How do I make my veins on arms to be more visible?

How do I make my veins on arms to be more visible?

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Start roiding, you'll be more vascular than a fucking leaf

Lower body fat and do grip strength training 3x per week


genetics xF

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Take a NO supp

Rubber band around the bicep when you lift/go out

This. Some people are born with no veins going to their arms so theres nothing you can do.

Complete fucking retards who dont know what they are talking about aside, just get more lean and take some tren/EQ

drink more water

Lmao are you that fucking retarded that you don't know that veins greatly differ between people?

Fucking mong. Some people have very portruding veins, some barely have any visible.

How do I make mine less visible? They get really vascular when it's warm and I want to achieve that trap look but that's preventing it.

what kind of veins do I have? They can pop out
or hide completely

Roids. I had no vascularity and now my forearms look like a hard penis.

Take nx6, it's a nitric oxide enhancer... Literally pointless besides increasing vascularity

Pushups, lots of pushups.

Then you have portruding, if would be not be portruding, if they wouldnt pop at all

>This. Some people are born with no veins going to their arms so theres nothing you can do.
This, OP. Some people don't have veins that return blood from their arms back to their heart. It's a real shame.

Tren hard and have good genetics

20-40mg of anavar/day

nah man, said it's all genetic. You have privileged vascular genetics

>more vascular than a fucking leaf
I'm not gonna have to start sucking off my dog, am I?

God why can't somebody just nuke us already

eat some edibles and then go for a long run. you will be vascular AF all day guarantee