Make eye contact with qt at some store

Make eye contact with qt at some store..

She licks her lips when we make eye contact..

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What did you do next bro? Please tell me you banged her.

Which lips?

>that 30 years old guy making eye contact with underage girl

stop being a creep, remember cute girls sometimes have a high test 20 years old chad brother that will kick your ass

degenerate piece of shit

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>i avoid making eye contact with sexy girls because they might have an older brother that can beat me up

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Also. What's th deal with 30+ posters all of the sudden..

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>making eye contact

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this, grandpas have to go as soon as possible, i hate them, they always get in my way or do bicep curls on my squat rack

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>make eye contact with another swole manlet
>he nods at me
>brain doesn't register nod until after ive broken eye contact
>involuntarily nod at nothing as i walk forward
Alpha or autistic? You be the judge.

better than brapposting


Imagine being this terrified of growing up lmfao

imagine being thirty lmfao

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You won't have to imagine soon. :^)

you mogged that 30 y.o gj

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dump old brainlet wojak folder to fill

I’m 30

I have money now and am fit 20-27 year old guys have no chance

I’ve cucked so many young guys in the past two years with things like $50 ulta gift cards or a $200 dinner date lmfao girls are hugely attracted to older men with cash

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>y young guys in the past two years with things like $50 ulta gift cards or a $200 dinner date lmfao girls are hugely attracted to older men with cash

>needing money to fuck 5/10 girls
>cucking 20 years old soyboys because of jealousy because hes an oldfag thaty browses /fit
>think this is a achievement

30 years old people is pathetic but 30 years old people that go to the gym is even worse

We get it m8 you hate your dad.

guys i dont fucking get how most girls think i'm handsome but i get 0 pussy, i make eye contact with girls all the time but i can never turn it into anything. what do i do

>Made eye contact with girl walking into the gym
>She smiles at me

What does this mean?

>implying I’m not gunna die before then
If I don’t go out in a blaze of glory I’ll kms before the big three oh

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>not being 30 or damn near to 30 on Jow Forums
newfags OUT

Stop being a pussy and approach them. Don’t just stand there like a retard hoping they’ll talk to you first. This is where most of Jow Forums fails.

This user gets it

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Unless things all go to shit for you, you’ll realize that it’s actually pretty nice to be 25+ once you get there. You don’t want to be that guy that peaked in his teens/early 20s.

I’m 32 and work out because I don’t want to be yet another nerd dad that resigned himself to having a gut in his 30s. So many guys I went to high school with look like shit now because they gave up on staying fit. I want to be able to easily run a 5K well into my 50s.


Same. 50 isn’t even old. I’ll still be crushing top tier pussy at 50
