How is she supposed to find a new job ? Her life got destroyed by orbiters.
How is she supposed to find a new job ? Her life got destroyed by orbiters
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Everybody knows she works at target, we are the one's with no jobs, mass invasion of normalfaggots notwithstanding.
Kill yourselves by the by.
Good, dumb fucking whore roasties deserve nothing less.
Good. I'm glad you faggots destroyed her life. Maybe you'll learn your lesson now.
i hear the job market is good, try sending apps.
what is wrong with yall. do u really take a teen girl this seriously
And thats our problem, how again?
>Why does the crimson CHIN Chan wear the mask
Her dad should of raped her sweet tight ass
how can u live with yourself
She got fired. Yhfdd
why was i included in this? im not an orbiter, im strictly Jow Forums only.
What about one as a fucking dead whore
reported to the FBI
unoriginal post
She's eighteen and has experience, plenty of time to go to jobcorp and such, or whore herself last resort, AND she comes form money.
Me, I'm almost 30, never have worked, a NEET of course, neither of my parents own a house nor car, and there's jack shit for people like me, so why care?
Dropping the boo hoo for her shit topic, it is fine to fawn over someone that uses this place, she wasn't an extreme normalfaggot. Most users on here are worse, they have no value and are literal normalfaggots.
I mean she came here and she knew better she should handle the responsibility not any of us.
It's her job and she risked it for temporal fame
What did she get fired for?
Why did you never get a job user?
user i'm not sure who us bitch is or why people always post about her.
But U seem more interesting how long have u been a neet?
>Most users on here are worse
Why did she get fired? What did you faggots do this time? Someone is going to pay for this.
Michael was instructing people to harass her work place and called multiple times himself.
Who is this Michael cunt?
She can always do FacialAbuse. It's what she's destined for, the potato whore.
I got my AR-15 right now. Where does this Michael kid live at?
some dude who would have starred on TCAP
sounds pretty baste
Retribution. That doesn't absolve Michael from his doings as well. He'll get what's coming to him soon.
Reported, you crazy fuck.
I need the info ok why there are so many fucking post about this bitch..? Someone fill me in.
I'm sick of seeing like 10 post a day and not knowing why there are so many fucker obsessed with her.
What the fuck is going on
I'm glad you asked!
- 26 years old
- obsessive and clingy
- will threaten your and your familys safety if you try to leave him
- will do awful things then blame it on benzos
- doxxes people out of jealousy
- rape/abuse fetish
Jay aka Michael's Mortal Enemy
- 35 years old
- decent personality and treats Ciara well
- doesn't threaten anybody
- mostly stays out of the cancer Jow Forums groups
- has never tried to blackmail girls or post underage girls nudes
This fucker needs to get destroyed. ASAP.
>- will threaten your and your familys safety if you try to leave him
What can he even do? He looks like a little piece of shit
prz, habe seet
Michael is screwed. More and more evidence of his threats are posted everyday. Here's him after threatening a 17 year old girl.
fukk white people
Since I was twenty-two, I dropped out for not being motivated enough to do anything, figured would become an hero by twenty-five, planned it in fact, but this thread will get pruned so long story short turned to booze and make pruno out of being poorfaggot now with invasive parents etc.
So, from twenty-two to twenty-nine, however long that is even.
entry level jobs are more competitive than nice jobs, and are unlivable, even if I wanted a job It's fucked, and they never gave me one when I was looking as a young teen, so fuck it, I was raised lazy.
Eventually maybe I'll get the bux then never speak to anyone ever again whilst killing self with substance abuse of all kinds, whilst eating junk food and binge watching TV series after TV series famicom 64s.
Also i was raised shit, aged out of foster care, I am interdasting and like such people that are too, hence my browsing of any Jow Forums grill.
Same reason the incel boards on reddit have mostly downvotes, it's s shit ton of normies and this girl was a heroin doing Jow Forums browsing BPD akak yandere. We like her, newfaggots and mods that are afraid of happeneings aside.
he seems pretty retarded. jail would destroy him
Ok I'm starting to get a full picture..
I think.
But why is this grill Jow Forums famous? What she do
Whatever happened to this bitch and all the other sluts this board used to orbit?
Fucking know it.
You do seem more interesting than this grill honesty as well that's good.
IF you planed on being a hero why not just go out and do some crazy shit? What stopped you from doing what u wanted?