chaotic unprivate steam
Chaotic unprivate steam
idc i'm blocked anyways
fucking orbitfags ree, why is toga his avatar anyways?
keep your shitty orbit meta threads off my board, virgin scum
wow you must be really bad user
>my board
>virgin scum
die retard
fuck off kiddy, you've exposed your downs.
Why is he using my picture now.
That's weird.
He isn't very good for conversation. I don't get the hype honestly.
>unable to see through irony and obvious baitwords
i see we have some very special people here
>how to out yourself as someone chaotic wasn't interested in 101
don't worry bud, we know you were just "pretending" ;^)
this is disgusting and pathetic. at this point you just want to be his orbiters and fans and praise him and shit. you know how many people like you he probably talks to in a day? he's not your friend, you're not his friend. you're his fan. i can't believe he has seriously not gone off the deep end yet. maybe manipulating you fucks was his endgame after all.
>my picture
he used manga toga before there was anime toga
literally who tf are you
>virgin scum
should have been obvious at this point, newfriend. i still hate you chaotic orbiterfags though.
Even if I was why would I care. I didn't enjoy talking, why would I care if the feeling was reciprocal?
>should have been obvious even though there was literally 0 indication
>calling someone virgin scum on r9k
>"no indication of irony lol"
back to /b/
Because you're here now lmao
>coping 101
>saying things ironically that normies and kids say unironically everyday here now that they have almost completely polluted the board
>b-but i was just pretending guys i s-swear!
Jow Forums has been taken over from smart bots who don't need a gf, to beta faggots who orbit trannies. It's a sad state of affairs this board.
>add chaotic out of interest
>he isn't even slightly into you
>comes here to cope
>"w-why would i care"
discordfags are worse than normalfags. the social ladder stays in place, even in supposed "loser" communities. then you get robots of robots, and robot pissing competitions. it's the worst thing.
why can't you handle my intelect
Sorry your little friend isn't all he's cracked up to be. I only posted that I think he's overrated after I saw a SECOND orbiter thread today.
Lol we talked for a good 3 or 4 hours. Stay mad.
How does it feel to be inferior, and needing to cope to get by it?
i'm not the user you're talking to, but it's always perplexed me how people can care so much whether someone is "into" them. it's so shallow, thoughtless, and ultimately retarded. if you want to be friends with someone you have to be who you are, and not worry if they're "into" you or not. you are actually autistic for being such a fanboy and seriously expecting anyone to like you. god damn.
Lol after a few hours I got bored of the woe is me my life is a trainwreck speech and noped out of there.
He's always hated this place and now (at least to me) it's obvious that he's sick of it now since he's unmotivated to even talk to people
He needs to leave this place and straighten his life out instead of surrounding himself with degenerates who he considers to be much less than him
Nah, he never talks about his life or his tragedies. Especially not with you. Such fabrication.
orbit fags get out.
Then I was talking to a Chaotic imposter!!!!!!!! Fuck off cunt. Enjoy your (you).
he's fuckin hot
suprisingIy originaI
>Cope-chan gets triggered
Qt toga chaotic
you're pathetic for caring in the first place. nice try at pulling off a smug impression. go run a few laps around your house and come back, maybe you'll lose a gram or two of bodyweight.
you're overthinking this
and so is basically everyone else
chaotic is a pro at manipulation and uses different personalities and his looks to get people to do anything he wants
he even uses people to 'playtest' different personalities
he's a sociopath but he's not all a bad person
for this reason i can't let myself talk to him
>the overweight meme
lol shouldn't you be in bed for school tomorrow?
Who? What? I'm tired of seeing this shit. Someone spoon feed me and if it's stupid, you're all retarded.
>he manipulates people but he isn't a bad person
originaliy post pics
just more beta orbiting
that's what i figured by how much people orbit him, but i wasn't really sure because i didn't actually have any outside confirmation, and when i expressed that i thought they were manipulative usually people would be like "lol no they're cool and shit". i've found really similar patterns in a lot of people that have orbiters. i'm glad i'm not the only one that suspects this
wanna know how i knew?
what's the logic behind this tho
what is this retarded fucking thread, stick to discord you goddamn homos
you could have tried to have a normal convo with him in his threads instead of believing the biased opinions of either side of the spectrum
just because you're a sociopath doesn't automatically make you a bad person, in case you didn't realize. manipulating people usually has a negative connotation but that isn't always the case. if he really is a sociopath then this is probably just how he is by default. it's called having no cognitive empathy.
how the fuck do you guys even find his threads? you're actively seeking out a conversation with this person for what exactly? this just fucking baffles me. of all the people you could talk to, THIS person? why?
idk about this
he's can be pretty empathetic and nice
why does anyone talk to anyone? you wouldn't even know considering you've never had a successful conversation with him.
what astounds me is how you talk about "him" like a schoolgirl talking about fucking chad. seriously, why are you like this? don't you have any dignity? any dude that can make a person talk about them like that is probably extremely manipulative. you're crazy to not think that there is something amiss here.
He's changed a lot in the past 7 years, and he changes all the time. I've never thought he was a bad person, but he's definitely become a much better one.
i haven't been biased for either side, only saying things that should be obvious.
Newfags screeching "DISCORD" when they see something they don't understand
it's Jow Forums. why exactly should i care about "having a successful conversation with him"? what makes him so special? what makes him special enough to worship the ground he walks on? i mean seriously, do you not see any red flags here at ALL?
sure i see what you're saying but if you were so curious then that's what you should have done. otherwise, if it bothers you so much you don't even have to pay it any mind.
Chaotic is only subjectively a bad person to the people who got their feewings hurt by him.
it just bothers me that people are such sheeple like that. i suppose i should have expected as much from this place, but chaotic has been a big name for so long. i'm seriously confused. if people are going to call out people like eliza for being manipulative why wouldn't you do the same for chaotic? the only thing i can think of is that eliza is just female and chaotic is literally a sociopath.
Eliza is a gross sociopath who is a woman (aka ez orbiters)
Not like Chaotic at all
yeah chaotic had to WORK for his
>(aka ez orbiters)
yet i hear her name just as much as chaotics these days, and chaotic seems to have nothing going for him other than people saying "he's cool dude". did it ever occur to you that spotting an actual sociopath might be a little difficult?
>spotting an actual sociopath might be a little difficult?
What are you implying
i'm implying that actual sociopaths wear personalities like suits and you can't always tell unless they want you to know. this is the core of why it's easy for them to gain a huge following, they're literally cut off from all cognitive empathy, so to them you're just a pawn. it's literally a game to them.
Eliza's orbiters have all gone off board now for like IG and shit
Chaotic has literally thousands from like 6 different abandoned YouTube channels (most of which don't know about Jow Forums)
go back to your discords you autistic niggers
this is worse than /vg/
go back to the front page newfag
I'm cvnka.
I don't understand user
You want to know about chaotic but you haven't talked to him ever
You hate his threads and threads about him but you go to them and complain instead of ignoring
You join conversations and say things about chaotic even though you admit not knowing anything about him
What is your end game
uhhhh literally who now?
dumb edgy bitch who lies literally every other sentence
probably wants chaotic's psychopathic dick in their sociopathic ass
his not-self-given current moniker is chaotic for a reason btw
Should go back to moon, but for whatever reason he hates being called that.
When was he called this?
>thread about namefags
Amazing how our retard board has somehow spawned an even more retarded community
>thread about anything
Chaotic is the cure to this retarded normalshit board
I don't know about that but he wasn't even called chaotic until like 2015 or 16
Got it when a pro-grade classic doom dm player named "demonic" beat him in a match and bullied him over vc
He got pissed and eventually he dox'd demonic and got all his info and posted it publicly, even ruined his irl social life completely and got him to beg for chaotic to stop
Someone ended up calling him that in the doom community and he apparently liked it and stuck with it
I think it's interesting trivia anyways, but I wonder how demonic is doing now
This almost sounds as good as GoS
Post any links you got plox
my cute sociobf
that vid chaotic made was honestly well structured and good for essentially a semi-ironic 20 minute rant about degeneracy
i wanna watch another by him
All of demonic's and chaotic's vids on it are gone now. You can probably find a few clips of him playing on YouTube or something, he used to be pretty well known in doom.
good shit for a name git
who is this uggo who i keep seeing occasionally posted in chaotic threads
These threads are awesome, because I legitimately have no idea how he's able to post on so many proxies to samefag
THE BEST chaotic aspie OAT
NONE come even CLOSE to this all-powerful being
gimme the rundown bby cause he lookin fine af
Who is this fag anyways
Am confused
You're too old for him user
He'd never like you
make up your mind gayboy
obese edgy weeaboo pedophile
chaotic made 3 vids on him years ago
yet another person chaotic ruined the life of even tho it was kinda deserved
his name is mark
>sperg level chris-chan obscurity level ghost
truly a lost hidden gem
I look eternally 13 user
lol my dad chaos is cool
why doesn't jewtube have archives
How do I not know this gud shit
elite registered frens only bub
>missing out on the golden age of youtube shitposting
holy shit he's got school shooter tier acne scarring
why did chaotic stop making vids in return for 4cancer
so he started shitpostin on r9k bc he couldnt outdm somebody? what a fraglet, what little respect i had for him lost
unfair censorship / false flagging / sjw cancer / jew cancer
most importantly DEGENERACY
YouTube in a nutshell
Hi demonic
How have you been?
Did you move location?
I thought you would've killed yourself after that