Routines general

Reminder that if your routine doesn't include a gallon of milk every day you'll never make it

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I've been doing gayskull for a few months and about to start this upper/lower split.


Upper A
OHP - 3x5
Bench - 3x5
BB Row - 3x5
T-Bar row - 4x10
Face Pull - 4x10
Cable Pushdown - 4x10
Reverse BB Curl - 4x10

Lower A
Squat - 3x5
Deadlift - 3x5
Leg Press - 4x10
Leg Curl - 4x10
Calf Press - 4x10

Upper B
OHP - 3x5
Bench - 3x5
BB Row - 3x5
T-Bar row - 4x10
Face Pull - 4x10
Cable Pushdown - 4x10
BB Curl - 4x10

Lower B
Squat - 3x5
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4x10
Leg Press - 4x10
Calf Press - 4x10

GtG pullups every day

Im also looking for advice. Im a beginner, with maybe a month in the gym so far. This is based on greyskull. I feel like i dont ohp enough?
Bench 5x5
Squat 5x5
Wide grip pull down 4x10
Wide grip rows 4x10

Deadlifts 5x5
OHP 5x5
Lateral raises 4x10
Face pulls 4x10
Curls and tris 4x10

Bench 5x5
Squat 5x5
Close grip pull down 4x10
Dumbell rows 4x10

xxAxBCx unfortunately

Those aren't forearms you build in a gym or from gear.
Those are the forearms of a man who's worked with his hands for his entire life.
Something that can't be bought or faked


2x5, 1x5+ Bench Press
2x5, 1x5+ Barbell Row
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
3x10 Barbell Curl

2x5, 1x5+ Military Press
2x5, 1x5+ Pull-Up
2x5, 1x5+ Deadlift
3x10 Skullcrusher

Ab circuit for rest days:
20 Sit-Ups
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Jackknife Sit-Ups
20 Crunches
20 Leg Raises

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All these complex routines scare the shit out of me
>Always done the same routine my dad tought me several years ago
>Notice stalling on bench
>Too afraid to change anything

Typical brosplit consisting of
Pull ups- 10/12x3
Cable pulldown -12x4
T-bar Row - 10/12x4
BB row - 10/12x4
Bicep curls 20x4
Hammer curls 20x4
One arm standing curl on a bench (whatever that's called) 15x3
abs (until i tire out, 4 sets)

Pushups- 60/50/40x4
Bench -(10-12 reps until 80% of max then i just do as many as i can on the last heavy ones. Usually do 5 sets)
OHP -10/12x4
Incline dumbells- 12x4
tricep pushdowns- 12x4
tight grip bench- 20x3

Flies- 12x4
Bent over dumbell raises- 12x4
Barbell shoulder press-12x4
Deadlift -12x3 followed by heavy lifting 5x3
Squats - 10x2 followed by 5x2

Is my routine absolutely shit? I'm scared to change it

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>flies on shoulder/leg day

Interesting idea. How long have you been on this routine? What are your results?

Why do they get haircuts and beards like that? Surely they must also realize that it doesn't look very good and that there are more practical and better looking cuts.

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Maybe you could do a lighter set of OHPs on your A days.

Does your performance suffer on C days or no?

I literally started it this week. It's a bastard version of Phrak's GSLP. I've been enjoying it a lot so far, the workout sessions are quick but you can still hit some PRs and get a good pump thanks to the last set AMRAP system. I'll follow it for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

They shave their moustache because they associate it with European militaries (it used to be traditional the clean shaven look has taken over) and now it's part of their tradition, the beard is kept because of the Biblical commandment not shave your beard, as for the hair I'm not sure

I also forgot to say that you repeat the ab circuit for 3 rounds and keep gradually adding them

Who cares when you have a guaranteed qt3.14 wife who will bear your children and take care of your household.

Ill try that. My lifts are 5x5 75/130/155/215, but i stalled once on ohp, and have a lot of room on the others.

I haven't really noticed many problems. I do tend to only add 5lbs on c days, and 10 on a days. Depends on how i feel.

Switch ohp and flies. Do less reps do
12 10 10 8 if you want to do that many.

Guys is nsuns good?

never gonna make it

Why's that? What would you recommend instead?

You should do 3x8 because the volume is a tad low, also do pull-ups or a pulldown if you’re a weak cunt instead of two rows.

High itensity bodybuilding training and kpop dance has helped me sculpt my bod. I documented my 2yr transformation on IG and youtube if anyone wants to see ;3

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Ok I'll up the volume. Thanks. Also I do pull-ups every day in addition to this (grease the groove)

Yeah, my last boss had arms like this. He is a mech engineer and was always working on machines and cars when he was young. Dude is 50 and had forearms and fingers like a construction worker. I wish I actually build a physique when I was young because it stays forever if you're not a lazy shit.


3x a week, anything else is fluff and pump

Switch it up. Your dads a moron

what boots do the Amish wear?

5/3/1 done as a bro split (bench day = chest day, deadlift day = back day, etc) with an extra arms day tagged onto the end.

I eat 750g of a tofu based meat substitute everyday, which is my only source of protein (despite veggies)

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Those look like Chuck's desert boots

>Dios mío, el brócoli vive

I literally can't do ohp and bench on the same day, feels bad. The volume is too much for my shoulder joints

do 5x5, 3x5 is not enough reps

>I literally can't do ohp and bench on the same day
You shouldn't, why would you do two tricep heavy compounds on the same day? That's fucking dumb.

Updated. Decided to remove BB rows completely because I hate them anyway. Is this better?


Upper A
OHP - 5x5
Bench - 5x5
T-Bar row - 4x10
Face Pull - 4x10
Cable Pushdown - 4x10
Reverse BB Curl - 4x10

Lower A
Squat - 5x5
Deadlift - 3x5
Leg Curl - 4x10
Calf Press - 4x10

Upper B
OHP - 5x5
Bench - 5x5
T-Bar row - 4x10
Face Pull - 4x10
Cable Pushdown - 4x10
BB Curl - 4x10

Lower B
Squat - 5x5
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4x10
Leg Press - 4x10
Calf Press - 4x10

+ bw pullups every single day

needs more bicep curls, shoulder dumbbell presses, flat dumbbell chest press and decline dumbbell chest press

how's this?

Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10

Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10

Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10
Curls 10x10

Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10
Incline DB Press 10x10

needs to hit lower chest more

With my fist or something else? dumbell?

flat dumbbell pressed and decline, 100 reps is way too much btw

add some more curls and incline db and it's good

BB flat bench or DB flat bench?

Looks good! My only issue with upper lowers is it’s hard to hit everything sufficiently(on your upper body). At least that’s why I stopping doing one.

Bench 3x8
OHP 3x8
Deadlift 3x5
Leg Press 3x8 (bad leg from a track injury - doc says no squats, but that LP is fine)
Weighted crunches 3x8
Lat Pulldown 3x8
Curl 3x8

Who else /aesthetics/ here?

the amish really are high tier aesthetic

deadlift 3x5
Pull ups 3x8
Face pull 3x10
Barbell row / dumbell row 3x10
Shrugs 3x 10
Dumbell curls
Dumbell hammer curls
Barbell curls

bench 5x5
Incline bench 3x8
Cable flies 3x8
Triceps pull-down 4x10
Tricep pull over head thing 4x 10
Dips 3xfailure

Pull-ups somewhere in between

squats / frontsquats 5x5
OHP 3x8
Dumbell side raises 3x8
Dumbell front raises 3x8
Leg extensions 3x8
Hamstring curls 3x8
Some forearm workout


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GSLP variation. Any advice on whether accessories are good, it's only 3 weeks since I started so should I do so many accessories?

Pretty much everything lacking has the extra accessories to target it: calves, forearms, neck, traps, extra sets of rows/pull-downs for posture and shoulder health, and extra core work because important.
I figure I can scale back if it gets too taxing when I actually start moving weight.
Takes about 2 hours each day including a total of about 30 mins for warm-up/stretching.
Plus: stretching everyday and extra 1.5 hours once a week. Adding cardio twice a week.

1 Rows 3x5+
2 Bench 3x5+
3 Squats 3x5+ or DL 1x5+
4a Close grip pull-downs 3x8-12
4b Barbell shrugs 3x15-20
5 Triceps ext. or Skull crushers 3x8-12
6 Calf raises 3x5-8 plus 3x15-20
7 Rev. hypers on squat days and Hip thrusts or Leg curls on DL days 3x8-12
8a Abs: obliques
8b Abs: any
Neck work (at gym or home)
Forearms work

1 Pull-ups 3x5+
2 Press 3x5+
3 Squats 3x5+ or DL 1x5+
4a Seated machine rows 3x8-12
4b Lateral raises 3x10-15
5 Triceps ext. or Skull crushers 3x8-12
6 Calf raises 3x5-8 plus 3x15-20
7 Rev. hypers on squat days and Hip thrusts or Leg curls on DL days 3x8-12
8a Abs: obliques
8b Abs: any
Neck work (at gym or home)
Forearms work

Face pulls around warm-up sets.
Day 1: Squats, Day 2: DL, Day 3: Squats.
3x5+ AMRAP last set but leaving 2 or so in the tank.

Also, yes I've read the book.
I don't like his approach to accessories with assuming just do curls and weighted pull-ups because guns, just do hanging leg raises only for abs, just do neck harness extensions only for neck.
I think the frequency method stuff is decent, but do it with closer to GTG method and skip the extra work on days where that exercise is performed during a workout.


Dynamic Warm-Up
Supaset: DB-Row / DB-Facepulls

Dynamic Warm-Up
Supaset: DB-Press / Ab workout

Dynamic Warm-Up
Supaset: Curls / Push-Ups
*Push-ups will be progressed to Handstand Pushups

DEADLIFT: Apply chalk, and chalk only. Deadlift to one daily max set with 1-5 reps. Then: One to three back-off sets with less weight, or some deadlift varitaion (snatch-grip, Romanian, etc). Hold bar as long as possible on last rep.

>Raw Milk
>Raw Garlic
>Raw Honey

Each workout is about 60 minutes.

After 40 days I'll take a look at my gains, or my hospital bill.

Input is welcome.

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No abs?

Bench press 7x5
Superset (Dipsx10, psuhupsx10)x3
DB inclines 4x8
Press (machine) 4x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12
DB Skullcrushers 4x10

Lat pulldown 5x6
Low row 6x6
Assisted pullup 4x10
Dropset (DB bent over row)10>12>14
DB bicep curl 5x6 (or 4x8)
Preacher curl 4x8

Seated military press 6x6
Lateral raise 4x10
Superset (OHPx10, Lateral raisex10)x2
Cable rear delt row 4x10
Cable rear delt fly 3x12
Cable crunch 4x15
Hanging leg raise 4x10
Dropset (Lateral raise)10>12>14

Leg press 7x6
Romanian DL 4x8
Leg curl 3x12
Leg extension 3x12
Calf raise 4x15/alternate to failure

I try to do AxBCxDx but since I'm at uni Monday to Friday I end up doing ABxCDxx

I live 10 miles away from the largest community of amish in the world, theyre all over the fucking roads in their dumb buggies and they constantly hog up isles at walmart babbling in their weird dutch savage language.
I have literally never seen one single amish man that wasn't skinnyfat. That one must work out, because all amish are lazy dyel welfare recipients.
Theres a reason we call them blueniggers, they wear blue and they're niggers.


I've been doing this on a keto cut and I've pretty much stalled on everything. i like the split but Is there any accessories I should add as I switch to a bulk?

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>high-tech boots
>high-tech corrective eyeware
fucking hypocrits