"We drink alcohol".
"We drink alcohol"
"We fight for minorities and women's rights".
"We watched Black Panther. We're gonna go punch some Nazis."
"Islam is a religion of peace. White people and Israel are the problem. Trump needs to be impeached. Religion is stupid."
"Abortion is a women's choice."
fuck you, i need alcohol to stay alive. don't associate me with this shit
Holdup, is that an actual biological female there? Fourth from the right top row.
Pic related is the reaction when you pull off one of the greatest cons in gaming history.
these individuals alone must consume hundreds of thousands of onions milk every year
>2 years of no updates past nervously assuring people that it will be very cool and there will totally be all sorts of things to do, as well as dodging the question of multiplayer like Neo dodges bullets
>people still gave him money before the game was released
every single one of those idiots deserves to have their money taken away.
testing testing testing
By fight you mean make a sassy tweet before sipping ones proverbial tea?
I would pay good money to throw something into these fucktard's mouths when they're taking their dumb basedboy pictures. I hope they choke on an insect that flies in there, fucking faggots.
>biological male
No such thing you bigot.
I think alcohol is for soinorms too, as they always describe it as social lubricant and 'drinking' means 'drinking with 50 other people'
but Islam forbids alcohol so there's a bit of a contradiction here
Murray managed to walk the line of letting the internet's imagination of bestgameevah shit run wild while managing to keep the legitimate questions from getting too loud until launch, by that point they were out with the money.
someone's salty about change in male behavior and attitude
>that chinese text
Im glad someone else caught that too
So sorry to hear about your sickness. I've never heard of alcohol being used as a cure, mind telling the rest of us your condition?
>mind telling the rest of us your condition?
my existence. i have been addicted since i was 22 I'm almost 30 now and have gotten brain damage from it.
Jonah doesn't deserve this desu and 3rd row 2nd from the right is a chad