Do you need to consume more zinc in fapping days?

Do you need to consume more zinc in fapping days?

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I don't have fapping days, I only do it very sporadically when I can't get laid.

Who is she


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>i dont have fapping days
>except when i do


>this fatball is considered hot
She has the potential if she would do squats/deads and lose some belly fat

ariel winter

i saw this post and just bought some of these. they taste like shit. the nutrition info says nothing about zinc

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She has great fat distribution and she doesn't have high body fat percentage

It's a small box and typically companies only put the nutrition facts that they are required to include, which is what they did. A whole tin has something like 400-500% of your daily zinc value.

You could've just googled it numnuts.

I just took a double dosis of zinc

Fapping day means it's regular

enjoy no gains + gnashing of teeth

>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

You should be on the Stack 5 days a week.


Please delete, I'm in 3 hours of no fap.

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Masturbating uses up very little zinc compared to your daily needed amount

bitch you're gonna relapse and you know it you're not fooling anyone

nofap pretty much requires you leave Jow Forums

>tfw allergic to shellfish
>tfw have to supplement zinc for cum gains

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fuackk she's thicc in the right proportions

The fact that talking about zinc has triggered this long ass mostly unrelated rant talking yourself up into illusions of grandeur tells me that your sense of self is as frail as your dyel body.

Get a therapist kiddo .

he isn't, that's pasta, I'm the original writer of that shit, and it came because of a moment of fedora tipping enlightenment

>average ejaculate has 0.561 mg of zinc
>average american diet has 11 mg per day

Also, if you're taking supplements instead of eating food you should kill yourself.

claiming to be the autor of a post on an anonimous board,you really do need to see a doctor kid.
>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

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>tfw ex had that body
>tfw the 地下アイドル I'm fucking started to gain a little chub
life is good

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