ITT Jow Forums memes you unironically fell for

ITT Jow Forums memes you unironically fell for.
>compounds are enough for abs

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>compounds aren't enough for abs

>compounds are enough for aesthetics

>working out

>you first need to train for strength before training for aesthetics

I've got abs from compounds but one of those compounds is front squats

>linear progression is the only way to get stronger

> having narrow wrists is actually good for aesthetics bro
>bitch wrists make you're forearms look bigger
I should of known it was cope

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It's true though, your forearms look bigger, youre just dysmorphic

What is it like being mentally ill?

>you need protein powder

>you need protein

All about the angles boyo

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Being a gymcel whose life revolves around the gym
I hate this i want to stop thinking about it once i finish my workout i want to stop browsing this board i need to have other things to do in life

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What's it like being a massive faggot?

>being so fat that ur knuckles disappear

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dysmorphic? (new to fit so not sure what this means)

>abs matter to anybody but other guys

Kinda like the Jow Forums equivalent of anorexia. Guys look fine but always think they look like shit no matter how big they get.

I'm a fat fuck (6'2, 230lbs) and you can still see my knuckles. I wonder just how fat that guy is.

Pic related with the cheap watch my girlfriend got me that I pretend to like

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Train your abs with weights man. Just like your other muscles, it is better to train with weights.

>wrist too thin to wear a watch
I've been lifting for four years and I honestly dont think I'll ever be able to

>go to the gym to be fit

how big is your wrist? mine is average (7.5") and I can wear most watches fine

Being a wristlet isn't the worst problem you can have.

Not that user, but what exercises? Srs question

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not even once

Oh shit, thank you. I needed that.

>you need to do any other exercise besides curls to look good

What do you mean? Oh, and here, have another version of it. Actually, heres two.(posting other next) (also, i'm actually the dude who made this)

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2nd pic, actually an earlier version I made.(this whole series of patrick images were made all in the span of like 5 minutes, still almost feels like a waste though)

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One of the funny things about the Jow Forums and lifting culture in general is how completely void of any real nutrition knowledge 99% of the people here are. If you are eating grains, you know nothing about nutrition and have no right to giving anyone advice on how/what to eat.

>Oatmeal in your protein shake bro
>Chicken breast 3x a day bro
>Whey protein bro
>Calories in vs calories out bro
>Cutting and bulking bro

Hhahaha, it is honestly pathetic what level of ineptitude is shot around here as "fact".

I'll give you idiots two tips, and only two:

1)The most important variable of your diet is the QUALITY of food you are buying.
2)High carb diets are the worst thing you can do for your health.

I could go on for hours giving you the right information, but I doubt even this will affect anybody.

Wtf, Iā€™m 6ā€™2ā€ 230 and I can still see resemblance of my abs, definitely not a fat fuck. You must have no muscle if your a fat fuck at those stats.

Sources? For future reference. Also, what do you think about SS and Mark Rippetoe's other book Practical Programing Guide to Strength Training?


>I know more about nutrition than you
>rebranded Atkins shit
Tired of seeing so many keto posts, blind leading the blind

Is an ab wheel enough for abs?

CICO, faggot.

When did I mention keto?? That is the issue with people who lack aptitude.. you try to compartmentalize everything.

>if its low carb it MUST BE ATKINS/KETO!

Jesus christ you people are clueless.

What matters is that you are eating healthy animal, and geographically preferable food based off your unique ancestry/blood type/haplogroup.. do you honestly think there is a "one best diet for all" applicable to the entire human race?

I don't want to waste any more effort than I have to, but I can reassure you that calling me blind is laughably incorrect.

i legitmately believed the "thats a one year body" posts

Oatmeal is fucking healthy

enjoy having low test from not eating enough carbs

You certainly don't, but It's a hell of a lot faster that way

I'll give you an 8/10. Arrogant enough to sound legit but not smart enough to be legit.
You get an 8 because you didn't try to talk exacts. I like you, user

That's funny.. I am 6'3 and have an extremely low voice.. also have chad tier facial aesthetics.

Oh yeah, and I am 200 lbs with visible abs and I dont even lift.

My health is on a level that 99.99% of humanity will never experience. Through aptitude you learn to properly assess information, so I am not sure if I can even teach a low functioning idiot such as yourself.

user now starts fucking with exacts. 9/10 Now.. . He's doing well.
The eating based on blood type is a bit fuckery. It's cool and all but dairy likes me and agrees with me even if it's not within the blood type.

I guess as per most things it's a base and recommendation. Not a definitive answer which I think is the issue with most people not just Jow Forums. Someone does well, says do this, people listen and follow then get upset because it's not the exact result.

Fuck, even I do this shit sometimes.

I wasn't seeking your validation kid. Everything I said was true, do with the information what you will, but remember, the truth is objective.

Okay, now you're talking out your ass.
Too bad.

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You're projecting too hard.
And it's 11:40. Goodnight user, I hope one day you become more secure instead of playing these charades.

If you can go to a restaurant and eat a normal meal without feeling sick, you are not healthy, period.

Anyone who actually understands food and nutrition will know both why I said this, and why this is the case. End of story.

>this is the people giving advice

I haven't been to the gym in almost a decade. I want to help so many of you, yet you stagnate yourselves on preconceived delusions that you don't realize are part of your programming. The food industry, the health industry, the supplement industry, they are all business's run by people who want your money. As soon as you can figure this out truly, you will stop compartmentalizing and assuming everything.

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Lmao nice birthing hips.

I've lost weight, but at my worst, I was 5'10" and 260lbs. I still had very "toned" hands and wrists though. It's all about fat distribution genetics, I guess. If I had to take a shot in the dark, that dude is probably over 300lbs, I've never really seen fat guy hands like that until they get to the point where there body is like "fuck, where else do I put this fat?"


kirby.. easy on the tomatoes

Holy fucking kek

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His forearms are the same size as his elbow

Are you an ogre?

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>make sure you build your strength base bro!


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>I haven't been to the gym in almost a decade.

humans are resilient and adaptable. if eating a meal you aren't used to makes you sick, you're unhealthy.

yeah, 99% sure you're a delusional paleofag

>de low carb is uhhhh deeeee best way to eat!

>those legs


>muscles matter to anybody but other guys

>visible abs
>cant see them
I feel bad for the guy you're pretending to be

>we're all going to make it

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> buying ugly overpriced crap
> not riding most aesthetic and valued watches ever

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This has to be bait...

>going to the gym
>whey & supplements

I'm pretty sure my cock is thicker than your wrist

>getting Jow Forums will make the depression go away

>High carb diets are the worst thing you can do for your health.
Yeah, you are right. it is really pathetic what level of ineptitude is shot around here as "fact".

Fat faggot spotted.

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try lifting first

if that fat ugly whores face was better, i wouldve probably still shamefully smashed

>whey protein is a meme
>claories in vs calories out is broscience
>cutting and bulking is not optimal

This is how you spot the average new age keto/vegan momscience blogpost reader who is subscribed to "Dr" Eric Berg.

>high carb diets are the worst thing you can do for your health
>what is human milk
>what are bluezones

>blood type haplogroup having a dent in your actual ancestry and genetic heritage and variation and response to different dietary practises

Is this a joke?
You can be a milk chugging chad from belarus and have an african haplogroup and a blood type that is completely unrelated to that of the average slav and have the same dietary sensitivities and tolerances.

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i've got twig wrists too but my arms are pretty vascular so it kinda makes up for it

>1)The most important variable of your diet is the QUALITY of food you are buying.
>2)High carb diets are the worst thing you can do for your health.
first of all, wanna know how i know you're small? because i want to see you reach 3500 calories to mantain your weight with a low carb diet
second of all, for your health, of course the quality of the food is important, but for muscle building and energy it isn't, so its kinda relative, if you just wanna dirty bulk and workout hard, simply go to mc donalds, get a burger with fries and hit your macros

well, i did keto for 3 months and lost 13kg. It's not a meme faggot

You lost 13kg.
You don't know how much of it was bodyfat, water weight or muscle.
You could have lost 13kg on any other diet.

You're the meme, faggot.

She as arms as big as her tights. "Tights"..... they probably are like butter when microwaved for 30 seconds.

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I said shamefully.
but now that i think about it, her pussy probably looks disgusting because shes fat and i couldnt do it even if i wanted to.

delet this

>GOMAD is a good idea for skellies

stop wearing your watch like a dumb cunt

that watch is beyond ugly, geez


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>I haven't been to the gym in almost a decade
We can tell.

I told her it was special so I only wear it for special occasions.


>everyone will be able to get the same results from the exact workout/diet plan

>I want to help so many of you
>Acts like an arrogant cunt, driving away 99% of people that would listen
>Hurr durr you are all to stupid to understand
>Just says vague things, doesn't actually give any reasons or explains to people, or even shows them where they could go to learn themselves
Yeah okay, thanks for the help buddy

wtf does this meme mean

ur a fucking dumbfuck. weighed ab-pulldowns are the best exercise u can ddo