Video of the average roided out Jow Forumsizen in a bar fight

Video of the average roided out Jow Forumsizen in a bar fight

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yeah that guy's dead


Just think how slack his arse is now after prison

Yeah he did if I remember the article correctly


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Dyels BTFO

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>Being this retarded that you are going to spend the rest of your late 20s til the end of your life in jail.

Can't find it immediately, I do remember the vid and I'm pretty sure there was an article that confirmed he died.

course he is, you dont get stomped on the head for a full minute and live


Is there any chance the girl was somehow turned on by witnessing a true alpha beat up her man? Like even though she's shocked, would you think she secretly wants to fuck Pummel Pete?

I'd have had to head tackle him and probably put him in a headlock.
If not, I'd have beaten him with a brick.

Oh definitely.
He saw that the dude was a weakling and just started unloading on him. Even went after his girlfriend. Ignored the dude that pulled him off of him though.
He can't get gear in prison and he's going to crash hard as fuck.
The Aryan brotherhood is passing him around like a blunt at a snoopdog concert.

>implying he isn't ALPHA AS FUCK
>implying he won't mop up all the cross dressing, cool-aid-lipped 'pussy' in prison

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Poor chad, he's the actual victim here from those drunkards.
How angry do you have to be to stomp a dude's head more than once?

normie with his gf BTFO
/fraud/-autism masterrace wins again

>killing another human so you spend your life in jail
wow, trully the peak of masculinity.

how can I compete with living free in my house watching cartoons and not being among roided niggers who want to rape me in jail.

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>Is there any chance the girl was somehow turned on by witnessing a true alpha beat up her man? Like even though she's shocked, would you think she secretly wants to fuck Pummel Pete?

jesus man seek help

I've been to prison
Contrary to what normies think, you don't get raped. Gay/bi men willingly engage and sexual activities, and even straight because "well fuck it I'm here for 10 years and that's the only form of sex I'll get"

>seek help
Why? I'm just asking a question here
Elaborate on why I should seek help

user, if he's not dead he's getting his shit stomped or his ass stretched.

Women's bodies get turned on by that kind of thing. It's not a conscious or controllable thing.
People stating it is or miscrontruing women's natural reactions to things is how they manipulate them into homosex and other kinds of sexual deviancy.
The whole "all women are bisexuals except for the dykes" thing while pushign creepy media designed to confuse them is one of the ways ((they)) manipulate females.

you get raped if you're a pedo/rapist.

>not going full prision mode for those bodyweight gains

If you say so.
But bull faggots want some ass or to prove a point. They'll rape you.
He got raped and or his shit ruined pretty damned bad.

>can't get gear in prison

>spending decades of your best life time among niggers
yeah I rather be a dyel and be able to fuck teens in my weeb convention.

t. numale

where do you think prison toilet chemicals come from? a sterile lab?

yeah, I guess I'm missing to have gay sex with roided niggers makes me a numale.

This is why they put estrogen into the water supply.

What's the story?

You're just an ugly cunt that can't even get himself raped in prison mate

>Those headstomps
Does anyone else cringe when they see that shit? Just thinking about the damage that's going on in that guys brain as he gets repeatedly kicked makes me sick.

Damn, the fuck is with you people and blacks.
Plenty of roided snowniggers to punch your balloon knot.
Hell take a look at half of the board. Lot's of pale swole faggots looking for assholes.

yeah, I guess being among blacks is a better life goal than fucking sluts on tinder and my anime convention.

how jealous I am.

>Implying the lifers aren't on better gear and have been on it for longer
>Implying he isn't going to be the fleshlight of an aryan nation runecoon for his weekly shot of T.

Ah, you're one of ((them)).
You're pushing the only niggers do this are in prison narrative.
No, he's going to be in a prison around a lot of whites.
He's also going to be getting raped in prison by those whites.

Jesus. Can you people STOP thinking about blacks as either living strawmen or sexual beasts of burden for 1 minute.

Can someone please post context

yeah, I guess being able to live years of my sexual peak among other males is better than being on my anime convention and making money off my hobbies.


The guy he stomped died, and it's on tape. He's not going to county correctional like you did, he's going to a federal prison for murder and aggravated assault. For 30 years at a likely minimum. He is not going to do well, and will be lucky if he escapes the guards beating him regularly, let alone his fellow inmates.

yeah, so worth it to be alpha as fuck in prison for 30 years, sounds sick man

It's a bar fight involving a drunk black male. Not to be Jow Forums but you can infer the story is irrational and just a chimp out.

what makes you think he wont do well

Shut up you simple cunt.
The fuck does any of that have to do with anythig.

damn nigga went full hokuto no ken on that guy

>bull faggots want some ass
Yeah and they get the best ass available, aka some gay faggot that sucks dick like a champ for an hour because he enjoys it.To prove a point you get beat up, not raped

easy way to get attempted murder charges

who's black?

Sorry, after reading the article I realize he's white. The closeup of him approaching the woman made me think he was darker skinned.


>Literally none of the meatheads even try to stop him when he goes for the Lady
I would have easily defended her from that rampaging monkey and conquered her heart. One slice is all it takes.

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>thread about a fight
>everyone talks about buttfucking

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Yes, she just watched her bf get stomped to death and she is about to go off into the sunset with the faggot that didn't do anything about it until he turned his attention to the girl

This kind of shit is pretty much the reason that I roid. I can't stand seeing people who go after the low-hanging fruit so I make sure that I'm always the biggest in the room. I would have laid waste to this faggot if I saw him unloading on a smaller guy like that.

>involving a drunk black male
What the fuck?
The guy is white.
Everyone on that tape is fucking white as rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm.

He didn't just knock the guy out and walk off.
He beat the guy and stomped him to death.
The guy that pulled him off of him? He didn't try to fight him because it wouldn't be an easy win.
He then went back and started stomping him again.
Dude's girlfriend plucked up the courage to try and he punched her in the face and started yelling at her and walking towards her.

He's a pussy who beat up a weakling his girlfriend did not press a fight with a dude his exact saze and acted like a big man while stomping a downed opponent.

If he survives a month and isn't found dead or raped and beaten half to death I WILL BE AMAZED!. He might thrive....if he had actual balls but he didn't try to beat up any of the dudes his size so he's just a pussy.
His life in prison is going to be fucked even worse then most guys.
Oh he's going to cry that first night, and he's going to get beaten and raped.

Are you inbred crackers this delusional? How can you mistake him for a black man?

You think guys like that don't see the act of raping a man as a form of beating them up and revenge as something fun to do?
You don't know how people like that think do you?

omae wa mou shindeiru

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Well he was acting like a chimp for a start

That's multiple counts of aggravated assault and FIRST DEGREE MURDER.
That dude is not getting out of jail alive.

i'm a girl and i would 100% do that. romper stomper won my heart already by defeating my current bf, but i'm always available for anyone who can knock him off his perch. i'd be disappointed if someone stopped the stomper from dominating me with his punches, and then the new guy turned out to be all gay and respectful. but whatever. we ladies like winners.

This is the lowest quality bait I have seen in a long time. kys

based Tommy lad

Yeah you crackers do a lot of that too.

>nobody intervenes

>This is what Jow Forums makes teenagers believe

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>Getting into an altercation at a bar
Just leave if you can. You never know what psycho you're dealing with. Nothing that could happen in a bar is worth dying for.

Where can i find the article that's about this video

absolutely this

served in federal prison for 8 years for robbing a bank, guys there were pretty chill, you just mind your own business and stick to your race and there'll be no problems. Unless you're a punk, a child molester or a rapist, rape is almost impossible to happen to you. And even if you indeed raped someone, they won't fuck you over unless it's clear you're a rapist, that being if a thot fucked you over, the guys will understand.

Ye, he is dead. I remember it too

>nobody tries to stop the guy who just murdered someone in front of them
yeah it's called shock and no matter how much you lift or chicken you eat you're still susceptible to it.

you clearly never have been to jail faggot, if you rape someone in jail, you WILL be seen as a faggot, no question about that

even if you're the most disliked motherfucker in the pavement, you'll not get raped. They'll fuck you up, maybe take an eye out, but not rape you.
Unlike what you closeted homos like to think, rape is very rare to happen

>all the people in the thread who think this guy lived

are you people actually retarded? one head stomp is enough to permanently damage someone and very well kill them. even one punch is enough to kill someone. he went gomu gomu no gatling on his ass and then stomped and kicked his head over 15 times while his blood was everywhere and he wasnt moving after the first stomp.

also, wtf happened? he tapped him on the shoulder and told him something and he destroyed him over what he said? why was the guy starting shit and approaching him anyways???

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how do people know what youre in there for?

Black and white camera + random murder for starters

Prisoners get access to news.

>this is your brain on pol

idk how you could know all that judging from that video, the one guy who stepped up after backed away it's not like he ran away from him

Legit question: What's the best way of defending yourself from someone like this?
>inb4 ccw

I think he was telling the guy that he was too fucked up and should just go home

thanks ive always wondered that

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I don't go to Jow Forums, said I wasn't racist and admitted my mistake in assuming.

If anything, your racist replies are your brain on Jow Forums

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Probably learning some martial arts and having experience of fighting. Most people don't have any so they go down easily. Was kind of a sucker punch though.

dont approach them like a moron

>Hobbies seems to include anime
>Make money off of it
How? Like I'm genuinely interested, I hate my career choice so if I could do something like that I would a happy boy

Draw mangu.
Draw waifus.
Draw hentai loops of 2 seconds.
Write a light novel.
Make games about waifus.

I'm trying to make games about waifus, but I see guys making 5-6k per month on patreon drawing porn of waifus.

imagine being this much of a numale beta faggot that you piss and shit yourself at the thought of going to jail. You know prisons have female staff members and correction officers right? But i doubt any faggot this afraid and soyed would be able to get any female

It looked like he was stopping him from falling down. Might've said something like "hey buddy, you might want to take it easy" and got killed for it. Alcohol, not even once.

>Black and white camera
>Person is clearly white

Are you retarded?
That's a rhetorical question; yes, you are retarded.

imagine this much of a loser that thinks being in jail is something you should aspire to as a life goal because of muh memes.

Not him but they have to ask you obviously. You'd better 100% have your story straight if you intend to lie about it because they know their shit.

Bitch didn't gave a fuck lmao

>A man suspected of beating a seventeen year old teenager in a conflict in Moscow, was taken into custody, according to the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

>Previously senior assistant to the head of a capital Central Board SK Julia Ivanov told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on the night of June 8 close to home in the 3rd Krutitsky lane. Fighting a thirty-year man was beaten by an acquaintance of the teenager born in 2000, the victim was hospitalized.

>Police opened a criminal case on intentional infliction of harm, but investigators RF IC provided in the situation of signs of attempt at murder, which initiated the transfer of the case from the police in the UK.

>«Today, at the request of the investigation against the defendant the measure of restraint in form of detention. In the near future the presentation of the charges against him», — stated in the message of the RF IC.

>According to authorities, the life and health of a teenager is not in danger.

Be a roid monkey that knows kung fu

Some people have dreams rather than insecurities

>In Moscow, a guy beat a teenager half to death. A brutal beating of a young man was recorded by a surveillance camera on the night of June 8, the portal "360" reported. The record shows how the young man first stands in an embrace with the girl, then approaches the guy standing near the shopping pavilion and tells him something. In response, he immediately receives a series of punches and falls. After the victim fell, the guy continued his beating. A man nearby was trying to calm the fighter and drag him to the side, but almost fell under the hand. The guy went back to the recumbent and continued to beat him. Under the distribution of almost got and the girl affected, who also tried to pull the attacker. As a result, she received a slap in the face, and the "aggressor" continued, in a literal sense, to trample on the disabled teenager. The victim, 16 years old, was taken to the intensive care unit of the Morozov hospital, his minor girlfriend was not injured. According to the user who posted the footage on the network, the young people together "came for the catch-up" and were familiar.

Imagine being this much of a bitch
theres nothing more alpha than surviving and getting pussy (female) in prison

>pussy (female)

you only get boypussy in jail, faglord.