How many days do you train per week

How many days do you train per week

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The Stacy stride

I try to train all my days in a week together.

How are you supposed to have a day in between the days in the week?



How gym

Sometimes 10-14 times a week, sometimes 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 4, sometimes 6, sometimes 9.

With not having to get ready and drive to a gym it’s incredibly easy with home gym being there 24/7

Lift full body once, run once, swim once, wrestle twice

just shut the fuck up

I do BJJ three to four times a weak and stretched every day. I haven't touched a weight in years though and I probably should.

3 days
In any of these days I do a small run for warmup, then either back+legs or arms+chest+core


U/L, cardio restday, U/L, cardio restday and cardio + sand bag and calisthenics

so 7 days a week

3-4 depending on work week and recovery.

i only took one rest day out of the last 12 days (pplpplx) and im getting sore now. Im eating around maintenance, im going to have to take more rest days.

wildcard day

3x a week
Full body
I have a busy schedule and I find it most effective

back + biceps
chest + shoulders
back + biceps
chest + shoulders

Is that in Hospitalet?


PxPxLxPxPxLx never more than one day off in a row

Yes I make good gains contrary to popular belief(each muscle is hit every 6 days). I have added about a rep to every set weekly.


Six. nSuns six day deadlift program. Going down to five for right weeks to rest and train for a goruck thing.

5 days. Legs, Chest and Tris, Back and Bis, Shoulders, Bis and Tris.

3 times mwf
A squat, bench, rows, tricep pushdowns
B deadlift, ohp, lat pulldowns, curls

I'm a total noob so if anyone thinks I could improve the routine sound off.

Needs plenty of accessories - and cardio imo - if you're going to have 4 rest days.

I fucking hate cardio and gym sessions longer than an hour but noted. should I add machine work for chest and shoulders?

I personally hate machines with the fury of a thousand suns... I'd lean towards dumbbell shit but that's just me. FWIW I also hate cardio, but finish about a third of my sessions with a decent 20-30 minute run. Nothing massive... Basically just a 5k.

6 days a week
Everyday 320 pushups (60 in the morning, 4x50 before dinner and 60 before midnight)
Every other day (no running) situps, fast reps (105 in 2 mins) or sets of 4x50.
Every other day running, 5km max time 23 mins.
On the running days pullups 3x7 and situps 50.

I need to figure out how to get my reps up with pullups.

Every single day. I'll take a day off twice a month if I'm busy.

got any recs for some db accessories and which day i should do them on

If you wanna do get your reps up with pullups, do more pullups. Grease the groove, do them weighted, whatever - just do more of them

Whaddup Jordi, not OP, but nice catch

Chest,Back,Legs,Shoulders, arms, two days of rest

Full body Friday

Lift MWF, boxing WF


20 minute run every day
Lifts twice a week

I'll sign for the delivery, miss.
You can park those bad boys right up to my mout- I mean loading gate.

Depends on my schedule. I cant fit my whole routine into 4 days but I will go for short workouts for muscles I want to improve

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>20 minute run every day
>Lifts twice a week
Never gonna make it

5x a week.

1. Squat, FS
2. Snatch variation, Jerk
3. Power snatch, Power clean + Jerk
4. Squat, FS
5. Snatch, C&J

5 days a week, normally 1 day rest or 2 if I'm lazy

7 days a week
365 days a year
Like you should
Why are we even having this thread?

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4, for about 45 minutes each time

Sorry. Was doing yardwork. I always point people towards Frankoman's Dumbbell Split if they're looking for inspiration as to what sorry if dumbbell movements to do. I like incline DB bench, lat raises, rear delt rows, wrist curls, calf raises, shrugs, hammer curls, squeeze press, neutral grip db skullcrushers... There are a ton to choose from.

4x a week of actual lifting. Offtime is spent on hobbies like painting, racing, hiking etc.
On days I don't train I do some light excersizes. I always do pushups in the morning as part of my wake up routine.

I would do 7 days a week of actual training but my body responded way better to this split I kinda fabricated.
I spend about 2hrs each session with breaks

Fuck me literal perfect female physique

Why did I read that as though a pirate said it

i train 5 times a week

chest/upper back

Something like that who fucking needs legs

>three to four times a weak

yeah, you probably should as it's becoming Freudian now.

5 doing phat

6 days a week, alternating Legs/Abs and Upper. Try to run for 30-40min in the mornings.

>he fell for the abs isolation meme

That's basically what im doing rn, how are you liking it and what rep scheme are you using?

>who fucking needs legs
everyone, they are the most functional muscles in your body by far.

My legs are my strongest and largest body part. Why the fuck do I need to dedicate an entire day to them when my upper body resembles an 8yr old boys

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>home gym
so, basically, you have no gains then

I want joocy, thicc abs

how did this dude even take this picture

Using her phone in his other hand.


>that smoker's tongue



lift all 6, 2-3 days I also swim

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cause you just came here from reddit

Depends what you count as training. I cycle to work and back. Is that 10 training sessions?
A standard week for me is 2 gym sessions. 2 runs. 1 long cycle. 1 game of 5 aside

3 currently
I have a shoulder injury that prohibits me from doing a lot of upper body work so I just do day on day off of a lot squats, leg press and back work
After I feel better though I’ll probably do 5x a week

I trained once. Never again.
Srs I train as soon as my body recovers enough from the last session. Most of the time 3-4 days per week, I aim for the four. Sometimes it's 5, sometimes only once.

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Six times a week upper lower split with varying intensities

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3-5, usually not on weekends

6 days, with cardio added on to the evening of two of the lower days.

too much soy. it's affecting your brain by feeling the need to RP in your own head you fag


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3 days full body

7 days a week running, 4 lifting, 3 swimming
t. literal skeletor, 5’8” 118lbs

200 pound fat fuck here.

Mon: chest and back
Tue: Run
Wed:chest and back
Fri:chest and back
Sun:Rest Day

I sometimes do arms, Bic and Tri, at home with a dumbbell while watching youtube videos, usually on my run days.

my only goal is to lose weight and have a shredded back. the chest parts is mostly to not look like a turtle if I ever reach my goal.

4-5 days depending on how much of a bitch I am

follow a real weightlifting routine you stupid mouthbreather

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Been training every day for the last three months. Typically spend 2 hours lifting, half an hour running/cycling.

Let me just say, I strongly discourage this style of training. I was very enthusiastic about it at first. However, using high caffeine every day eventually built my immunity up to the point where I'd need 3 scoops of preworkout just to feel something. Listening to the same songs every day also burnt me out quick.

I'm now taking a two day break. I've been off of caffeine for a week now, all of my workouts have been shit because of how used my body has become to having hefty doses of it. I'm also trying to cut, it is fucking hard calculating what I should be eating since I train every day. I burn a lot more, so I need to eat more. But it is fucking easy to over/under-do it.

Basically what I am saying is, I think I am gonna go to a 5 on 2 off schedule. My hat is off to those who have managed this shit for longer than I have.

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5 times

2 days per week. When I start cutting in a few weeks I will aim for 4.


Two of those days are back to back long runs because I'm crazy and I'm training for a 50 mile run.

I lift 4-6 days a week depending on the season. (various actual programs)

Not enough. Only 6.


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surf boat rowing






and on sunday he rested

Would it be good to do lower reps but more sets? Like 6x4 or something.

what position do u play user i'm a tighthead prop myself

1. chest + tris + abs if I'm feeling it
2. back + bis + traps/forearms if I'm feeling it
3. rest
4. legs + abs
5. shoulders + a little chest/tris and maybe traps
6. rest
7. legs agaiiin

3 days a week, 1 climbing session, 1 judo once I find a new club and cardio if I feel like it on off days

madcow on Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Muay Thai and BJJ 1 hour each on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.

lift 12 days a week
cardio and calisthenics on Sunday

4 x
Mon Tues // Thur Friday
10 mins cardio then 1hour split

Sound off? Good luck getting Jow Forums in the military.