Fat Jow Forums

>uk and australia are now only about 10lb and 6lb lighter respectively yet they're still talking shit
Also we have way more fat niggers and spics cranking up the average so white americans are probably no fatter than white bongs.

Attached: us uk aus fat.jpg (634x319, 65K)

You can't hide from the truth you fat fucks.

Once again, the dutch are the master race. All other nations belong in the manlet pit.

this is true, there are millions of obese beaners here that aren't even citizens

>Colonizers and slave drivers turned out to be fat, dumb and lazy pieces of shit

Funny how that worked out

>america drawn as the whitest and the only one with blonde hair
>for some reason australia is purple
now just what in the gosh darn h*ck did the artist mean by this

Attached: and it's beautiful.png (680x899, 177K)

As an American I also agree. This artist is clearly virtue signaling. Lmao at brown Germany.

It would look kind of raycis if the blackest one there was the fattest while all the whites with blonde hair and blue eyes were drawn noticeably trimmer.

>forgetting about all the sand people in Germany now days

>said the amerimutt with 1/64th Dutch ancestry

>t. jelly amerimutt
My university is older than your nation, faggot.

Attached: foto_no_exif.jpg (2448x3264, 1.46M)

>>Colonizers and slave drivers turned out to be fat, dumb and lazy pieces of shit
Wow, antisemitic much?


Attached: HOLY SHIT.gif (450x253, 1.86M)




what did they mean by this?

stop posting the wrong fucking picture you fucking faggot

Attached: 1521631956028.png (1369x1205, 1016K)

Aren't you forgetting someone nigger

Attached: IMG_9941.jpg (768x1024, 251K)

>euroshits this self-conscious

Attached: anal vore golden lel.jpg (270x278, 81K)

Euro niggers have whole websites made about why being uncut is better and why women love it, meanwhile based Chad Anglos just film themselves fucking women including euro women with their big cut cocks and post them online

Stupid fucking kike amerinigger 30% le mexicana beast fucking nigger cut Jew dick fuck you faggot nigger Muslim

But seriously, why is Australia purple? Is that supposed to imply subhuman abbo blood, or extremely lethal poisoning by some Australia exclusive spider?

fucking based.

I'm Dutch and I've been posting here for a while. People can be fat everywhere.

I'm german and I have black hair
Wtf are you talking about Amerimongrel?

>I'm german and I have black hair
ahmed pls...

1 of the 194 irrelevant nations. America is the answer. America is the key.

Attached: images.png (281x179, 8K)

>blonde hair
>not fucking 100kg + on average

Why do you make up an utopian dreamworld and try to sell it as reality, Fernando?

>Australia is the most manlet country
>Almost as fat as Muricans
>Still highest life expectancy
I will live long enough to spit on your graves

blame mexicans for average height fuck up, a lot of white murkans are fairly tall
i live in little mexico area in usa they are freaking tinky dinky small, make me look like girafette and i am average