/FAST/ it's actually 157

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.


While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

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Ask someone who has fasted for 17 days before and been given prophetic dreams from God anything.

are you fasting this good Friday?

>talk about fasting with my mom
>"user no!, not eating well will make you more fat and if you try to excercise with an empty stomach you can pass out"

Kill me


how much weight did you lose during those 17 days? bf% ?

How do you cope with the headaches?

I don't count. Anyone who fasts to lose weight for more than a day is a cuck.

Do you feel like you hate yourself and want to die?

I felt thst way when I did a fast of 3 days last week

I am unaware of what headaches you speak of.

No. It was a livid experience that I would never trade for the world. It was essentially me living as a monk, I spent the whole 17 days disconnected from the unpure things of the world, that which I could.

what was the dream user

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Day 6 feel fine

how long should I wait for my stomach to get in normal state before I eat normally?

gimme a fuckken greentext boy

unironically wish that was me

>Uses Jow Forums
>Calls people cucks
Truly God's chosen lmao

There were multiple dreams mate. Some of them were personal, some of them related to the ending of the world, which may happen very soon.

>fast for 17 days as a spiritual journey
>many ups and downs, lots of stuff happening IRL, which includes being thrown into a mental hospital for the fast
>receive many dreams I believe to have been from God, which labels me as schizophrenic
>stop at 17 days, was planning to fast for a full 40, but I received a dream where I was told to stop at 13 days.

Are you also doing no fap?

>refeed day
I'm eating 4:1 veggies and meat and it tastes like pure fucking sex, I'd never even consider eating salad like this, I never liked tomatoes or onions but today, today they're the best tasting thing on the fucking planet to me

Has anyone seen an actual skin improvement from water fasting?
Also dry fasting is retarded


>dry fasting is retarded
because you can't do it?

literally insane

Yeah he is, he believes his dreams are a message from God, but I will say fasting has been giving me EXTREMELY vivid dreams.

I think you should go back to the hospital.

How long do you estimate to go from 27% bf to sub 20% doing a water fast?

>to 20%
Why stop there? To answer your question though I'd estimate just over or under a month depending on your routine.

Are any of you guys Jow Forums or are most of you overweight? I'm a little skeptical about fasting while being a pretty muscular person but nonetheless intrigued

Did 1 meal a day for a month, went from 5'9 178 to 173. Lost almost non strength, lost a lil size around chest and very little around arm, but look much more defined. Pretty easy to do. Don't want to lose more weight, so eating before and after sleeping.

How to you guys deal with snake juice shits? This is the 2nd time ive had a little too much and ended up leaking smelly butt water all over my bed

I let a guy fuck me in my fat ass like 20 times, is that bad for butt juice retention?

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Use less salt

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It looks like a face

Look into the science behind it, many studies are quite reassuring.
How you gonna lose muscle when growth hormone is up 500% during fast? It won't. Imo, make you grow because no insulin around. But that much GH means muscle preservation and rapid lipolysis.

Get a fucking enema before you get your ass pounded

My feet are better than hers and I don't have messed up tiny nails and puffy toes.

Back to fast

Start weight on Friday : 118lbs
Monday : 112 lbs
Wednesday : 107 lbs
I have one day left or 26 hours. I can barely get out of bed. My ribs, collar bones and hip bones are extremely defined.
Projected weight for today, : 105-106lbs
Projected weight on the last day : 103-104 lbs.

I do not feel hunger or thirst, only lethargy.

I hope others are doing better on their extrended fasts.

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Roll for how many hours(two/three digits) or days (1/2 digits) you're gonna fast

Stop setting dumb arbitrary goals just fast as long as you can and build a routine around your capability. Obviously you should push yourself as far as you can but setting an arbitrary goal is just pointless.

Not rolling, but I plan to fast for a week. I'm on my first day right now. First time I'm trying this, and it feels doable. The hunger was manageable, and only hit me twice when talking to a friend about food stuff.

>The hunger was manageable, and only hit me twice when talking to a friend about food stuff.
Cravings =/= hunger

Will adding one of these to my bottle of water break fast?
>Excuse the swedish, hopefully it's not too hard to make out

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>Criticizing some random chicks feet on an Indian curry traders board

Your insecurity is showing, maybe working that instead of a couple pounds. Will make you far more attractive

Single digit days my nigga


Like your shitty opinion

Only 5.7g but it will take you out of keto for short bursts, it will slow your progress slightly, otherwise it has a nice bunch of electrolytes but it seems to lack sodium and potassium.

Snakeman will tell you the same shit, he said it last night on his livestream. You're gonna call his fasting advice stupid? Okay.

I'm not allowed to have an opinion on someone showing off their feet? I am not allowed to value what is beautiful and point out what clearly is not?
Is it too misogynistic to critique the feet this woman seems to believe is only deserving of an attractive male, when it is not?
Hopefully I didn't hurt anybodys sensitive feelings and all women are now beautiful and can so whatever they want and only belong to attractive men.

Also I never mentioned anything about improving my "attractiveness", because that is something you do for others, I lose weight and then build strength in my body for myself.

How big was your one meal? Also when would you workout? I typically workout at night and have a massive shake before bed, so I would probably have to switch that routine up if I wanted to try fasting, eh?


I add some sodium myself, and Kalium is what Potassium is called in swedish
>probably should have mentioned that

Am I safe if I just sip on it throughout the day?

Finnish is a beautiful language

Glad that works for you. Most ppl need something to shoot for or they quit way early.

anybody having great sleep while on a fast? i havent slept this well in a long time.

The best

why don't you all DRY FAST instead of this pussy bullshit water fasting?

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>17 is something special.

Post brap

I see. Thanks for the encouragement, user.
All I have to figure out now is the amount of salt in my snake juice that doesn't give me the shits.

not him but its super easy to do nofap on nofood, after 24 hours your libido goes byebye. for me it came back 2 days after refeeding. Then again I only did 1 4+ day fast cause I am at ~13% bf and dont want to lose too much weight

Are you 4'5 or do you have some kind of body dismorphia? Serious question. Maybe with your weight you should just IF?

I've had the same experience, I wasn't even conscious of my masturbation habits until I heard someone else talk about nofap and I realized I haven't fapped since I went into keto.

Can confirm, fasting makes nofap easymode

[spoiler]it's a roastie[/spoiler]

and that's how I learned you can't use spoilers on Jow Forums

pls respond ;__;

>Did 1 meal a day for a month, went from 5'9 178 to 173.

That's a normal weight and bmi for a 5'2 female. I haven't seen other wise. Also I've been told that 105 is not skinny by others.

I don't recall having body dysmorphia.

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how are your titties doing?

Where do you get potassium?


>eating bananas while fasting

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Yeah ... but i want to fast, also potatoes have more potassium .

but where would i get teh potassium?

buy it on Amazon or at a store and put it in your Snek juice

snake juice

Does smoking cigs break a fast, I mean ik its not good for you but that's the only thing keeping me same and I'm afraid the last 3 days were for nothing

never gonna make it

Doesn't break fasts, but you should quit man.

I broke my fast after 18 hours this time.
I felt like shit and super weak.

I think im not getting enough water.
>pic related
my piss.

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You must /juul/

No, also good news, fasting prevents cancer so you're set

>cracking in under a day

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I honestly just finished my last one, probably gonna get a vape pen to help with the withdrawal but i think it's finally time, plus I might be able to complete my cardio training

They're on sale rn gonna get a mango pod boiiiiiiii

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Bye bye breasticle cancer

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Show feet

I started the year really struggling with 16:8, but now I'm on One Meal Every Other Day. It can take time to adjust to fasting especially if you're coming from a terrible diet.

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what year was it that the world ended in your dream?

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How hard can i push myself in the gym if i'm fasting? how badly will this fuck up my studies?


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>Yamcha's hands and arms make me want to kill myself

Thanks for the drawing motivation tho.

Should help with your studies user, stick with it, your brainpower will increase

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post feet

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>i would have lost that bet since i never grew taller than her

no wonder she chose him over me

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blech she has groce feet with long ass unmanicured toenails...

Are you keeping it keto? IME carbs and the insulin is what really drives hunger. Fasting coupled with keto is easy mode once you're into it

Natrium and Kalium are the latin names of salt and potassium. Hence the elements Na and K in the periodic table.

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