>hey, it might work
>worth a try
Way to shirk all responsibility from your own advice.
Hey, it might work
Other urls found in this thread:
>suddenly have what it takes to have skills that make you an interesting person
>forget about everything about your terrible upbringing
>stop being depressed
>stop having anxiety
>suddenly have the mental capacity to learn interesting skills
>suddenly learn how to speak clearly
>Learn python for date money
Fucking boomer posters I swear to god.
>E) Open yourself to child rearing
aka raise tyrones kid
none of this will give me a teen gf
No now the females will know
Did you know that most teenagers are also depressed wrecks with anxiety? Can't speak well? Maybe it's because you never go outside and use your mouth and actually socialize. God damn.
Teen girls are worth about $100
Robots make terrible parents. Someone incapable of friends wouldn't be a good role model for children. It's pretty difficult to have a child respect when you can barely speak. Robots aren't good with having the appropriate emotions so they will get bored talking to kids.
>learn Python for date money
this shit makes me so mad. the guy is a wealthy professor and programs as a hobby. so why does he make such a dumbfuck statement? I could write an essay on why this point in particular is just enraging. first, python isn't programming. it's one fucking language. second, programming is not a job. software development is a job. third, you should have a backing in computer science and software engineering techniques to be a software developer. picking up a gayfuck 'learn python in 10 easy steps' book won't do this. and the phrase "date money" is so fucking condescending. how dare he reduce my career to a side hustle for "date money". what an out of touch piece of privileged shit
Cant make worse parents than chads
>go outside
>try to talk to stranger
>get rejected or embarrass myself
>end up having videos of me on Jow Forumscringeanarchy
>never want to go outside again
you alright there anonn
What does he think "INCEL" is? why does he write it in full caps twice? How does one "leave" "INCEL"/
he thinks I.N.C.E.L. is a fucking terrorist organization. the fucker reads two feminist articles on the subject and then feels he should give his statement as a thought leader. the absolute arrogance
None of these work if you aren't attractive.
As a robot that has a girlfriend, the only reason why I have her is because she for some autistic reason finds me attractive.
I've never had a gf before and she never had a bf before, maybe that's it idk.
TLDR : If you're ugly lift weights to make it a bit better or give up
This lowkey pissed me off as well
What Emil Kirkegaard tweeted in response is important.
Not everyone can just do all the things he listed in that tweet, particularly making a career out of Python programming. We are limited by our low IQ and shitty personalities.
Nice try but i wont fall for this jewish trickery
>open yourself to child rearing
post a pic of this tweet
I'll try to find it. It was a short tweet but I remember it because Kirkegaard is an intelligence researcher and I like seeing him talk about it.
As someone about to graduate in CS, I fucking feel ya, user.
>B) Learn G-D-Em-C on guitar
i.e. "Learn to be that tryhard guy in one easy step"
You can tell his fucking age from that point alone.
isn't he like 50
52 but exactly my point. This isn't the 80's or even the 90's anymore where saying "I play guitar" was enough to be cool.
I'm trying to learn Japanese but I don't think it'll get me laid.
Besides the learning jokes from a book and open yourself to child rearing, that is decent advice for getting laid.
>"hey fellow jap girl do you know user-san? Yeah that creepy white guy who is learning to speak Japanese, i bet hes just on of those weirdos who has a fetish for asian girls"
>"ewww grosss im going to stay away from that baka"
Exactly. Which is why I would never reveal that I know Japanese unless I already got a GF through some other method and she happened to be some weeb that liked anime.
yeah user im pretty sure itll get you the exact opposite of laid
obvious trolling origimon
fuck you chang
what the fuck makes you say that
>learn python for money
Already now that
How do i get money?
please direct me to the people that pay me for knowing python
Go to your dad, tell him you learned a cool new skill and ask him for a $50 reward so you can ask a girl out on a date.
I unironically think this would work on my dad. Except I wouldn't need to tell him I learned a new skill.
he basically does that but with alcohol
>way to shirk all responsibility from your own advice
lmao it's not up to someone else to improve your life, no one can make the changes for you fuckwit. If you're not happy, all you can do is make small changes until you figure out which small changes are the ones that make life a little easier. Cook proper food, spend money on other people that are going to spend money on you. Things that will make people want to spend time with you, but also things that will make you want to spend time with people. Don't let yourself get walked over but don't walk over others.
>open yourself to child rearing
does he really mean cuckery here? or does he mean women want a guy who wants children?
He would be an incel if born 20 years ago.
is the same as
>learn to use scissors, become a hairdresser
Pic related. I.N.C.E.L. uprising when?
>fuck up my wallet senpai
they used embryos so the woman cucked herself too
I don't think he's trolling. I just think he's that smug and out of touch
just be funny bro it works everytime
Well a lot of people dont need fancy programs.
They just need a web app or some sort of macro.
Decades of emotional isolation and my severe social deficiencies is gonna be solved by strumming a guitar and shitty jokes?
What's her face look like? What does her body, tits, ass, waist, etc. look like?
I wonder if cute girls like that exist.
>As a robot that has a girlfriend
>has a girlfriend
That doesn't make any sense
You're not a robot
came to post this
At least he's trying to trying to help by giving advice(even its bad) instead of insulting other incels
He's being just as inconsiderate though
Never mind
>At least he's trying to trying to help by giving advice(even its bad) instead of insulting other incels
His advice is an insult. Imagine if he told niggers to just act more white.
every fucking time
Well said that man originally
Telling a nigger to act more white, and having the nigger actually act white would actually be a good thing
Lol well yeah that's true.
Let me guess, evangelical Christian.
In all seriousness, this is like telling a thirsty man to quit feeling thirst instead of giving him water. Impractical and pointless. I've met some Chads who play guitar but universally, Chad does 0 of these things.
Doing the opposite would be far more successful.
Weinstein is a jewish name.
okay Iet's see how I shape up
>Iearn a few jokes from a book
I tutor cIasses at university and I have peopIe Iaughing a few times a Iesson so I assume I'm pretty funny
>Iearn guitar
Most men don't know guitar but have gfs, next
>Be kind but not weak
Why wouId I be kind to peopIe who aren't kind to me? But I am kind to strangers by defauIt
>Iearn python
I'm a med student, don't have the time
>open yourseIf to chiId rearing
PIs give me wife for chiId rearing
>Iisten and be responsive
Doing that right now
>Be prepared to Ieave inceI
okay yes pIease
Where's my girIfriend?
oh wait, I don't get one because I'm mentaIIy iII in Iarge part due to sociaI rejection and ugIy
Thugs, rapists, criminaIs and deadbeats aII have girIfriends but I, the med student robot don't, because I'm a 3/10 at best on a good day
Normies don't fucking get it, the reaIity of hypergamy and pervasive anxiety conditions
I make friends in my group laugh all the time, some of whom are women
I've been playing guitar for 10 years
I am the textbook example of polite, and know when to not be walked upon
I don't need python to make money for dates gr8 b8 tho
I'd be fine with having kids, but they damn well better be mine, and the bitch I have them with better not even think of divorce
I always engage in active listening, part of the job
Really makes you think
I've had 1 girlfriend before, maybe a 6/10 who asked me out for the record, havent had one since she cheated on me 4 years ago, and havent been laid since either. I've pretty much given up on women because dating culture is by and large retarded.
>he thinks robot means incel
You have to go back.
>Thugs, rapists, criminaIs and deadbeats aII have girIfriends but I, the med student robot don't, because I'm a 3/10 at best on a good day
Sounds like you have a shitty attitude. You're clearly implying you're entitled and more deserving of having a girlfriend by virtue of being a medical student. Really makes you think
>Sounds like you have a shitty attitude.
Not him, but gee, I wonder why?..
>You're clearly implying you're entitled
Oh, you're just a souless roastie.
Robot isn't just some term for people that post here
He should be more deserving than thugs, rapists, and criminals simply because he isn't one. The fact that he's a medical student also shows that he isn't a worthless freeloader and can provide for people.
Fuck off clueless fucking normalshit
I don't deserve a gf because I'm a med student
I don't see why girIs want to date thugs, rapists and deadbeats though
A rapist is not more deserving of a gf than me
>learn a few jokes from a book
this has to be disinfo
>everyone who points out the truth is a roastie
Haven't seen that one before. Getting pussy isn't a checklist of arbitrary shit. I got laid while being an overweight alco.
Yeah, it is.
Relationships are about who you are not what you do. Clueless fucking autist.
>A rapist is not more deserving of a gf than me
Right, nobody deserves anybody.
>I don't see why girIs want to date thugs, rapists and deadbeats though
I'd wager that they're exciting and you're not. Given that you claim you're 3/10 you need to have an interesting personality if you want to pull. Simply being a med student (not even a doctor yet) isn't enough, it makes you one dimensional.
>be yourself
No it isn't you fucking moron
It has been established that robots are basically incels but with more focus on the no gf part
>I'd wager that they're exciting and you're not.
Yeah no shit
Roasties want "exciting" over unattractive but stabIe
?? Everybody wants this. I don't want a girl with a stable job, I want a girl that is going to be fun to be around and isn't going to want to talk about her garden or some lame shit.
I've been on Jow Forums since the beginning faggot. No matter how much you incels push this shit it'll never be true. Fuck off to incels.me or wherever the fuck they're hiding now.
Fuck off back to normieville, normalfaggot.
>just be yourself
t. Chad (((Normalfagenstein)))
Hellooooooo redd!tginally!
this is honestly good advice for 90% of this board, especially all of you college kids and hs students lurking but not posting coz thats against the rules.
for the rest of us though, this advice wont work.
seriously literally do this all you 19 year old faggots who think life is hard because you aren't getting mad pussy in uni.
>reddit are the faggots pushing this trap and incel = robot shit
>calls everyone else reddit
Never change.
>?? Everybody wants this.
No, roasties are happy to date terribIe peopIe Iike rapists so Iong as the rapist is attractive
Roasties wouId rather fuck a monster than a robot
Roasties wouId rather fuck someone who is abusive than a robot
And that's fucked Iad
>learn python
this is Reddit-tier advice. learning python isn't the only thing to get a job..
you also have to learn a lot of plugin languages for python.. that are just as, if not more complicated than Python itself.
>Roasties wouId rather fuck someone who is abusive than a robot
Robots seem to one of two extremes: meek doormats or low-key abusers. Nobody wants a meek doormat and why take a robot abuser when you could get a better one?
>a monster
Don't use emotive language dude, that's a female thing.
>No, roasties are happy to date terribIe peopIe Iike rapists so Iong as the rapist is attractive
Well I'm the same as a man. I'd love to go back in time to fuck a young Susan Atkins after she went to prison. I've jerked off thinking about it. It's exciting. It might be fucked but it's natural.