Could Jow Forums meet the French Foreign Legion's physical standards?

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>joining a foreign military
>joining the frog military
Why do people still do this, they don’t even do cool shit anymore

Nobody here can even meet their own standards lmfao

>joining anything concerning the current state of France


It's the Legion. You join under a false name. No one cares who you are. At some point (after a year?), you regularize, giving your real name and origin. if you stay in the Legion for some amount of time (5 years?), you get French citizenship.

It's a good deal if you want a military track and want to live in France. And they're hardcore.

The only thing I have that I think could meet their standards is my 18 minute 5k. After that I'm fucked.

Idk what are the physical requirements?

i want some military training and this give me hope
the military in my country (argentina) don't give you any training. you are not going to touch a gun
there are any other country that have this type of "Foreign Legion"?
i hate french so fucking much...

I'm pretty sure the FFL accepting immigrants is a unique thing.

Only the officers in the Legion are French. Everyone else is foreign. A lot of ex-SS joined after WW2. A lot of Eastern Europeans, Africans, and SE Asians now.

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Russia has something like this I believe if getting your throat sliced by Chechens is more your thing

Nope did my shoulder in OHPing and now I can't get my hand above my head


What are they?

I wonder what their yearly recruitment number is. Must be small.

The Spanish have one I think.

There are lots of applicants.
They probably won't take you if you don't have some military background.
Also the army is the ultimate gain goblin.

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i want to emigrate to russia
el español es mi lengua madre, asi que esa es una muy buena opcion

can you give me more information?

It is 19 years for citizenship and you won't ever become high rank officer if you are not french

>get treated like dogshit for a few years
>to earn French citizenship
Again, fucking why. Again, they don’t do cool military shit. They’re like the UN but gayer.

Red the memoirs of Carl Peters. 25 years in paratroopers as a military police and a squad leader.

Paratroopers had to run 1km in 5 minutes and right after that 8km in 50 minutes in full gear.

>Literally anyone who wants an EU-passport but can't seek an asylum

So that's approximately an 8 minute mile followed by five 10 minute miles. I'm assuming full gear would be your uniform, maybe a helmet and body armor, maybe your parachute, and your gun and ammo, plus canteens and rations?

That doesn't sound too hard, but the running in gear would be rough on your knees and back after a few years on top of jumps and other distance running they'd make you do. Those run times are pretty easy though imo for someone who would be training for that constantly.

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with about a month of preparations for cardio condition build-up, i'd be in.
But why fight in the south american jungle, if you can join a perfectly well usable army in your own country ?

The Foreign Legion gets all the dangerous jobs so the French don't have to send French citizens to die. So you'll probably see significant combat. Pretty sure they were fighting in Mali recently and since the French do not have the air or artillery resources of the US they rely more on grunts on the ground.

I read that that wasn't true. The FFL refused membership to ex-Waffen-ᛋᛋ members

I would consider joining if the service was max 2 years and they actually had resources.

The FFL is nowhere near what it used to be and it shouldn't be seen as some sort of a standard anymore. Everyone who was good in the FFL left it.

>It's the Legion. You join under a false name. No one cares who you are.
This is not true. Maybe once it was. But today they will only take you with a valid form of ID.

i can and i want to join both
what are the physical requirements to join them?
i am legitly interested and i am sure im going to join one of them when i finish college

Between what they say and what they did, there is a huge gap.

7 strict pulls
2700m cooper test

Yeah it's shit.

t. frenchfag

they also test your iq

You probably just need to have an IQ higher than a clam

>posts on a japanese basket weaving forum

literally a meme, the vast majority of soldiers in the ffl are French, after that its Eastern Europeans and Africans.

>can't run for over 1km without fucking dying

m-maybe i should start to work on cardio

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I actually considered joining if I don't make enough money to buy myself a house and get myself a decent wife by the time I'm out of my 20s
The test is the same as the fireman entrance exam where i live.
Cooper test pull ups and push ups. Easy.
Also got some winter weather and telecommunications training in with the national military, so that a plus.

yeah iirc they just check if you can follow basic orders

I think the Spaniards stopped taking foreigners. Just look up the Spanish Foreign Legion, it was pretty much all Moroccans anyways.

Russian minimums are probably retarded low. However you need to know Russian and be ready for brutal hazing (beatings and whatnot).

Despiste what they say, they hardly hire people with no previusly military/police background experiences

>I think the Spaniards stopped taking foreigners. Just look up the Spanish Foreign Legion, it was pretty much all Moroccans anyways
i checked, they still take argentinians
>Russian minimums are probably retarded low. However you need to know Russian and be ready for brutal hazing (beatings and whatnot).
i know
but having a kalashnikov in my hands is a dream

t. doesnt know shit about militaries

the french foreign legion is basically just hard cunt war criminals that join up because no one else will take them and so they can avoid getting tried for the shit they did, getting french citizenship is just a bonus that gives them a nice place to live where people arent hunting them down
back in the day it was all former ss members, then it was ex yugoslav guys

>physically fit
>BMI 20-30
>Beep test (Luc léger in French, see Multi-stage fitness test; a rhythmic running between two points that are 20 meters apart from side to side; running speed is determined by audio beeps at set intervals with increasing frequency – you have to complete at least 7 levels)
>Pull-ups (make at least 4 pull-ups)

You fucking shitting me?

can i go to the military universities veing foreign?

I was in from 08-13. I hated it, but at least I got shot at in Africa

tl;dr cannon fodders of France

youtube /watch?v=XO_WEwtkkAk
the last step to get the white hat is to walk a 60km walk with a 30kg bag in millitary equipement