, I want to kill myself, but never being born in the first place is even better.
Different user here
Also nice digits
YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! wishing that since I was 11
I've greentexted the story before but don't feel up to it right now...
I basically received a really shitty text from this girl who used to be my close friend; she was always kind of a cunt, and we parted ways for a while, but then we started reconnecting when out of no where she sends me a cunty fucking text.
I learned that her overweight mother had died a couple of months prior to this text, and so I didn't respond to it. I woke up the next morning, went to the cemetery, took a picture of her mother's headstone and sent it to her with the message: "glad to see your mother finally found a diet that worked for her."
>inb4 this didn't happen
Yes, it did, and I'll be going to hell for it.
That's really fucking based if It actually happened.
How did that bitch respound to that roast?
She called me, repeatedly, and I mean REPEATEDLY. One call after another after another after another...
I couldn't answer even if I had wanted to because I was at work. My phone started to heat up, that's how many fucking times she called. I eventually blocked her number, but not before she left me a voicemail where she basically called me psychotic and told me that it's the reason I have no friends and blah blah blah.
After I got out of work, I went to the bar with the friends that I don't have and we listened to it together laughing.
... Honestly, though... she's probably right. It's not normal to do shit like that. Maybe I am a little psychotic.
user you're a good guy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Beat my sister in front of her friends.
its the law of the wild, you had no choice user, only the strong survive
you are, but we can't tell the degree of if it were justified or not without context to this "cunty text"
how old are you now and how does it affect you to this day? what triggers memories of that event and how are you dealing with it?
It's a story I don't wanna tell in it's entirety but helping a person spiral down into depression and lose his years long relationship while being his major emotional support. Then leaving him to his fate and attempted suicide in the end.
No, I'm not a woman.
oooh tasty bread keep spillin those dirty secrets bois
mine is probably just beating up a girl who kicked me in the balls. but I mean she kicked me in the balls so I don't really feel bad, nah mean?
actually maybe it was bullying kids younger than I in elementary school. that probably wasn't very cool
that's pretty low my dude, but nice trips
He was a "friend" trying to get my boyfriend at the time to cheat. He was a pretty scummy and terrible person in general. Not saying he entirely deserved it but it's probably the biggest example of an overreaction I can think of, since it was something I passively worked on for almost a year on top of anything else I was doing.
I'm usually not someone to hurt anyone, but I can't help but feel good about his fate. I think he's still a mess to this day, though obviously not so much, it's been over 8 years now.
>Been manipulating my girlfriend of 4 years that I love her but infact I'm only with her because she's been the ONLY woman to like me
>Inb4 normie reeeee
I'm a super ugly, borderline autistic half mexican, half french mongrel that has NEVER been able to attract women except for her (For whatever reason).
She's kinda fat
Probably autistic
Has depression
Social anexiety
Can't function independently at all
but she had a crush on me...So without being interested in her AT ALL I asked her out simply because I knew she would say yes...So yeah. I don't really love her at all and if I didn't think I could do better (And the fact that she'd probably kill herself) I'd break up with her.
Oh well...
That sounds a lot like true love to me, actually.
My actions led to a robot's suicide, but I don't feel bad about it.
Used a homeless woman to have a kid of my own
Stole $584 from a store by committing paycheck fraud. Totally fucked my entire life up to this day, I regret doing it and always will regret doing it.
I unno man?
I never really feel like it's "Love".
I only act romantic because it's the only way I'll get sex out of her
I find most of the things she does and the way she acts to be a burden more than anything...But I can't break it off because; like I said: I honestly can't do any better
you're a literal cock sucking faggot too? LMAO too much
She probably feels the same way, user. You both sound like incredibly unattractive, undesirable people, and you've found each other. This girl is the one for you, and you're the one for her. Love each other, you mongrels.
Mistakes that lead to damage beyond repair.
Hmm...An interesting way to look at it
We're each other's consolation prize
I can dig that
need. greentext. now.
yeahp that's true love. if you could do better it wouldn't be, but you can't so it is. anything else is covetous lust
>Homeless woman frequents train station I do
>Try giving her food I didn't want and offer to buy her something but she'd prefer the money
>Rather than just change I offer her a large amount if she'll let me fuck her
>She's hesitant but accepts and we find a spot in the bathroom
>Fuck her and she says not to finish inside because no condom but I get carried away and do anyway
>When she realizes she gets pissed and says how she could get pregnant and has a fit at me
>It was an honest mistake but I start to fantasize about the idea over the coming weeks
>Guestimating her cycle a bit, do the same offer a month later for even more money so she'll accept and assure her I won't make the same mistake
>Totally do
>This time when she finds out she loses it, screaming and crying and attacks me and ends up a sobbing mess about her not wanting to get pregnant and being scared about the first time
>Over the coming months see her around and notice she's developing, definitely pregnant
>Confront her about it but try to keep my cards close
>End up supporting her through the rest of the pregnancy and basically paying her off to leave the baby to me
Thinking back now she might have gotten pregnant from the first time but the second time was an extra chance to try and make sure.
u are literaly a piece of shit, wish you get std
You two should team up.
holy fuck. how's raising the kid going? did it have any birth defects from being spawned by a street urchin?
fucking weird... I got a chubby reading this
also, weren't you concerned about STDs?
45300045, here; and I wasn't actually trying to get the guy to kill himself.
>In 10th grade
>Last day at high school
>Dumb roastie in my gym class fucking annoys me for no particular reason
>Sort of popular and a bit of a loud cunt, never did anything to me though
>Last gym class and its outside
>Wait for a random roastie to ask to go to the bathroom
>Sneak back inside the school
>Nobody notices me since I have no freinds and no presence
>The gym or locker room areas are empty and I don't come across the roastie
>Grab my backpack from outside the boys locker room (They locked the doors when we had outside classes)
>Sneak into the girls locker room since they have to leave the door slighly propped open because of a broken handle
>Find her backpack easily because she has a million pins on it (Like those gay goth ones from hot topic)
>Grab pencil case an steal all her shit from it for some reason
>Take all her notebooks and load them into my backpack
> It has a perfect amount of room because I already gave all my textbooks and shit back
>Rip off all the pins and also put them into my backpack
>Find her nice sunglasses in a case (pic related, they look a lot like them but I'm not 100% sure)
>Snap them and put them back in
>Find her phone
>IPhone 7 and at the time brand new
>Slam it against a bench and get a nice crack on the screen
>Slam it again for fun
>Considering pissing on her shit but remember the police can tell male urine from female
>Just drench her entire backpack with another roasties water bottle to ruin her textbooks
>My work here is done
>Sneak back to class and nobody even notices
>Hear that the bitch went home early and was crying about her broken shit in last period
>Hope random roastie who went to the bathroom will be blamed
>Never get caught and move away knowing I never will atone for my sins
She was one of those standard tumblr girls with dyed hair. She never even spoke to me before, she just pissed me off.
How do you "accidentally" get someone to kill themselves?
At the time I didn't have the sense to consider that the baby could get fucked up by the mother being homeless and living that life. She could have but I got lucky I suppose because when she found out she was pregnant she stopped drinking and other bad habits cold turkey despite suffering for it. When I came along to support her she didn't relapse. Raising the kid is going fine, she's a lovely little girl and so far has been without medical issues.
The first time was in the spur of the moment so I wasn't thinking about that which may be stupid but that's just how it happened. I didn't catch anything from her so the second time I wasn't worried.
You should have offered to take her in as your wife, you cad. Let her help you raise her child.
i fingered a chick who was passed out on xanax.... only cause i couldnt get it up.... bitch was cucking me for 3 months before that tho... i dont feel bad though cause i knocked her up then married her not long after...
LoL: that homeless woman's kid ain't your's I was fuckin' her 2
wrote a song to get an ex friend to suffer, posted it online, linked from my facebook
lived states away
>lo & behold two weeks later he commits suicide
I testified at his fraud trial. They wound up not pressing charges, but he lost his NEETbux; and apparently he decided a short time later that he'd rather die than get a job.
Well if he was on trial sounds like he was already in trouble anyways. I imagine you testified because you disliked him or just due to obligation? Either way why do you feel remorse? You didn't "encourage him to suicide", you just pointed out he was abusing the system, he's the one who decided to die.
the funny shit is that his obituary a few pages back in google is on some like sexacts.vibrator.com site or something for some reason
>Well if he was on trial sounds like he was already in trouble anyways.
Yea, except that I was the one who gathered all of the evidence on him. If it hadn't been for me, there never would have been a trial.
> I imagine you testified because you disliked him or just due to obligation?
I testified because it was part of my job and I wasn't going to get any money if I didn't.
> Either way why do you feel remorse?
I don't; I said earlier that I don't feel bad about it.
Right. Well good riddance then, sorry for barely reading your one sentence post, it's been a rough day.
No worries at all, man.
man, whatta story. still not sure i believe it just cause it's fucking Jow Forums so you never know, but if you're legit that's quite the fucking story
that's fucking sad m80
you sound homeless