>that 30 year old guy that goes to the gym
Leave the 20 year old girls to 20 year old guys, losers. How about worrying about your career and family? Failures worrying about getting your dick wet at 30 LMAO. Oldcels OUT.
>that 30 year old guy that goes to the gym
Leave the 20 year old girls to 20 year old guys, losers. How about worrying about your career and family? Failures worrying about getting your dick wet at 30 LMAO. Oldcels OUT.
Since I train in the morning, my gym has a bunch of builtfat ~40 year olds, who I assume do construction work for the rest of the day
Fuckers benching 4 plates over here while you're obsessed with pussy
Same with my gym, they're also all super friendly and helpful.
Did a 30 year old cuck you?
My dad's soon 60 and goes to the gym almost every day. He'd OHP your bitch-ass for reps
Every 20 year old girl(that's attractive at least) I've met has dated a guy 30+. Often with a wife and kids. Why would they want to fuck some kid when they could be getting pounded by a man?
Op is a faggot, anyone can better themselves with gains
>t. 22yr old
Do you really think he can lift OP's 120kg blubber frame?
Nice. Oldcels btfo
30 is like the average age in my gym. The students all look like shit too.
>tfw 32 years old and still no whiskers
Reposting from the other thread:
I’m 32 and work out because I don’t want to be yet another nerd dad that resigned himself to having a gut in his 30s. So many guys I went to high school with look like shit now because they gave up on staying fit. I want to be able to easily run a 5K well into my 50s and play tennis with my kids.
on the real tho if you're 30 and still go to the gym AND come on Jow Forums hoping to get some teen pussy just hang yourself
>Can't handle having career, family, and lift
>Thinks he's gonna make it
LMAOOOOOO at all those cringeworthy 30 years old larping on this taiwanese forum everytime a thread like this comes
also GJ you mogged the oldcels like a boss, they arent able to learn, they will never learn, they are like manlets but worse, fucking 30 years old creeps looking for underage pussies, what a degenerates piece of shits
>Leave the 20 year old girls to 20 year old guys, losers.
make me
That's why OP is so insecure. He's desperate to get all the older guys out of his gym and hopes posting on Jow Forums will do the trick so he can get all the girls his age to call him daddy instead lmfao
>that guy with self harm scars in the gym
Should I alert the staff?
>lifting to get pussy
I know this thread is le ebin bait but 30s have been my best years so far, best combo of having means I didn't have in my 20s and having energy I won't have anymore in my 40s
Trolling aside, don’t you guys have ambitions to have a good job, a wife and kids? Why would you want to stop caring and let yourselves get fat in your 30s like so many guys do?
I mean I'm 28 and I just go to the gym because it's become a routine over the past 4 years.
If you're angry about younger girls dating older dudes, you're going to have a rough time user. Go on any online dating site and you'll see 22 year old chicks exclusively looking for dudes in their 30s because guys in their 30s are already settled, already have direction in their life and have disposable income.
Sounds like someone is salty desu but I mean just enjoy your own life, stop worrying about what other people do user, time to grow up.
>he doesn’t aspire to unlock Clooney mode
Im 26 and id gladly leave 20 y old sluts to 30 y old males... But you guus are all dyels, low test, metrosexual faggotinos...
So the girls at least at my gym... Chase me
Every day with this one huh
Lmao sloots fuck 20 year olds on the side while coming home to you and telling you how much of a "man" you are. LOL buddyboy they're only with you because of your resources.
Kek this. Jow Forums primarily seems to consist of 19 year old college kids that are still too scared to talk to girls. Go ahead and make fun of my age all you want you pussies.
Mods have started to delete them pretty quickly at least.
Um, you must be mistaken user, why the fuck would someone that old settle for 20 year old. You have it backwards, the sloots come fuck us because we can take em on fun dates and then they go back to you guys lmao.
The fuck would someone our age date an immature chick who doesn't even know wtf she's going to want until she's like 28.
You have much to learn buckaroo kek
Bet you wish you look like this at 22.
Walhburg is 46.
Am I supposed to quit lifting at 30? Are you telling me to completely let go and stop working out at that age?
Get fucked.
>that 30 year old that still browses Jow Forums
Get a life grandpa.
he's like 5"2
Why has there been so many of these threads recently?
Did a guy who is exactly 30 embarrass OP?
Quasi midget and he's been lifting since his teen years.
So he's taller than you too.
Lol no one that posts on a board like /fit9k/ is cool enough to be going on interesting dates at 20 years old. All the young guys here are engineering nerds.
user gets it... 20 y old dyels have 0 money... Lel
They want 26+ y olds like me to pound their pussy...
LOLing @ your life boyo. You took her to an expensive 3 course meal after which she went home and texted her 20 year old fuckbuddy to come over. All this "maturity" talk is absolute bullshit and used by oldcels to cope with the fact that 20 year olds don't want them
>trying to attain fertile pussy is degenerate
this is the worst bait in the world, oo is trying so hard i’m le cringing
not really 6" > 5"2
He's probably some young dude who's gf ended up breaking up with him, then she went off to date someone older because she wanted someone more financially stable and more mature. Perhaps someone who doesn't get jealous or act childish.
Now he's throwing a tantrum making these posts every 3 hours or so. Like we may be witnessing a literal cuck, losing his shit.
Regardless, people on here need to learn that you can hate on others all you want but at the end of the day it's not going to change a thing. Just better yourself and be the best you can, stop worrying about other people and focus on yourself.
Holy shit the amount of 30 year old grandpas ITT unironically lifting to fuck 20 year olds is staggering. I thought it was just a meme hahaha talk about shit genetics
where do you live friend
>worst bait
>hits thread limit everytime
Who hurt you user, lol.
I told you on doublech to stop ruining 4kanker for me
fuck off faggot. show your faggot physique
I lift for me, just so happens that 20 year old girls can't keep their hands off me.
Someone literally got cucked, like LITERALLY got cucked IRL.
>same bait
>people always respond
looks like OP was right on the money...if you didn't care these threads wouldn't exist lol!
>making threads to provoke reactions
Shame the chon can't outgrow this
here. I stand by my statement 100%. All the young guys on Jow Forums are shy nerdy autismos. This board doesn’t attract people that actually have good social skills.
It's funny how they always start that way.
Obviously the first was the tall guy who lost his gf to a manlet.
After that there was all those angry threads about people with blond hair and blue eyes being inferior and no girls wanting them apparently.
Then there was that wave of threads hating on bald people, as if bald people are people who really need to be taken down a notch or something.
Now its people 30+ in the gym.
What next, people with big feet?
Size 11 here, anything above it just looks bad.
fucking pathetic clownfoot when will you learn?
I'm 26 dating a 19yo and just took her virginity
And I'm a Manlet
Stay mad
You forgot Jow Forums‘s obsession with thick wrists from a couple years ago.
This dude is 35 and would mog your twink ass until you begged for the sweet release of death
>size 9.5 shoes
>still pulling 20 yo pussy
You can't stop me Jow Forums. You'll never bring me down.
I'm in my 40s and I do leave the 20 year girls alone. i date 16-18yo's instead. Much better.
>that guy who was a virgin in his 20s who thinks that he'll suddenly develop HEIGHT, FACE, SOCIAL SKILLS, and FRAME when he hits 30
At the most you'll find an 18 year old sugar baby who will give you one sex session for every $200 you spend on her.
Young Dan Green looks alot better than he does now, sadly gear has made his hair extremely thin.
>How about worrying about your career and family?
>implying I don't bring my whole family to the gym
Stay beta, faggot.
It's as funny as the Milhouse meme very ebin
t. oldcel
I'm officially done with this board. Everyone here is a fat virgin NIGGER that pretends to be chads.. WELL GUESS WHAT
Of course you are user. My mistake.
He's 5'8", so he's still taller than your 5'6" height.
Where do you find the time to care about other people like this?
heh heh heh one day you'll wake up and realize you'll be just like us
Tfw that's me
user gets mogged at gym: the post
>42 posters
>75 replies
user this is just sad at this point
girls prefer guys in their 30s. and they do so for a reason.
don't be mad that even a DYEL 30 year old can take away "your" girl with very little effort.
>this is what old dudes actually believe
lmao their just using you for meals brainlet
Yeah and the reason is that they can take your money without worrying about you getting with any other chick while they fuck other 20 year olds on the sidr. Keep coping oldcel,keep coping
Based 30 year old guy poster
>their just using you for meals
Congratulations m8 you finally figured out women. Another revelation for you: we're just using them for their pussy.
>this cope
It's objective fact that 20 year olds are physically more attractive than 30 year olds. You honestly can't deny it. The only advantage 30 year olds have is $. So enjoy your prostitute I guess lmao? They still fuck college chads on the side. Maybe you'll get a handjob after dropping $200 on dinner LOL
Why can't a person lift while focusing on a career?
Lmao srs never actually thought about it this way. You actually really changed my perspective on the whole thing. Except they use 20 year olds for their dick while they use oldcels for the money
What if im 30 but look like im 20 and have all these 18-22 year olds mirin, but i just want someone my age? ;-;
>you: pay girls to have sex
>me: has sex
lmao btfo
Im 24 dude but you just sound like an insecure permavirgin
The only thing that's funnier than you thinking anyone takes your dumbass seriously is the fact that you're probably dead serious and will probably have such an intense quarter-life crisis at the age of 27 that you kill yourself.
>turned 30
>get banned from gym for the safety of the young gym thots as my testosterone reserves have finally come to fruition
>Not allowed to use my new found thirty, flirty, and thriving powers to OHP four plates
>have to wait until I'm 40 now to renew my membership
20 year old girls are attractive.
20 year old guys are cringy af even to 20 year old girls.
Men age like wine and peak right around 30 in terms of physical beauty. Which is why so many 20 year old girls fuck older guys. It just makes more sense that both partners be at their physical peak.
Lmao you coping oldcel maybe you were cringy at 20 but the college dude fucking your wife definitely isn't.
cant tell if bait
Imagine thinking your twink ass at 20 after max two years of lifting has anything on me at 27 with nine years of lifting under my belt, three of them on gear
Old guy here. I live near a pretty big college and it seems like most 20-ish guys are babyfaced skinnyfats. The ripped Chad studs are few and far between.
Good man, keep it up.
>h-heh, girls don't like college guys in their 20s they want a REAL man like me who browses and argues with children on an anime imageboard and brags about banging underaged girls
>nerdo thinks everyone started at 18
Lmao didn't you play sports?
>tfw 30KV
why do people pretend sex is real. it's fake like the moon landing
iktf user. i’m 26 and getting a gf/having sex has become such an abstract concept to me. every time I think about it my mind gets foggy