Is this guy unmoggable? Who can mogg this guy? Somebody taller and more muscular?

Is this guy unmoggable? Who can mogg this guy? Somebody taller and more muscular?

Attached: 948C200A-A12A-4DB7-9595-61AD9F98F21D.jpg (480x480, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mog him from what exactly? Other gay men?


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shut up /fat/ go to your retainment thread

>Who can mogg this guy?

Attached: vkZEY.gif (500x500, 181K)

>zero chin

He is a squintfraud. Tyler Maher, Jono Jenkins mog him

What? He has a good jaw

Any male model. Chico straight moggs this faggot. Hell, even that incel Orb moggs this guy.

Chico is almost thirty and looks younger than that jaggoff.

Attached: 07A4E0C1-86D7-4750-BED9-0EBDC83A733A.jpg (900x900, 130K)

Square jaw but the distance from chin to neck is close to zero

> (OP)
>>Who can mogg this guy?
> a bad angle

Dude he's barely above average. I'm not going to say he's a 5 or some shit, he's a solid 8 looksmaxxed with good lighting/angles, but he ain't more than that. He hides his jaw with a beard and his eye area is lacking for slayer status, he's just really good at compensating for his flaws (in photos)

looks like shit when he's not using the burn tool to accentuate his jawline in various cherrypicked pictures

Attached: b4Jg5p1.png (607x424, 221K)

look at this shit, how can anyone take this mong seriously

Attached: Bloat Squintman.png (742x742, 614K)

Just lol at Nick Bateman, holy fuck that squint is extreme

Today I learned about squintfrauds

What the fuck is he doing?

He’s a fraud

wtf is a squintfraud

Came in to post this. Just lol at OP calling that twink unmoggable, his scale doesn't even show FULL lmao

This thread is gayer than gay pride.
Bunch of homos talking about other men.

he was in Hobo with a Shotgun, and he looked somewhat weird compared to the current stuff that gets posted
at least the jaw is different
So it may be photoshop

Attached: hobo-with-a-shotgun-nick-bateman-robb-wells-and-gregory-smith.jpg (940x627, 181K)

he squinted his way to 6 million followers. if you think only autistic disfigured people looksmax, you are dead wrong

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he was running just be first game, he was one of the early Instagram adopters.

Clint Walker. taller, natty, decent, humble, and homegym masterrace

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Someone who fakes hunter eyes to look more aesthetic

I've always found this guy to be the ultimate Chad

Attached: tumblr_m7h78dDn6W1rau720o1_500.jpg (498x667, 35K)

>just be first game
legit, zyzz did the same

looking young is not even attractive for men

Oh my God that bloated face lmao
This is a picture without him squinting notice the subhuman beta eyes.

Attached: 6e670f43-9fbf-4fd9-9c2a-923098c0319d-m.jpg (300x300, 13K)

do-don't bully, fellas

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lol at the low iq forehead, favela dweller tier phenotype and shitty teeth.


he even has scleral show. he is very committed I gotta say, he just runs permasquint theory

Attached: qPv3HtM.png (1908x1836, 3.44M)

what the fuck
didn't notice until now
why does he squint?? is there an aesthetics reason behind it?

Attached: file.png (400x305, 243K)

>didn't notice until now
you didnt notice because he squints all the time and carefully selects the pictures he uploads. well, he looks better than with his eyes wide open, and since he makes money by being good-looking, he makes sure his eyes are on point.
the unflattering pictures have been found by hyper autists that are even more committed than bateman

wtf I'm a /permasquinter/ now

>tfw you're a permasquinter not by choice
>chinky eyes
>asian eyes
>it's too bright eyes
>squinty eyes
>always look high
Save me from this hell.

isnt eyelid surgery the most common plastic surgery in south korea? there are worse things


OP here. You convinced me, this guy can definitely get mogged. Can someone exlain me the mogg hierarchy? For example can male model be mogged by someone who is taller and more muscular but with an anverage or below average looking face?

it has to do with the way the two men interact. if one is intimidated by the other, not necessarily afraid but it can be fear, then he gets mogged

usually this just correlates to height, attractiveness, etc. but there are exceptions for hyper alpha people like the russian manlet president

its not really quantifiable. there's always people taller, more robust, better-looking than you. look up the guy on the left, Fabien Pelous. He is now a rugby player and still more robust than his players despite being 20 years older.
this. its the same for women tho, if one has much bigger than tits than the other one

Attached: Sebastien+Chabal+Fabien+Pelous+England+v+France+vzx0VvboSYKl.jpg (481x594, 72K)


Attached: Breast+envy_98db18_5757771.jpg (640x480, 53K)

Chris Hemsworth

Shit I want to be like that guy. How do I become more like that guy?

Clint Eastwoods son.
Scott? I think.

he said moggable not muggable

>implying he looks like shit in this pic

go on then, post face prettyboy

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Wow. That’s disappointing. He’s no different than females that take pics sticking there ass out, then you get them naked and they got that hank hill booty.

Is this a ‘shop?


Clint was a God among chads

Attached: f02cf720e7de5643f2cebf85d00d8252--clint-walker-tv-westerns.jpg (236x301, 17K)

This got me thinking, why are ultraChads rarer than hot 8+ women? Does nature just hate men?

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Nick Squintman. Claims to be 6’4 when he’s in fact 6’2 and squints whenever someone takes a picture of him.

Yeah, he is most definitely moggable

Don't say that you'll trigger that insecure kid who posts obsessively about 30 year olds.

flawless men and women are both exceptionally rare. it's just that most people are not going to point out the flaws on a 8 or 9 chick

but i ithink for both sexes it is more or less a bell curve, and extremely beautiful people are just absurdly rare. maybe there is one in every 10 000 or something, idk what the numbers would be

Yes. me

I mog him even though I'm fat, can't imagine the sheer moggery I'll inflict once I'm done cutting

because of makeup
>Does nature just hate men?
its the opposite
in nature there are no jawlets because the masseter muscle is always properly exercised, as is your body and a natural diet has no xenoestrogens
women without makeup usually look trash

easier for women to be hotter
men need ideal philtrum:chin ratios, skin tone, height, frame, muscle insertions, perfect teeth if possible, definitely nwo/nw1 hairline (balding is a man's curse), etc etc

post face, ugly duckling.

Chris Hemsworth, the ultimate Chad

the roots for this explanation lie in evolutionary biology. women are in a way the control group, while men are the experimental group. most traits in men have a greater variety; strength, intelligence, aggressiveness are all in a way averaged out over the entire population, but the extremes in men are much greater than in women.
had it not been for societies forcing monogamy on their respective populations, the evolutionary course would have been entirely different in that weaker males would not reproduce, because women select for traits advantageous to the offspring's survival.
good genes = attractiveness, because it signifies genetic health
decent, caring, loyal, non-abusive, non-impulsive = good provider
women have in a sense two different mating strategies, because they have more to lose during a potential pregnancy. man have one mating strategy = quantity over quality
see here
while around 80% of women reproduced consistently across different cultures and time periods.

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gomad and manual labour since child

If that guy tried mogging me I'd just throw a kitten on his face. Technically its not assault.

Get him to talk and watch the lack of fleshed out ideas and wittiness.

>only ugly people can be interesting

better to look young you fat 40 year old
kys already

This honestly. Guy is only like 5'10 or 5'11 but holy fuck that face. Probably the perfect male face. It's honestly all about face. Height is nice but that guy and most male models would mogg the fuck out of hemsworth etc imo.

depends on the woman

this might surprise you but they have different tastes

male beauty standards are much harsher now :^)

The only unmoggable man Alive is Jono Jenkins

i really wish women would stop posting here

I've yet to be convinced that anyone can mogg pic related.

Attached: scott motherfucking eastwood.jpg (800x1038, 201K)

it goes beyond that. A majority of facial features can suit women, but to be a Chad you need to fall into one certain subset of facial features.

yes you dumb user

front view not as good, his dad was better

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it doesnt go beyond that, facial features being deemed attractive or unattractive are merely expressions of our genetic traits.
pale people are not good-looking, because it suggests anemia and other sicknesses. a weak jaw and deformed alien skull wont withstand a fight, and fragile, undeveloped bones around the eyes (brow ridge and zygomatic arch) suggests that the man is not a good hunter / athlete.
thats also why obsessing over one or another particular facial feature is completely besides the point, because we perceive bodies and faces as a whole. a strong jaw cant make up for a deformed upper third, azure blue eyes wont hide a retruded chin.
your appearance signals to others your genetic health, thats it.

i feel like they are equally handsome, clint has harder facial features but scott has the prettyboy thing going on

i think clint actually has more feminine facial features he just has extremely masculine expressions

>trying so hard to look pretty

Metrosexuals are disgusting tbqh.


I agree somewhat, Clint has a slightly longer face, but a balanced oval face is perfect 2bh.

Attached: Difficult-Clients-The-Clint-Eastwood-Guide-to-Managing-Them.jpg (1024x768, 53K)

What? Squinting makes you more attractive?
How much do you squint?

DO I practice in a mirror?

interesting as fuck. they are so fucking good looking its not even funny

what? just look at yourself in the mirror and squint

google 'Squinching', that's what it really is. Bloat McSquintman takes it to another level though, which looks retarded.

Holy shit, I actually squint a lot when smiling so I consciously try to widen my eyes more while taking a picture.
I'm a fucking shame

Trust us older anons, looking young for your age becomes a good thing at around 30, especially when people you graduated high school with are looking around 40.


>same insta pose
He's also a 1-angle dangle.

The modern sedentary lifestyle and the void of masculine culture doesn't lend itself to producing "ultrachads" (which should really just be chads).

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the guy in the pic you responded to is nw2 though

>high contrast of foreground to background
>bright point source of light reflected in woman's eyes
>high sheen
>clearly using flash

He's blinking due to an extremely bright light being shone in his face. His superior reflexes instantly snap his eyes shut to protect his nominal vision from temporary over-exposure induced blindness. Shit phone camera flashes turn on too early and stay on too long during the shot and people with good eyelid reflexes end up like this 90% of the time. Many camera's compensate by having the option of taking 5-10 rapid shots in a fraction of a second so you can select which frame was best.

Attached: Eel Aperitif.webm (460x612, 1.95M)

Hmnmnnnnhyghhgggg yes daddy

>male model
Lmao at insecure faggots here. Half of you guys here could mogg most of male models. They're faggy betas.

he was conceived in a time where there weren't as many environmental oestrogens and people didn't eat as much animal products. He had optimal endocrine development during in his mother's womb and during puberty.

we don't stand a chance.