Is this a 10/10 woman face ?

is this a 10/10 woman face ?

Attached: 32f4t45.png (315x288, 136K)

Dear god no

why not ? post a 10/10 face then, for me its

Looks like the lovechild of Miranda Cosgrove and Michael Jackson

10's (and 9's to an extent) are personal

In Turkey yes. Rest of the world , no.

10/10 is subjective

shes incredibly attractive at my view, what kind of women you like ?

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Not even close

Attached: marina.jpg (686x716, 88K)

She's in the hot women range definetely

Anavar gear whores with masculine jaws , big bulgy biceps and a moustache

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Definitely not.

well what do you think of her face then ??also post girls faces you think are a 10

im not turkey

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those girls are a solid 9 for me, pretty hot, near perfection

the absolute state of /fit

lol fuck off

those who think shes not hot or not that hot please post FACE girls you think are a 10, i want to compare men tastes

>literally no top lip
what the fuck is wrong with you

Yes she is attractive whit*ids just like to pretend their race is out of this world

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what do you mean with " whit*ids"

shes white, isnt she ?

shes not bad for me, but not a 10, a solid 8

I work in a photo department and I take passport photos for people all the time along developing photos. Naturally I have some really fucking hot girls come through. One day there was this girl, and I swear to god she was the most perfect woman I have ever laid my eyes on. Her face was actually perfect. I can’t imagine how exquisite her butthole must have looked and smelled like. Not to mention how amazing her little nipples were. Fuck.

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Like I said, 9 and 10 is completely personal

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god these threads are so fucking hilarious. Jow Forumstards talking about “eh she’s not a 10, more like an 8”. please post your faces while you rate these women since you all have the right to such high standards.

This isn't even 7/10 face

are you a chick? you're basically saying 'look at all these guys who are 5'10 saying that Lebron James is shorter than Shaq'

>eyes not blue / green

pick one

The only 10/10 girl for me

Attached: MV5BMjA1NDU4MDMzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzEzNDg0MDE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,776,1000_AL_.jpg (776x1000, 107K)

post pic then or some similar

completly agree on that, but its nice to compare tastes

post a hotter girl then

She is a t*rk. Probably greek ancestry, but still a t*rk nevertheless. Disgusting

No this is

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Something along these lines.

Attached: sjsjssgj.png (446x537, 478K)

Why the fuck are you censoring it ?

It's some mudskin shitposter, he posts a lot on Jow Forums too, also calling them whiteoids with the censored letter

it's insulting

good attempt at an analogy I guess ?


lmao you are a chick. women hotter than you exist, and these women are themselves not as hot as 10s, and this is just life

what a freak jesus

Attached: perfection1.jpg (825x1227, 248K)

looks like a doll, anyways not bad


i got it, a wannabe troll

how is that not green you retard

It's a meme bruv, originally it was Turks censoring the word Kurds online due to butthurt, after which people used it to meme on turkroaches to great affect. Then low IQ muds started to tag along with the meme using it against whites, which dilutes the original fun of the meme, just as they dilute genepools.

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op here, i consider that a 10 too

Getting close. The rest of the faces are all dried skin roaties. Perfect female face cannot be over the age of 19.

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lmao @ getting this mad on a mongolian flyfishing forum

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nobody cares, its a hot chick thread despites where they are from, get back to /pol nerd

brb heating the owen

by your logic most people shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on politics, immigration, gun control, the economy, food in general, movies, music or anything else because they are obviously inferior to anyone who has dedicated their life on that matter

op again, yep thats another 10, to be honest, the hotest chick i saw today

masculine as fuck bro, not hot

Unironically this

Attached: emiliaclarke.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

who is that girl yeeeeeeeeezzzz give name

>being such a soyboy that you find Eva Green masculine
Never gonna make it

my /mugshawty/

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Faith Schroder

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lmao at Jow Forums posting roasties that turned them down in high school.

Stop lying to your biology, young cute girls are the way to go.

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maybe instead of typing all that out you could just work on your reading comprehension because none of that relates to what I said

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Born in 2011. What are they putting in the food ???!


Attached: 44379636-scared-woman-with-mouth-taped-shut-afraid-young-girl-with-duct-tape-on-lips-censorship-and- (1300x974, 177K)

Whatever it is, it's working.

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If we're talking scientifically, pure aesthetics without trying to jam in personal taste, then Adriana Lima is the closest to the perfect female face.

And yes, she's a bit generic in her beauty but undeniably has the best face balance I have ever seen, her face falls in a golden ratio mask almost perfectly. Every feature on her face is as near to perfection as nature allows it.

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No, THIS is a 10/10 woman for me.

Attached: 22857671_1718531244833019_7395559587765551104_n.jpg (640x640, 44K)

Body is a 10, but her face is a 3 at most


>those tan lines

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A 3 is generous. Its barely recognisable as human

body looks like a fat midget too.

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perfect facial aesthetics, the balance of her jawline and her forehead is unparallelled

Attached: lindseylohan.png (237x257, 119K)

She's hot af.
If you say you wouldn't tap that your a faggot. Period.

what is she, like 4’3”?

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>t. nicker

That's such a pretty face. And for some reason, it makes me sad.

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10/10 would chuckle again

That's because you got your dick in your head

probably not. gooks have short stubby legs with a long upper body. making them look like midgets. THey truly ARE the aesthetically inferior race. but for their climate its helpful to preserve warmth

the resemblance is uncanny

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The fuck you talking about, everybody in their right mind prefers the asian masterrace, negroids can't compete with the asian female beauty

t. asian