Time to readjust those safety bars

Time to readjust those safety bars.

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Take the L

Me after a Fap

Is this even possible if you're not using a suicide grip?

Yes, he wasn't using suicide grip, so therefore it's possible.


was he using suicide grip


>when will tumblets learn

Reminder powerlifting is a meme and no one cares about your 1 rep retard lift numbers.

He has some serious weak grip strenght. Probably due to using wrist wraps.


Video here.
No he wasn't using suicide grip. I watched it 5 times, I have no idea how it comes out of his hands. Then again, we bench baby weight compared to this dude so something might need explaining to me.

How? Did his thumbs snap or something?

literally how

does he have no thumbs?

>trusting a nig
>not using safety bars
>suicide gripping
what a fucking mongoloid

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He's finna die lmao

He was probably using a bar with excessively good spin. If you've ever used one of these bars, the weight feels super unstable, and the bar want to spin one way or the other. If you over-correct slightly, you fuck up and dump the bar on your chest or face. That's what looks like happened here.

just post a screen of his grip

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This is what happens when a soyboy injects steroids and pretends to be a true alpha

spotters aren't there to catch 495lbs you fucking moron. They are there to help you bring the bar up when you can't complete a rep. The only thing that would have saved this guy was safety bars.

>not spinning all the weights for gyroscopic stability

Have you ever even been to the gym?

> take an L
> y'all
> keep it real

What a fucking cookie cutter faggot. If you're white and talk like this just put a gun to your head because you're a fucking disgrace

is there a greater ego move than not using the safeties?

weight was too much for his wrists to stabilize, so he lost control.

Watched it a couple times.

>not suicide grip
>bar teleports through his thumbs
>let's out this horrible gasp as if it's his last breathe

Curious to see what happened to his body here.

If you're white and tell people to kill themselves for their mannerisms on an anonymous fitness forum you should reevaluate where your life is heading.


Can I do gear and also be manlet chad? I don't have that stocky, short limbed build though so my arms probably still won't be very big.

He will probably die soon
No way this didn’t do irreversible damage to his internal organs

>benching 5pl8
>chest STILL not strong enough to protect him

So can anyone tell me the point of lifting over 3 plates?I can't see a valid reason.

1. You aren't going to be an elite lifter
2. Risk massive injuries
3. 3 plate is more than 99% of people
4. Leaner look is better

>not living your life for follows and comments on insta

Yeah, somehow his wrists rolled. According to rip this can also happen with a bent bar.

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Counterpoint: kys

The other guy is right, do not talk like a nigger. It's an offense to civility.

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I've only ever felt this when doing real close grip bench and it's fucking scary

I'm benching 50lbs right now, should I stop progressing in bench so that this doesn't happen to me, Jow Forums?

>1. You aren't going to be an elite lifter
Why? Every elite level lifter has at one point benched less than 305
>2. Risk massive injuries
You risk injuries at 225 bench
>3. 3 plate is more than 99% of people
So is 2 plate for reps, if you're just lifting to be stronger than other humans, 1/2/3/4 is definitely 95th+ percentile for strength.
>4. Leaner look is better
This is subjective, obviously, but you knew that.

Different people, different goals. You should be able to understand this even if you don't understand their goals. I don't know why the bloatloard would want to immobolize himself for dirty strength gains, but I acknowledge he's pursuing what he wants.

Stop at 225lbs.

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Now I'm scared to bench and next week is heavy week.

Use the Smi-

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Bench with safetys, Problem solved...

is he permanently injured? afraid of watching link

mirin filename
true, I hope he dies

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what do you think

Why doesn't every commercial bench have safety pins. When your are spending that much on equipment anyway its worth the little extra.

I guess I'll just have to use the fear of death as motivation to bench more which will increase my chance of death leading to more fear and more motivation.

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>that sound he made after he got crushed

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Nope, not watching this.

Who the fuck benches 5 plates? This is beyond too much for a squat, let alone bench

begone dyel

>too much for a squat
If you're not trying to hit 5pl8 for a lifetime pr you're not trying hard enough

Nigga please
I am DYEL but 5 plate bench is a fucking lot. I doubt 1% of this board can lift that much.

I doubt more than 5 people ever on Jow Forums have lifted 5plate bench.
It's obviously elite level strength.

I almost do and these videos scare me, I'm at 4 and a quarter now slowly adding to it, gonna break 500 relatively soon I think.

1% of Jow Forums can't even 5pl8 dl/squat

Careful bro
By curiosity, how much are your other lifts at?

Good call. All objects have a direction which they will flex in most easily under load (with golf clubs they call it the spine). They have this even if perfectly straight when not under load. If they're already bent when not under load though they will tend towards having the spine in the direction of the bend. If the direction of the spine wasn't up then there would be a torque on his grip (in direction of shortest rotation so the spine was up). As he changed directions at the bottom the bar may have bounced increasing the torque, increasing the looseness of his grip and so the bar rotated towards spine up. A stiffer bar would prevent this torque. You could also find the spine by loading the bar with weight and mark it so you always have it in the up direction.

At least he wasn't using this.

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This, his caption actually made me glad it happened to him


I agree

got video?

What does taking an L even means?

U gay retard click the link

Deadlift is 725, squat unfortunately is only 405, I'm not a skips legs day bro I have a torn disk in my back, they do that heal, it's surgery or deal with it and unfortunately surgery is not always successful so since the only time it really bothers me is when I load my spine I'm just gonna live with it.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Take the L


anyone who says otherwise is BLACKED or under the age of 18

haha nice user

I've expected it to be "Lesson"


Am I a bad person if I laughed

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>hot wife
>stronger than you
>family values
cope harder incuckcel

Edge browser fucked my last two posts btw, never use that dogshit.


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this looks like a great way to hurt yourself lmao

If you aren't lifting that weight before youre 20 you aren't going to be an elite lifter.

>reversal strenght development
>Oscilatory resistance
>Position specific
>Battle with the tsunami bar so you can win on the field

Wtf did I just watch?

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>when she touches my dick


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Another thicc boy dies.
This is sad

No idea. When I hit 225 (currently at 212.5) for 5s I plan to work on just increasing my reps from 5 to 12. Currently doing that with a 315 squat (sitting at 315x7 right now). I'll evaluate what I want to do when I finally hit those numbers, but I feel it's a reasonable goal.


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Yes I agree, language should never change and we should all be speaking like Jeff Sessions. Except that inbred probably says "y'all" since it was white rednecks that invented that manner of speaking in the first place you dumb nigger

Just looked that up. How do you die benching 2pl8? And how do you get trapped under it? So much confusing about that article.

>3. 3 plate is more than 99% of people

Are you referring to all people or only the gym going population? Because while you are still lifting more than most gym going population, it's not 99%. It's basically the % that is either too old to get stronger, too dumb to do it, or just doesn't even care about strength numbers as much.

Failure is the ultimate lesson.........

Does this just fuck your balance/stabilization? Looks dumb as shit.

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Satan, what a surprise to see you in this thread

It's definitely more than 99% of gym goers. The only ones that do it are roiders


Why? Do you think wishing other people to end their lives for their syntax is healthy behavior?

Here's a hint, it's not. Seek professional mental help.


i've seen very few people putting up legit 315 on the bench and i've been lifting in various gyms for 7 years

it was most common in football weightroom but still not all that common, despite what /plg/ would have you believe 315 bench is very strong for non talentchads

3plt? Yea BS. Maybe like 75-80%, but 99%?

You know I'm right. Being an edgy bigot isn't healthy for you or anyone else and I hope you grow out of it like the rest of society. You can call me a redditor or a faggot all you want.

Flat Bench 315lbs is stronger than 99% of all humans for sure. Probably stronger than 95% of all gymgoers as well because most people don't train strength or just just do PT advised circuits for general fitness.

Out of the thousands of different people I've seen in gyms just in the hour I'm there I can only recall a dozen unique persons who flat bench 2pl8. This is anecdotal because I'm in a liberal college town in NY, but 75% is way too small of an estimate.

THIS. I have had a wrist roll before but O was only doing 245 which is my rep weight and I was able to correct it without dropping the load. It's a pretty scary feeling. I happens so fast that a spotter couldn't possibly react.

"take an L"
fucking cringe...nothing worse than old men using lingo that kids used last year.

>Being a bigot isn't healthy
Enjoy your collapse

wow. This explains why when I workout at a commercial gym instead of my home gym, I feel absolutely retarded on bench, and it plummets by about 30 pounds