>when your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man >when your girlfriend tells you that her ex was bigger and manlier than you
Help me Jow Forums, how do I become bigger and manlier? My girlfriend literally crushed my soul when she said that.
Dump her. Its obvious she can't get over her ex. You can use this as motivation to get big but don't lift for her. She's a shallow cunt
Liam Scott
Nobody with half a mind says something like that to his current partner, especially when comparing you to her ex. I would try to talk to her to find out why she said that, and then most likely dump her.
Life is too short to waste it on annoying women.
Josiah Cox
Kill her ex with your bare hands and then ass rape your gf
Carter Murphy
If she is that disrespectful of your feelings just break up. .t guy who had a gf that said stuff like that often but who thought it would still work out cause she promised to change and we also had a lot of good moments. In the end it's not worth it senpai, just fine someone who is good for you from the start.
Stop being a faggot and let her cuck you with her ex like she wants. You're just her wallet.
Landon Wright
>implying she isn't riding her ex behind OP's back
Elijah Rogers
Dump her like a man
Luke Price
If I dump her it would literally prove that she was right and that I am not man enough to have her. How do I prove to her that I am manly enough to deserve her?
Jordan Jones
She's just trying to get under your skin OP. I don't think i could date someone that spiteful. Probably should find new girlfriend.
Elijah Johnson
By dumping her ass and proving you don't need a bitch
Camden Rivera
You're a fucking moron. Just dump her and tell her she is beneath you and that you can do much better.
Kayden Hall
You don't deserve her. You deserve better than her. She is trash. Fucking dump her. Want to make it a badass breakup? Ask her who broke up with who, then give her a little condescending reply woshing her luck with getting him back based on what she says Nothing is more beta than sitting and taking shit being thrown in your face. Fucking stand up for yourself.
Ryder King
Just fucking dump her. Why would you keep on being with someone who says something like that to you? Are you a cuck or what?
Oliver Lopez
>Dump the bitch. >Hit the gym. >Get big. >Get a gf that appreciates you.
You’re in a relationship with a miserable person. Stay the fuck away from people that want to control you with shame and read some Nathaniel Brandon books on self-esteem.
Jack Sullivan
I have already done an LGD cycle, pic related are the results.
I'm gonna jump on real gear now to prove her that I am a real man.