Day 1.5 of no fap

>Day 1.5 of no fap


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Other urls found in this thread:

You can only say kill me after you Fapped.
Then you'll feel bad

Only lasted 20 hours

Not even sure when's the next time I am going to have sex.
Don't even know why I am doing no fap.

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I have zero female prospects in my life. I have no opportunities to meet women in my life. I haven't had sex in over a year
So fuck you all, I'm gonna go jerk off

I’ve posted this before but here is what I do

I have a loaded 9mm next to my bed. If I have any type of orgasm I will kill myself.

I wake up and do pull-ups to failure followed by weight training and then 90 minutes of hot yoga.

I constantly tell myself I am of no value to this earth and could
Never provide satisfaction in any way towards a woman or society in general.

I’m getting in very good shape and look good but feel absolute misery all the time. That being said i have way more energy and discipline than I had jerking off.

Life’s going to be lonely and miserable either way, I figure I should at least keep disciplined in my despair. Despair is the absence of hope...I have no hope for any sort of happy productive future with a woman. I asked a girl if she would join me for coffee yesterday and she was almost offended. I’m 29 and trying to figure out what is so repulsive about me to the opposite sex. Even a woman smiling at me would almost save my psyche.

I ride a motorcycle and am constantly hoping for the release of death.

read on sexual transmutation my brethens.

>I have a loaded 9mm next to my bed. If I have any type of orgasm I will kill myself.

The worst thing about no fap is that, I get the horn think that what im doing is going to be great, the actual wank is really good but then after cumming im just like ''was that it, was that worth losing my control over'' AHHHHHHHHH

I hope to hell this doesn't include smashing a thot. Can you imagine her reaction if you finish inside her then sperg out ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH I wasn't supposed to orgasm!!! Blam. Dead.

What if you have a wet dream

I thankfully never get that anymore, never even got it when I'd jerk off a ton
I just jerk off then forget about it and move on. You give it too much power

>hour one of nofap
Not sure I'm gonna make it lads...

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Hey yo I'm the user that wrote long replies to this in the other thread. I'm also the user who posted in another nofap thread the other day about how I start to have vivid involuntary fantasies about taking over the world & being in commune with extradimensional forces whenever I go more than a few months. I've also noted it gets more intense each time I go for a long stint - the most recent one was a week ago & I started getting it after 10 days. I broke on Sunday because I wanted to feel "normal" again, but now I'm back to "fuckkit, my life sucks. I'm ready for whatever crazy shit the universe is trying to reveal to me"

I used to do nofap because I wanted a girlfriend. Now I do nofap because I need to believe there's more to reality than this. I feel like I'm in some sort of hell simulation.

wait until you flatline mate, I got morning wood again for the first time in last week of having zero ability to get hard. 2 weeks clean.

read this user god speed

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>day 13 of nofap

The ride has only begun.

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It gets worse, but after 2 weeks or so, it gets better.

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I fap once every night before bed. Libido still through the roof

Reading it now. Thanks for the share user!

I'm at 47 days right now, halfway through a hard reset after 10 years of semi-daily fapping. I was doing it prone so I couldn't even fap with my hand and lube, blowjobs did nothing for me and regular sex took forever.

After 3 days I was craving a good fap non stop, had to force myself to sleep early every night.
After a week I felt my test going through the roof, better workouts, brimming with energy with a bit too much rage and aggression
After two weeks I felt limp and depressed, my brain was begging me to fap, even got flashbacks of my favorite scenes out of nowhere
After a month I'm oddly serene, finally getting wet dreams again and even the slightest touch from a woman triggers a colossal boner.
Halfway through and now I don't even think about it, just feel like I have more energy and confidence, I'm even chatting up chicks most days.

The nights are starting to feel longer with no fap

Day 14 on the nose this evening. The last couple of days have been a challenge

just read something but not on your phone , 'boring shit' like tech book is the best, either you learn something or tired then sleep.

>I have zero female prospects in my life. I have no opportunities to meet women in my life. I haven't had sex in over a year
That's because you fap too much

day 41. no sex drive, barely weekly morning wood. i don't give a shit. benis looks thinner and longer, but unsure if that's because the month and half of cutting. i'm not fapping mostly because i'm already having a hard time at the gym and ejaculating kills my energy the next day.

What makes noporn (especially nofap) for me so much harder is every other post on this board is some chick.

>I have a loaded 9mm next to my bed. If I have any type of orgasm I will kill myself.
Jow Forums is a strange place

Buckle up buddy boy, gonna be a bumpy ride

>hour 3 of no fap

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Day 150 my dick died and thats a good thing

I don't really believe in the no fap meme but, i am on a very strict diet, lost 40lbs in less than 2 months, and decided to fall for the meme.

>5 days into nofap
>working out hard, keeping focused
>decide to fap to see if it's really a meme
>as soon as i fapped i go to bed and browse fit
>a sudden urge to fap again appears
>fap again
>30 min later i ordered a 19'' pizza and ate it all
>this is the only time i cheated since the beginning of february
>my mind told me this is the hugest mistake
>but i wasn't ashamed, my body was saying otherwise
>fapped again afterwards

Nofap is not a meme... it really is fucking with your brain hard.

I will keep nofap until i lose 40-60lbs more, it gave me focus and confidence and as soon as i strayed, it fucked up everything.

It's scary and it has nothing to do with willpower

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Forgot to mention that my Nofap experience with my dick is that, i totally lost my sex drive.
Nothing turned me on during these 5 days, i was barely getting boners, and when i fapped these 3 times.
>first time i had an orgasm, medium amount of cum, not a pleasuring orgasm, barely felt anything
>second time, it was better, more cum too
>third time, penis became sensitive again, felt a real orgasm, came buckets.

Hahahahahah yea ok friend you caved and binge ate because you jerked off not because you're weak willed sure ok yea no doubt good job figuring that one out

Day 5

Cant wait for the test boost in two days

And another one at 14

Dopamine works to make you crave more dopamine

Thats why after we workout we crave sex and food.

Likewise if you break your self control and fap, the following urges will be stronger and youre more likely to break your previous resolutions like your diet and such.

I'm on day 5.

NoFap, Fasting, Meditation, Working out

Im literally speaking like a smooth calm mofo with no fear these days.

Since 8 February i've been fasting 72 hours a week, eating 500 calories max a day, swimming 1-2 hours a day, walking 15-20 miles a day.
Counting calories religiously, stopped playing videogames and watching any 'moving' media aka videos/movies.
I never ever strayed in these days, i dont have cravings, i don't have hunger, i have insane discipline and willpower.

Then somehow after 5 days of nofap, i tried fapping not because i LOST WILLPOWER, but to see if it's a meme.
As i said, the first orgasm was bad/didnt feel much.
It actually fucked with my penis, and also with my brain.

I do not endorse Nofap but i can't be an hypocrite and say it has no effects on your brain.
I am now back to my 72 hour fast (since it was scheduled anyway) and a 3200 calories Pizza is barely any setback since i burned like 1.7k today alone.

But i shared my experience, for 'evidence' that while it might seem like a good thing, it's actually bad to break it, it fucks with your brain, it makes you 'shameless' and it makes your penis act like shit. (at least on me anyway).

What's a good source? Interesting topic but how the hell do you divert this energy.

Are you me?

Thanks for explaining about the dopamine carving shit though, i'll take notice of that.
I am also doing what you do, and i am training to smile and smalltalk to every cashier i meet, and girls on public transportation (smile, and talk if possible).
Confidence is an all high, i've never lacked the confidence though, it's just that most of the time in the past i was reserved because i don't want to talk to a girl that's interested in me while i had a fat sub par body.

Although i wasn't THAT fat, 180/280 lbs but very muscular and good face.

Pic related

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180 CM tall and 280 lbs in february, 234 lbs now, that pic is a bit old

Honestly I can’t even get a woman to react in any flirtatious way towards me at all.

So far it’s going along. I miss the idea of sex and the pleasure orgasms bring but the concept of a woman wanting to make me feel good as a man is such a foreign concept to me that I just can’t even picture it.

I’ve had 3 relationships and they all ended due to one of us having to move away. Now I’m 29 with no real future and I spent my 20’s entertaining and providing for young girls that just ended up diasappearing from my life. Had I known it would be like this I would have done absolutely everything differently. As for the 9mm and orgasms, I have to eventually decide at what point I can allow myself to cum. It’ll be at least a few more months before I can even entertain that idea.

A great part of me is already dead. The part that longs for intimacy and purpose, sex is merely an act. I just want to be that person that makes her a great dinner.

I have no idea what to do.

Hahahah yea you jerked off for science not cause you were a horndog in heat after 5 days ok ok sorry to insult your INSANE DISCIPLINE that you cultivated by ignoring (((ALL ELECTRONIC MEDIA))) sensei i didn't realize you lived without cravings hahahahah

I actually struggled to make my penis hard to fap. But whatever, think what you want, i have nothing to prove to you. If you are still lurking Nofap threads in May, remember me, i will post the continuation to my progress and slap you with my dick.
I promise this whole board, on 8 July i will have visible abs. Remember me, i am John McPraise pic related

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youre better than me im shorter and im at like 135. Im cutting and lifting though

>i am training to smile and smalltalk to every cashier i meet

Holy shit, the cashiers have been talking to me a lot more, and they initiate it lol.

you better user im holding you to that shit

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I'd love for you to make it m8, quit falling for unsupported memes lol. "I won't jerk off it's bad for you, but I'll smoke cigs" try harder plz

Yeah, i have a small story
>cashier worked there for 3 months
>always looked bored and unwilling to work
>me before was fat hobo with a hoodie on
>fast forward 2 weeks ago
>went there having nice hair, good clothes
>she actually smiled at me and i smiled back
>2 days later, i enter the store and she was bored on her phone sitting in a chair
>as soon as she sees me she jolts up and does an 'iiiiiiii' with a smile
>i buy my pack of cigs, smile at her and leave
>fast forward 3 days ago, i go there to buy water for my fast, provisions 12 bottles of water
>she asks if i'm making provisions, i say yes
>i go home and come back later, to get another 12 bottles
>she is visibly happy to see me again
>i say 'hi, again'
>she smiles constantly
>when i'm going out the door i tell her
>'you won't be seeing me again tonight' in a flirty manner
>she responds 'tomorrow i hope'
>i say 'maybe' and leave

Havent been there yet but i'll prob go tomorrow.
She is 8/10 and fit body

>"Tee hee OP I saved this one just for you!"

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I didn't say jerking off is bad, i was testing the legitimacy of these sperg threads. And i just BLOGGED what happened to me.
Nofap is half a meme, but it's very detrimental if you break it.
As for smoking... we all have our vices.

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Next thing, when she will wear her gray/pink leggings, i will ask her.
>do you do any sports?
>because you look very good

See what reaction she will have

Day 16 here. I was in ULTRA DEPRESSION MODE for a few days up until just a few hours ago, but it seems to have gone away thankfully. Now I can look forward to a few weeks of relative peace before bursts of massive urges (or maybe another depression wave).

Nofap full blown meme full stop. Learn moderation and apply it to every facet of your life. You don't wanna make it if you aren't actively trying to cut smoking, something with decades of evidence suggesting it's no good for you.

>I have a loaded 9mm next to my bed. If I have any type of orgasm I will kill myself.

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Had to summon all kind of mental gymnastics and willpower and discipline to have the lifestyle i'm having for the past 2 months, stopping smoking is the next thing after i achieve my lean/abs goal.

I do noFap but drift on to omegle cause I do rather well with women on there and because I want to talk to and look at pretty women. But I wont jerk it until they give me reason to.
Is this breaking noFap rules?

Too drastic of changes are much harder to keep up. You'd be better of slightly changing your diet, slightly increasing exercise load, and slightly slowing smoking. But do what works for you as long as you make it

>day 6

I had a dream last night that I was at the doctor's office and she started humiliating me about my tiny dick and manboobs, then she started rubbing it as a favor, since no woman would ever want to be with me.
Goddamn boys, I was hard for an hour after waking up.

user it cant be that bad, post a pic of your face
do you smile a lot when outside or just grunt at every living soul that crosses your way?

Sadly i'm an extremist in what i do, everf facet of my life and decisions were made to extremes and i can't help it.
I don't know moderation.
Before wanting to be fit, i was drinking 2-4 cans of monster a day, eating like a pig and playing games 'competitively' 18-20h a day.

The only thing that kept me from becoming a hambeast are my good genetics, they somehow never let me go above 270-280 lbs in the past 5 years.

You can change that mindset friend, acting like you cant is giving up before trying

NoFap day 18

We're all gonna make it :D

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How accurate is this chart?

Do sex stories count as porn?

>work two jobs, three days a week
>always kept busy, either too tired or forget to fap
>suddenly lose hours at one job
>more free time on my hands
>back to jerking it every other day

just when I was getting productive

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>I asked a girl if she would join me for coffee yesterday and she was almost offended.

how well did you know her?

use tinder

I cut porn a few months ago so nofap isn't something I'm "trying" to do, I'm just not fapping much. Probably been 5 days since the last one and I regularly have 1 week gaps.

side-effect: got semi-erect when I was talking to a girl, walking outisde. We were talking for a good 5 minutes and I had a semi the whole time.

Doing a slight few day no fap, mainly so I can blow my girl the fuck up in a few days.

>That natural build up

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what is wrong with you faggots, i have sex everyday, but recently had to go 3 days without because of a work trip. I was literally fine - is it only people that don’t have anything to do that find it hard not to jack off for 24 hours?

Just do it brehs

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>I’ve posted this before but here is what I do
>I have a loaded 9mm next to my bed. If I have any type of orgasm I will kill myself.
>I wake up and do pull-ups to failure followed by weight training and then 90 minutes of hot yoga.
>I constantly tell myself I am of no value to this earth and could
>Never provide satisfaction in any way towards a woman or society in general.
>I’m getting in very good shape and look good but feel absolute misery all the time. That being said i have way more energy and discipline than I had jerking off.
>Life’s going to be lonely and miserable either way, I figure I should at least keep disciplined in my despair. Despair is the absence of hope...I have no hope for any sort of happy productive future with a woman. I asked a girl if she would join me for coffee yesterday and she was almost offended. I’m 29 and trying to figure out what is so repulsive about me to the opposite sex. Even a woman smiling at me would almost save my psyche.
>I ride a motorcycle and am constantly hoping for the release of death.
is this a copypasta?

>swimming 1-2 hours a day, walking 15-20 miles a day.
like, every day? who the fuck has time for that?

>1 second no fap

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I have recently relapsed after almost two months of nofap (:sadface:)
however I done it only once (didnt binge on it for days) so effect was minimal, first 2-3 days were shit, but it has been almost a week now I am almost back to normal high energy mode. Had a killer workout yesterday, came back home, went be bed, 4 hours later and I am up cant sleep anymore I guess it will take another few days to normalize.

Post picture of face.
I'm 99% convinced that this is all just in your head and you're a normal looking fella.

Low test

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>is it only people that don’t have anything to do that find it hard not to jack off for 24 hours
24 hours is easy, only total master bators cant do 24 hrs (unfortunately most such people visit Jow Forums)

>not no fapping for a week and then fucking the qt3.14 you’ve managed to snag up as a fuckbudy but not as a gf because fuck that.

nofap is so fucking stupid
t. guy who lifts, socializes, fucks a girl every weekend and still faps

stop chasing magic wonderpills like "just do X and it will fix your life". you have deep mental health problems, you need treatment not meme gimmicks

>2 months no fap

Longest I've ever done, I need to keep going.

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If you dont want to fap, dont Go on Jow Forums. Half this board has threads with hot chicks everywhere. Thus giving boners, thus giving you urges. I can no fap for days easily when I dont see any sexual content much.


I get payed to fap on camera this shit wont work

Day 30
Erections are stronger
Feel somewhat better
Cum during every bigger shit i take

No superpowers yet

>Cum during every bigger shit i take
You are edging before the shit right?

Nope, whats the point of nofap when u still touch your dicc

Main thing I'm getting from this is that even if I make it past the first flatline, I've got several more to go. Fuck.

A neet like me :^)