Whats your favourite album ever Jow Forums?

whats your favourite album ever Jow Forums?
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Devin Townsend Presents: Ziltoid the Omniscient is probably my FOAT.

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>tfw she'll never grab on to you like that

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Lateralus by Tool.

Iowa was a pretty broot4l album too, i like it alot

That's a patrician choice right there OP.

Great taste there, user. To me it's a tie between Highway 61 and Blonde on Blonde. Live at the Apollo is a pretty great one too.

Gimmie gimmie dis gimme gimme dat

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Meteora by Linkin Park

Why is Dylan so based, bros? He was kind of a robot yet he totally made it. How did he pull that off?

Pet sounds, The Beach Boys

was darby crash /ourguy/?

Does anyone dig Dylan's first album. It's a lot more folky. People seem to enjoy Dylan's less folky albums.

Far Side Virtual, it's by a fellow named James Ferraro.

Maybe if you were Jewish she would.

This album is my favorite by him

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Don't care if it's /mu/core, I love this album

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In a thread where someone said Meteora, whatever that is, is his favorite album you still managed to be the worst person here. OUT!

Of course


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fucking impossible to say, maybe Geogaddi by Boards of Canada

I could never pick a favorite album

All I know is that for now, this type of music makes my brain secrete dopamine.


Well that's rude. What do you have against Radiohead?

god tier, fellow robots

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Bright Eyes is extra comfy

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They are the worst, user. They are what you get when you turn smug middle-brownness into music.

What the fuck are you talking? Radiohead makes som of the best and most intellectually engaging music out there. I bet you're failed normie who thinks they are pretentious just because they are rather obscure. Fuck you. Just because someone is trying to do something more sophisticated than your average top 40 doesn't mean it isn't good. Quite the opposite actually.

This but don't bother with him. He's probably a rap fan or some bullshit like that. If you don't at least appreciate what Radiohead have done for music then you have shit taste and your opinion is worthless. Period.

But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do

And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew

That someday it would lead me back to you

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The only correct answers are one of the following:
= Speak Now
= Red
= 1989
At least for those of you who have not forgotten your one, true queen.

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Probably this. Haven't listened to it in a while though

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>the feeling when this kept me from not having hope

artist: nothing nowhere
album: ruiner
favorite song:better

Other favourites:
>The Sonics - Here are The Sonics
>The Yardbirds - Roger the Engineer
>Rockpile - Seconds of Pleasure
>Tiny Tim - God Bless Tiny Tim

I also like a lot of country and blues but those are more singles-oriented.

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God tier. There is something about rapping over a manipulated sample that really gets me.
Meat Grinder is literally just the sample with some added tempo and rapping. No actual noticeable change to the song. Yet its amazing. He made fucking literal library music interesting without even doing anything major. The idea of finding this sample in an extremely obscure compilation that nobody would even bother with and exposing it to a semi larger audience to critical acclaim inspires me to search deeper into obscure music. I like the idea of
>if it sounds good. dont change it.
I dont like the saturated boom drums mot people put on samples. But when Madlib goes deep into his samples. It is amazing.

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neofolk bros WW@??

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I love them and all of their offshoot projects

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Right now it's a tie for me between The Smile Sessions by The Beach Boys and OK Computer by Radiohead, it's so hard to pick one

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It's not the most innovative album but it does a fantastic job at what it's doing

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Not really a fan desu. I just never got into hard hitting sounds, and the east coast accent. I listen to soiboi rap desu. But I respect him, I thought it was brilliant when they put Raid in The Boondocks.

I used to trip on acid and listen to this record with my flat mate years ago.

meme house bloom

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Pic Related

Runners ups are as follows
>Paranoid - Black Sabbath
>GRADUATION - Kanye West
>Stadium Arcadium - Red Hot Chili Peppers
>Illmatic - Nas
>Enter The Wu-Tang - Wu-Tang Clan

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Holy shit, haven't done psychedelics yet but if I ever do this will probably be the album I trip to

just incredible foresight and intelligence. He's basically a genius.
or legend has it he sold his soul.

Operation Doomsday is a lot more accessible. MF Doom is essential rap/hip hop in my opinion.


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Not a radiohead superfan but that was rude. Kid A is nice.

I'd say Doppelganger for is my favorite because it was their first album I listened to but Manipulator is objectively better imo

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The ending of this album is brutal.

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Man I love Wu-Tang, it reminds me of better times.

weezers Pinkerton is my favorite

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