Jow Forums i fucked up last night and ordered a pizza. I had 5 slices...

Jow Forums i fucked up last night and ordered a pizza. I had 5 slices, threw the rest in the trash and passed out and today I feel like total fucking garbage physically and mentally. how do I get back to normal?i feel like fucking shit

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workout, sauna, go for a run, make a health juice, meditate, forgive yourself and move on
regret is a waste of energy, you're fine man, maybe you needed the extra cals

Not on my watch

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drop your gun

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Just accept that you fucked up and get back to the plan. Dont do anything to try and compensate for it. Just stfu and get back to whatever diet, caloric plan you are following.

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a literal 18 year old bangbros movie

They all claim to be 18 bro

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the movie itself came out in 2000


>the movie itself is allowed to star in porn now
can’t wait

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You had 5 slices of pizza and feel like shit? You sound like the biggest pussy on Earth. Jesus Christ. Drink some water faggot.

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Has sniff posting gone too far?

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t. fatboy

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Such a great scene, every time I restart my porn collection it's one of the first I have to get.

Stop being such a pussy and go out there and get huge

Forgive yourself and move on. Don't do it again.

That's literally all you can do.


Carmen Kinsley, if I'm not mistaken

whats video called

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source vporn dot corn/group-sex/carmen-kinsley-summer-assp/1439814/

Make lemonade, bitch. Use those carbs to go for a long hike, a solid workout, get a ton of shit done. Use the regret as motivation.

Get over it.

Stop doing what you're doing.

As long as it fits your macros bro

it's a classic for sure

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Mine was limewire


Ares masterrace

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Fast for 48 hours


Is that Lily Thai? So many good faps

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bros is it ok to do biceps every day?

Kek. 10/10

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>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

Enjoy the pizza, compensate by working harder. Don't be such a pussy. Don't deprive yourself of things you like, have no guilt cheating day every now and then or you'll be more likely to say fuck it all and stop working out all together. It is what it is, you had pizza, 5 slices aint even that much. Keep it moving bruh

Are you a Higurashi antagonist?

Im inspired OP, you go and fucking do it.

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Holy fuck I used to fap so aggressively to that bitch in the white hat.. does somebody have a sauce pls?

eve lawrence

holy fuck thanks

That scene with the white hat is legendary

mindy main

>porn collection
Not gonna make it

Bitch on the bottom left was an amazing fap....


You can't constantly go up, up and away, user. sometimes you slack, sometimes you can't do your best or don't have the energy for it, but you get back up. you progress slowly, but surely, until you're back in A-mode.
just keep going, so fucking what if you took 5 steps backwards? you've already walked a mile!

Attached: FUCK. THIS. SHIT..jpg (1920x9808, 3.77M)

Imagine being this big of a faggot. Kill yourself. Saged, hidden and reported

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theres nothing wrong with pizza fucking faggot just don't eat the whole thing

who is bottom left?

Carman Kinsley....retired favorite pornstar

naomi russell

>naomi russell