What was your turning point Jow Forums? What made you finally say "Fuck. I need to change"

What was your turning point Jow Forums? What made you finally say "Fuck. I need to change"

Tell me your origin story

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A bad trip brought me into the absolute darkest pits of despair. Forced me to look at how truly pathetic my life had been to that point. I knew from there on in I had to turn it around. Still a long way to go but the ride never ends.

Mushrooms are no joke.

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Same with me. I was taking some weed in the weekends where i had some minor bad trips when i realised that my life was shit but the ultimate eye ipener was lsd. It let me realise that i had to make a change in my life. I think this was two years ago and i have since started going to the gym consistently, i have learnt to dress like a man, i also have a gf now and stopped studying philosophy and joind a top level law university. Sorry for the english

I think a bad trip is the best gift you can give a broken man. Nothing but brutal, honest, raw truth to be found within yourself.

girl said she'd let me pound her butthole out if i got abs.

I rubbed all the chrome off the top of my belt buckle with my stomach. That belt doesn't fit anymore.

Former fatty, was pushing 240. GF of five years left me. She said it was because no ring, and I guess that was fair, but I knew my weight wasn't helping and would prevent me from meeting anyone new.

I was at the gym literally 30 minutes later and haven't looked back. That was three years ago, and now I'm dating a nice cardio bunny who lets me ejaculate inside her vagina (unprotected, of course) any time I want.

i was able to rest a drink on my gut while sitting. i was further away from my life goal than ever, and it had been years.

Caught my kid's mom trying to trade sex for free tattoo work... That was the point where I figured out that being good to women was a meme and that being attractive has more value than being moral to the majority of society. I started lifting and correcting my eating habits, started roiding, dropped 60-70lbs of fat and picked up 20-30lbs of muscle. I paid more attention to superficial things like skincare, clothes and hair products and stopped working so much. I think that I'm a better dad than I have ever been. I got full custody of my kid and treat women like a forethought. I'm extremely social and have acquired a few orbiters and slept with a lot of new girls. This life is legitimately better.

Being fit and taking care of yourself is commanding of respect from your peers and business contacts. Everybody treats you different when you've made it. Normies says dumb shit like "don't you miss soda?" or "you spend too much time in the gym"... meanwhile I got woken up this morning with titties in my face from a girl I met a month ago, my oneitis told me that she still loved me this afternoon and another female friend told me that she thinks about me when she masterbates shortly after that. No, I don't miss soda.

I saw this vid sometime last year around the time I was a heavy smoker and drinker and started waking up in the mornings with my lungs kinda hurting. I was only 21.

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Forgot the damn link. Also, it's time.

I had the Girl i always dreamed of having. My thyroid was fast so docs gave me too much meds and blew up to fatty. Made me beta, soft, self doubting. Pushed away girl after a month of almost seeing her 6 times a week steady good pus. I think about her constantl;y, its been a month and ive turned myself around instantly. Caant find interest in other girls but gym gains are real. i will be making it.

I looked in the mirror while I was on mushrooms and LSD and was disgusted by the lack of work I put into my body so I went to/fit/ and various lifting subreddits to figure out a routine and started going to the gym a few days later.

I know exactly what I mean. When in the peak of my trip, which was great, I felt excellent about myself. My own delusions were projecting themselves onto my body, fuck huge arms and stuff. Then as the trip started to take a turn my body began to wither and shrink into that of a heroin junkie. An eye opener of immense proportions for me.

I became a nazi

>dump long term cheating ex
>realize i should have never settled for less than im worth
>i will never settle for less than im worth again
>kinda fat though
>over the course of 2 years, cut down 60 pounds, and bulked up 30ish
>get ripped, good job, better friends, nice car, and an all around better life and outlook on it
>realize the process of making it is the true definition of having made it

>be depressed
>hate everything
>be brushing teeth one night
>stand there for two minutes brushing my teeth
>watch my moobs jiggle in the mirror the entire time

It was just the straw that broke the camels back with the self hatred. I yoyo'd for a while getting started but I'm down to 80kg from 120kg now in about a year and a half. I still look DYEL though, as I lost most of it via diet and cardio. I wish I'd started lifting sooner but whats done is done. Live and learn.

Mentally, the exercising and meal control helped my depression too. Along with the exercise and things like pic related, its let me stay busy and not wallow in self pity. Learned a lot about various random things as a result too. I've not dealt with the root causes of the depression as it sometimes hits me when I stop moving to rest, but I've improved leagues as a result of getting Jow Forums.

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>gf of 4+ years broke up with me shortly before i was going to propose

Its all about revenge now

>Get to 25 years old after a decade of sitting on my ass
>Things start to hurt for no reason
>See bnha training montage of a shit faggot getting strong
>Hm, I guess I should do that too already

I decided I was fed up of being a boy.

Not just in the physical sense. Throughout my time growing up society and my peers consistently reaffirmed to me that men didn't need to be physically strong, didn't have to be mentally tough, didn't need to push their shoulders out or find some sort of sense of purpose. I was told it was ok to cry all the time, and to blame life and circumstances for my shortfalls. After I broke up with my gf of 3 years, whom I had a house and dog with, who I was utterly madly in love with, bought a man into the house and fucked him. After a suicidal patch, I took a look in the mirror and snapped and said I was fed up of being pathetic and that I hated society for tricking me for so long that it was okay to be an effeminate male and come up with excuses all the time. Real men should be strong, affirmative and independent and trust me when I look around these are the kind of guys who get what they want and are the role model society deserves.

I am now in the best physical shape of my life, I kicked cigs, kicked weed, no drugs (bar coffee or a glass of wine on date nights). I am repulsed by what I used to be. But I learned the hard way.

i was just a fat as fuck boy in school getting tired of the bullies. walked into the weights room one time (pretended i was doing it ironically because i was that funny fat guy) and realised this is something i wanna keep doing

Well done user. What's your end game? Lose weight until your lean and maintain? How old when you started?

>fat since childhood
>become friends with jocks
>hate being token fat kid
>get Jow Forums
>mfw they all got fat in college but they're still my boys and we all get laid anyway

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I’m a 19 year old kissless virgin. I just simply want to get a girlfriend. I also read this quote and just asked myself what the hell am I doing? Never been fit before and it’d be a damn shame if I never got to see what I’m capable of.

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I asked out one chick and i was like 'the fuck do i even offer to her, why should she agree for anything, im broke ugly and skinnyfat'
so i started running at first.
Then i met other girl, like girl of my dreams, she isnt 10/10 but damn cute, smart and little bit weird but in a good way, awkward.
I realized i cant havr that either so i started lifting and further self improving.
Eventually she was interested but i fucked up by not taking action and she got bored and moved on.
Now i want to get better work but thats gonna be hard given the situation im in.

Life is looking better and better but im still 25broke kissless virgin, but im positive if ill keep working hard ill achieve something worthy and get promoted at work.
STILL i miss clear direction at work and im afraid of picking up education because even then im not sure what i eould like to study. Perhaps nutrition and shit

23, 25 now. End game is just to be happy with myself I guess, I don't really care about getting super jacked or anything, I'd just like to not be a fat slob. Lean and maintain sounds fine to me. I've found I really fucking enjoy listening to history podcasts while I workout too, Hardcore History in particular. Jordan Peterson's lectures are also very interesting to listen to.

>be kind of chubs 20-22, prime time in college
>would get laid by 8-9/10 Chads but never anything more than a one night stand even though we had a lot in common otherwise
>wondered why
>read an article about how guys date up and girls date down
>realized it was because I wasn't hot enough to show off on social media
>start working out, doing my research on lifting, got a personal trainer, eating smarter, and quit drinking on the weekend
>instantly a 7/10
>so easy to get laid and flirt
>suddenly being weird awkward or crazy is mysterious, cute and a turn on

Love it.

>be 6 foot 4 with broad shoulders
>also be lazy fat fuck
>one day at work in office and everyone is moving desks
>”you know user for such a big guy you’re surprisingly weak”

>23 weighed 224lb at 5'9
>been fat since middle school
>in toxic relationship with weed addicted,suicidal, cutting gf for 2 years
>finish college and move towns and finally get a job
>gf goes nuts about me moving and keeps wanting to kill herself or says I will cheat on her
>two months later she breaks up with me
>I get a massive blood boil on my thigh and look at myself in the mirror
>realize I have been in terrible shape and now with school out of the way and that toxic relationship gone I can focus on myself
>over the course of a year shed 60 lbs and get a trainer to teach me how to lift
>started lifting last September
>now at 163 lbs and actually look normal but lifts are shit but still far better than what I was a year ago
>am actually happy with myself even though I am alone

I pray none of you suffer what I did with that psycho gf. she nearly broke my ass and I still tried to crawl back to her ass.

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I'm in your shoes but one year younger than you. 24. Just want to like what I see in the mirror. AKA not a fat guy but a lean one. That's cool ill have to give that a try. I find myself watching pumping rock music videos before heading to the gym most days

I like your honesty. Part of why I lift is to start sleeping with girls. Experience that side of life. Also to feel good about my body.

Started to get into archery and was into hunting. I wanted to get fit you know to be able to traverse the wildness and shit and for some reason I had the reoccurring thought of being attacked and being unable to reach for my gun and may pre-workout state I thought that bear would fucking kill me. I also think about lunging a deer carcass through the woods and thinking i would only make it half a mile before passing out.

I also hated being called skinny but that's a secondary reason

Women date up, men just smash whatever spreads legs open and isnt too much hassle to fuck

At least most of us.
not me, i wouldnt be kissless virgin then

I had depression ever since I was little, so I ate to compensate for my terrible mood. One day, I looked at myself and compared myself to others. They weren't exhausted climbing up one flight of stairs, they weren't embarrassed wearing something tight or wearing their bathing suits.

I was tired of being a fat bastard. It was my fault I got this way and it was no use being in denial anymore. When I accepted reality, I gradually began to say enough is enough.

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>lazy fatass in HS
>no friends, spent days playing vidia
>senior year gym/lifting class
>mfw this is kinda fun
>both parents and all 4 grandparents have betus
>dont want the betus, tired of being hamplanet.
>loose ~60lbs in the next two years after graduation by walking more and not eating fucking nachos and mt dew for every meal.

I never really went crazy and started working out every day/ dieting for the weight loss. Just little changes and not sitting on my ass all day.

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All I can say is keep going and be consistent. I yoyo'd back and forth when I first started and didnt really make any progress, just need to get the momentum going and keep it going and dont stop. No excuses, get that workout done rain or shine even if you need to resort to bodyweight in your bedroom. Starting is honestly the hardest part imo.

The thing that made me change was something else, but mushrooms are a good way to take a good honest hard look at yourself and determine if you are happy and satisfied with what you see. You can pretend everything is fine in your every day Life but on mushrooms it all comes out to the surface whether you like it or not.
By the time I tried mushrooms I was already on my way to becoming a better person and was changing my life for the better so shrooms just helped me realize it's gonna get better and that im happy with the way things are going.

Exactly. Consistency is key. With me it's the opposite. The start goes smoothly. Like you I've yoyod many times sadly. I'd lose a great deal of weight, to the point of abs being visible, close to if not a low tier ottermode. Then bam. I'd gain it back with a cheat meal gone wrong.

For me maintenance is my struggle.

This time around I want to make the whole thing a damn lifestyle. Not a temporary diet or phase. Almost sure that'll be the secret to maintain a lean body.

Anyway user best of luck in our shared goals. Hope this year reaps lots of results for us both

Lifestyle change is definitely the way to go, thats why I never bothered trying meme diets and other shit like that. Just be patient, eat right and make a habit of staying active and it all slowly comes together.

You too, user.

>Lifestyle change is definitely the way to go

I think that's the only way to go senpai.


Yeah I guess its one of those obvious things right in front of your face that lots dont seem to realize or maybe choose not to cause thats easier.

We do live in a time of instant gratification, after all.

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Inspiring user. What age?

I came extremely close to suicide and decided to kill my old self instead

Excellent wording lad. Good that you took the man's route from destruction. We all reach our breaking points, it's how we put ourselves back together is important.

Not having a girlfriend in high school. Being disgusted with my body every time I looked in the mirror. Hating my double chin and fat-covered jawline.

That's when I said I had to change.

Got the job of my dreams and met someone who saw something in me I didn't see.
She pushed me to better myself and make something out of the 14.7st of flabby shit into 11.5st of muscle.
I was going to be that one guy who could do anything, whom people could rely on to have their back and more importantly help people who had no one else to help them.

Thanks Sarah, I owe you one.

t. Bobby

Almost 3 months ago I kneeled down to tie my shoes and I was agitated after doing it. That was the final straw.
Now here I am, still a fatass but making slow progress. I've never felt this good before.

Ex called me a fat shit for ordering $14 worth of food at Taco Bell. I basically started this journey to spite the shit out of her

Bad upbringing.
Bad school life.
Bad adult life.
My long-time gf catches me on some specific porn.
Realize I've been running away from myself to my dick my whole life (porn addiction).
Realize I need to change to be able to lead a healthy life.
Too little too late, we're breaking up.
Now I'm certain that whatever I do, I need to full-ass it instead of half-assing it.
This is hard and I need help but I'm all alone.

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Try cutting

1st year of college. Fat,alone,depressed,heartbroken from senior year, and had no interaction with anyone. Looked at myself in the mirror one day and hated how low I got.
Lost weight(gained some back though), joined the rugby team, and much happier now although i still have a lot of room to improve

Truth hurts, but it helps the individual the most.

Being on a cruise and having perpetual heartburn the entire time.

Yup. In general, honesty is the greatest of all virtues. We can't have goodness without it.


If she gets pregnant, you're the absolute fucking worst if you abandon her.

>be 15
>sister always calls me skinny
>i'll show u fukin cunt
>spend first month buking and lifting sand in bucket
>one morning
>gyno appears
>start doing more push ups thinking it will go away
>said fuck it and still workout
here today still working out, gyno still here but not a problem its not big just puffy nipples so I hide with tapes sometimes

>be lazy 15yr old
>parents tell me to get a job or join a sports team
>"hmm what's the easiest lowest commitment sport i can join"
>"oh crosscountry, perfect"
>Crosscountry kicks my couchpotato ass
>track and field season rolls around
>in good decent shape after a season of long distance running but i hate it
>"whats the coolest event i can do with the least running"
>"fuck yeah, pole-vault"
>pole vault is really hard but very fun and satisfying to get into
>start lifting weights and doing loads of horizontal bar, gymnastics style workouts in addition to sprint work
>really like it
>pick up a weightlifting class the next year
i've been lifting ever since, 25 now.

Fucking fatass loser in high school, regret missing so many opportunities, like scholarships and shit so I decided to start fixing everything about my self, and lifting is the physical embodiment of self improvement.

when I played KS for the first time six years ago I got emi's route. that shit shook me up so hard it inspired me to get fit. at the time I chose to start swimming, which I enjoyed, but eventually I switched to running, which I enjoyed more... then I tried lifting and absolutely fell in love with it. never looked back.

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I bought pull bar and I decided to make one pullup every time when I walk next to it. I thought it was wonderful idea.

It worked, somehow. I started avoiding any leaving my room. Sometimes when I was tired I was too afraid to even enter it - I would rather sleep in bathroom than walk next to the pull bar.
I haven't hit the point when I would pee in the bottles, so it wasn't that bad.

When I moved out I thought that I'm finally free but I miss it hard.
Sometimes I wake up at 2am, just right now and walk around my room looking for pull bar. And it isn't here.

After all this time I realized that it was my first and only love and I rejected it. I feel alone without it. I tried to make pull ups using the door but it is not the same - push ups can't fill the void in my soul too.

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>have HS sweetheart as gf for 2 years, i'm shy and fat and she's way out of my league
>very sweet for the first 6 months, but slowly changes
>never have sex cause "her mom would discover and kill us"
>constantly being told her friends say she's too good for me, but she says she's just teasing
>we break up, she's with a new guy in a week
>hanging out with a mutual girl friend, discover she was cheating on me for a year, lost her V to him
>go to her school the next day to confront her
>dude is there, start shit talking me
>i'm just taking it,getting red, embarassed and looking down
>"no wonder she left you, piggy"
>i explode, sucker punch him, he's not getting up
>ex-gf intervenes
>turns to me and say "What the fuck is your problem, get out of here, no one could ever love you"

I got home that day, looked myself in the mirror and cried my eyes out at how pathetic a human being i was. It's been 6 years now, i'm in the best shape of my life, good uni and major, nice future prospects, speak 5 languages, travelled around a bit, while she got fat and dumped.

And yet i'm still a hollow shell, who miss being in love and loving someone but can't bring itself to trust a woman again, those words still keep me awake at night. I don't know if i'll ever make it, but at least the gym makes it all bearable.

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>Emi's route

oh boy I miss that bitch

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I realized after struggling with online dating after breaking up with my ex of 2 years that not being unattractive =/= being attractive. So I started lifting and eating well and gained more confidence and fixed myself.

My ex left me at the drop of a hat for the second time, and all my friends chose her over me, so I had nothing left. All I can do now is lift and work on my dream car Im buying soon

I will be better than them all

It was nothing serious. I was noticing the little gains I was making doing my warehouse job; I liked the look, so I decided to do it proper. Got a save up a thousand over the course of three months, got a home gym and have been lifting since.


jk user, I feel for you

I was a bit of a lazy, skinny fat beta. Then I saw the movie 300. It awakened a fire of masculinity inside me, as cheesy as that sounds. I wanted to be like the Spartans, so I got my ass to the gym and never looked back. Creeping up on 2/3/4/5 and dating a bikini competitor now. And despite the fact that my true oneitis will never be with me, I think I've just about made it, boyos. Fuck her anyway, if she wants to have la creatura babies with her fat pajeet bf, let her.

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>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

stop forcing this pasta in every thread retard

Why do you call the most natural sexual activity known to man "kinky"?

Damn good mindset user

I'm gonna watch that movie now

Honestly it happened on accident

>>tried losing for years, didn't work
>>go away to school across the country
>>when I left i was 245 lbs, 5'11
>>not on food plan cause access to kitchen
>>work on a 50 food budget a week
>>just buy chicken, asparagus, rice, brats and oatmeal
>>walk more than a mile to class a day since I'm in the city and its faster then the shuttle
>>walk everywhere
>>maybe drink once a week and a snack night on fridays
>>come home from break, parents says i lost weight, dont believe them
>>weigh myself, down to 220 lbs
>>go back to school
>>eat the same and start reading the sticky
>>start prepping for when i return home
>>get home in summer
>>weight 206 lbs
>>start SL 5x5 and cooking all my food
>>no beer, no snacks or desserts
>>one cheat meal a week
>>get down to 170 lbs by the time october rolls around

that's the basic story, i gained 40 back over the past year due to school and stupid relationship shit but im on a deficit again, im gunning for the 6 pack I've never seen but i know i will get

sorry for the blog

300 make me the wish the world was this simple

>>learn to fight
>>find a suitable wife
>>father a son, teach him the ways
>>die in glorious battle or in old age where you left a legacy of victory

About three years of being depressed, anxious, neglecting everything and drinking alone I decided that I might as well try being depressed, anxious and neglecting everything while I lift weights, see how I look and feel after six months and then get back to drinking myself to death.

Three months gone, still feel like shit.

Always been reasonably fit but started strength training when a 97 lb elderly person collapsed on me, butt on carseat, torso laid flat across the seat, while trying to get in. The elder didn't have the strength to get his torso upright and neither did I. I threw my back out getting the person into the car and it still took me a good 15 minutes of struggling in 110+ summer heat, full sun. I said this is fucking ridiculous and started deadlifting and squatting. Oh before you laugh your ass off at how weak I was, even though it's still ridiculous, I'm femanon. I'm much, much stronger now.

I left the SinaLoa drug cartel on uncertain terms. Decided that since I already know BJJ and some may Thai and am very fast and accurate with a pistol and a rifle the only way to better assure that I kill the hitman if one is ever sent is to be stronger.
Been a year and I'm pretty sure there's no beef but I still keep a pistol in my glove box and another in my pocket just in case. As far as fitness goes, getting stronger is a wonderful feeling and is extremely useful in almost all aspects of life, especially as a tradesman that fucks a lot of bitches

Pic unrelated but interesting. The other day a semi truck started trying to drive off one of the barges of its own accord and found itself precariously perched like this. I swear the yard has gremlins

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Rough part of life is girls are thots man. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. If you get a gf don't get overly attached

Took family photos, looked at myself and realized I was nothing like the image in my head.

Spent most of my life being chunky but active, went all the way through highschool that way, slowly gaining weight. Always been someone who dives deep into a new interest, love to research my ass off. Left highschool sitting about 200. Got my driver's license at 18 because latefag, weight rocketed up 60 lbs in about 6 months binge eating (I have a ridiculous appetite).

Had a few incidents of people calling me out as fat a couple years ago that really shook me. Looked in the mirror, fuck this. Studied my ass off about fitness, started lifting 5x a week HIIT 3x, dropped 100 lbs in 14 months, sitting at 14% bf now, life is 1000x better, almost ready to start bulking, never going back. We're all gonna make it bois.

Bro...are you me?

started in middle school, rents put me on adhd meds when i didnt even have adhd, made me depressed and i just ate to feel better. i ballooned and stayed that way all through highschool, i was a socially retarded autist that didnt have many friends. i was in bio and my teacher was talking about when body dosent consume food if your starving you go into ketosis and your body consumes fat deposites. she then points out that i would live the longest being a fat fuck. feellikeshit.jpg graduate and in collage and every day my older bro calls me fat fuck and teases me relentlessly. get sick and tired of and stop smoking and stop fapping and eat better. i walk the 4 miles to campus every day because i had no license. start doing p90x every day. shed 70lbs in 3 months. see people from highschool and i say hi to them. they just walked passed me and didnt even realise it was me. we talk for a while after. friends mirin all the time now. my buddy even threatend me to not steal his girl cause i got fit mfw

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lmao fake and gay. you type in a weird style, friendo. Are you a schizo?

I don't think I can ever trust women either user. Also how did you learn 5 languages, and what are they?

Actually, I started when I was 13, if you'd believe it. I started browsing the misc at around that time for the memes, and seeing all these guys, with their shredded physiques and stuff (no homo tho) inspired the overweight, faggier me to put myself together a bit. And so, it began the first day I stepped on the disused elliptical in our basement. It's been quite a journey since then, but I'm better for it. I still wouldn't say I've made it (18 now), but I still lift, and still struggle, to inspire my friends and family, and so that I can hang around longer to see what memes are like in the future.

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>Juvie in high school
>Enlist, break leg in basic, smoked weed on leave and got kicked out
>At a high school buddies house smoking cigs, drinking beer catching up with some friends
>Something feels off, weird vibe, tension
>Some nerd from high school shows up "I got it"
>Pulls out Heroin
>Everyone is all excited and shit
>About to snort it, nope the fuck out of there instead

Got a factory job started lifting again and worked for a few years. Went to school part, then full time. Currently have a cookie cutter office job, making gains, good money and honestly just grateful.

Only downside is I have an unquenchable thirst for traps/twinks/trannys, who cares, we're freaks baby

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Bad breakup mostly. Was also an emo fucboi as a teenager but once I hit 19 I couldn't pull it off anymore so I took a hard look in the mirror and decided to get my shit together.
The power of breakups is strong. Good motivation.


>took shrooms alone, far away
>went to hell
>met the devil and a bunch of demons
>starred at myself in the mirror
>screams diabolic shit in tongues
>cried hard and felt intense emotional pain

>a month later, made sick gains and lost 100 pounds from pure motivation

Embrace your demons.

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You're the guy that has the I AM MY SCARS macro'd to eye beam, aren't you.


Fuck off snowflakes nobody cares

Some chad stole my gf of 2 years from me at a concert.
Instead if getting mad at him, i got mad at her. I started looking at his facebook and doing everything he did.
Chad was a lifeguard, so i became one.
Chad played guitar, so i took lessons.
Chad was in the gym everyday of the week.
And then so was i.
Now im the one who breaks the relationships, im the one girls cry over when their boyfriends are forced to watch, and i love watching them suffer just like chad made me suffer.
The only sad part is that i dont think i can ever have a normal relationship again after seeing the other side of women

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I used to swim and dance when i was young, for some years both at the same time, so I think i did good as a kid considering sports. Then stopped both in high school, and a year later I starter going to the gym with my friends. I enjoyed it but didn't really know how to do it so it had barely any results even after 3 years. Still it was good for my health.

Then I stated university, Had to move to a different town, developed a milk allergy (not lactose, but milk protein, so all dairy is out of my diet). I stopped going to the gym, always found excuses even though I always knew i wanted to start again ( more like i had to). I also ate more fast food, like 4-5 times a week (burger king, kfc or chinese etc). I would usually drink 1-1,5 liters of coke a day, and that coupled with almost zero calcium intake (because milk allergy), my bones went to shit and I lost almost 1 inch of height, which officialy put me under the manlet cutoff. I didnt get fat miraculously, I even lost about 10kg-s (22 pounds) of muscle in like a year. I wasted that part of my life (from 18-21).

Then one thay it got to me that I'm no better than those people in the fph/fps threads, and if i dont change I will waste my 20s doing nothing but feeling like shit because of underachieving. So I turned my life around. That was like 2 months ago. Ever since then I eat home cooked, healthy food, watch my macros and vitamins, I dont waste all my time on vidya and series, I sleep more and actually have real life goals again. I started gym again too of course, not much progress but I'm very motivated. I feel alive again, after feeling kind of sedated for 3 years. I actually look forward to tomorrow now.

Thanks Jow Forums for helping me realise I needed to change

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>realize the process of making it is the true definition of having made it
there you go, enlightened af. We will never reach our potential but its our duty to try our hardest to get as close as possible.

>That fucking gif

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>I Am my stretch marks

No we're not user. You've got this

Grab a drink guys. This is a long one, my origin story of how I came from literally nothing to a semblance of a man.

>Be me
>Drug addict family full of thieves
>House constantly raided
>One of my first memories is me carrying my baby sister while my mother carried our worldly goods because my father didn't pay rent and we are now homeless
>All my memories are like this. Choosing between having the lights on or having the gas to eat and stay warm
>House is icy cold, windows always broken, have to huddle with mother and sister in bed just to survive winter
>Bread with margarine on it or mayonnaise/ketchup is a usual snack (I usually had to steal the bread)
>No father figure, he's in prison
>Try to do well in school, told to stop being different, stop thinking I'm better than everyone else
>End up living with family friend. Really old guy. A true man, fought in the war, can fix anything, does what he wants but is always nice
>Loved that man, father I never had, was taken from me by a stroke. My last memory of him was frail and broken, crying because I couldn't understand what he was saying
>Kicked out of that house by his daughter once she inherited it
>Homeless again, moving school again, no friends again
>Live with Grandma now, alcoholic, beats me when she is drunk. Begged by mother not to fight back or we are homeless again
>Can't make friends, don't want to, we will just move again, be homeless again
>Not even 12 yet
>Grandma sells house, goes on binge across Europe, homeless again
>Start highschool, only have the mental energy to keep one or two friends
>Bullied because ginger
>Years of abuse comes to a head, explode, literal blind rage, pummel a kid till he is unrecognisable
>Now known as a psycho
>Mother has new man. Actually a really nice guy, provides, helps, always there, loves my mother and sees my sister as his own... Hates me, don't know why
>Made unwelcome amongst my own family. Can't even have a family in this world
>Nearly 13 now


Naw, legitimately true
And no.
I do have PTSD though