hello everyone!
Vidya friends?
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>league of normies
it's just so boring to play alone :|
>it's just so boring to play alone :|
>It's just so boring to play league.
fixed it for ya'
yeah i know league isn't looked well upon on here - but i wanted to try anyways!
how are you tonight user? :)
>league of legends
where the fuck does the time go
i miss playing this shit
desu league is alright - but only if you play with people you enjoy playing with y'know?
how're you though user?
how long have you played? :o - personally i play a bit on and off - but i've been there since.. season 1 or 2
I've recently quit league and it's safe to say every single game I've played since has been a better and more fun experience for me.
The real question here is, what else do you play, other than league?
fallout 4 and payday 2 - and racing games every now and then. but i'm just bored with those - and i don't have any money to buy new vidya :/
that's why i'm coming back to league for a while
played 2011-2015
it just isnt the same anymore
i would do anything to go back though and play dumb shit with my friends again
that's true :l i just found out that a new champion is on his way - and his backstory is the exact same as reworked gangplank - it's weird man.
but yeah i feel you. earlier seasons were simpler times.. even without friends
>buy new vidya
that's a big LOL from me dawg
I see you can run fallout 4 so 100% you can run some old games on the PSP and PS2
>games on the left are PSP, the ones on the right are PS2 games.
I dunno man, and those are just one's I've downloaded recently
waitnonono my ign isnt psyduck! - mixed it up with my steam name!!
my IGN is: All Trick Phony
god that was a big big big big mistake..
i'm just not into torrenting things - and yeah i can decently run fallout 4 on lowest settings 1080p.
i prefer buying from steam and such if i got new games - just so i know for sure that it works and blablabla - plus i feel like it's a bit against my morals
You don't even have to torrent those, they range from 200MB to 3.5GB and you can just download them through browser from emuparadise.
Other than that play terraria, it's very low cost on steam
ah.. - i'm not big into emulators - got one on my phone for a few of the classic pokemon games but that's it - i hardly use it.
and as said - i'm actually broke :p can't afford buying anything, and i've watched gameplay of terraria and it doesn't really feel like my type of game :l
Trust me everybody feels like that about terraria, so as soon as you get your good boy bucks buy it.
I don't know man, it just sounds like you really want to play league, bad decision
it's not that i REALLY wanna play it - but as i said earlier, i come back to it every now and then, to see what changed.
and when i'm broke i can't afford new vidya annd blabablablalba you heard it all before i'm sure.
but i guess i could try out terraria when it's on sale? - idk, 2d scrollers have never been my thing (except ofc pokemon when i was a child)
i just don't have any other games i wanna play these days (again - not like i really wanna play league) - i've kinda.. run out(?) of things that interests me in the other games i got
I don't know man everybody I've talked with are just lazy fucks, not to be offensive but kinda like you.
Just get your fatass and find a good game to play, there are none free to play on steam, none. You're better off delving into emulating older ones or just playing indie games really
well i am lazy lul - but if i find a game that looks good to me i'l get it.
i know emulators are awesome and all that - but i'm just scared that it would be kinda ruined thanks to my childhood experiences (like Sly Cooper) - as in they maybe won't be able to live up to how i thought they were. - that's what happened with runescape when i tried getting into OSRS again. - just couldn't live up to the retarded standards i had from my childhood where i played it all the time.
god i hate myself sometimes
Ahaahah no you're totally right and most games don't, the one you mentioned though, Sly cooper and all of the trilogy really does very well live up to what you remember about it, I can confirm 'cause this is the third time i'm gonna play it.
The ones I've listed though do live up mostly to what you remember of them, I'm playing Kingdom Hearts right now and it's okay however I can't wait to finish it just so I can get into Birth by Sleep which is the real deal, trust me
well - on your word - i guess i'll look into sly cooper then!
Ooh and about emulators, I run the PSP one on x10 rendering resolution and 5x texture scaling (the maximum) and the graphics are pretty much 4K, really gorgeous
oh yeah i forgot - theres like a billion different emulators. - which one would you say i should choose for sly cooper?
PCSX2 1.4.0 for Playstation 2 games, remember to also download the BIOS
bios? - sorry i'm not really good with computers.. i only know about hardware
>www - dot - loveroms - dot -com/extras/ps2-bios - dot - php
In short, you need them to run the emulator
i thought you were talking about making another bios or going into the bios of my computer to change stuff - in which case that would be no bueno - i'm too scared of fucking something up :l
My xbox live tag is pactasticp85