/fraud/ - Dysmorphophobia edition

Read all of:
before even thinking about asking your absolutely retarded questions. Also, include:
>time spent lifting

Even as internet doctors we can't tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are awesome and you're awesome for considering them.


Previous genital thread:

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Makes you realize they buy their shit for 4$ initially.

I always wondered if i could get away with lying to them and telling them the package didnt arrive so they reship it.

Reminder that all of you are DYEL as FUCK despite being on grams of the stuff and using trenbolone + anadrol
mast get height surgery
nano have some self control and stop eating donuts you fat piece of shit
crusader start lifting weights you dyel fuck

Insured shipping so no lying.
Its fine honestly their discounts are high if you buy enough.

B-b-but I'm still cutting.
I'm just a little girl throwing tantrums because I don't like what I'm experiencing.
Now I crave a donut despite not having had any in years.

Good night /fraud/.

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Good night handsome guy

got the gf to call me daddy during sex

Pedo freak.

doesnt matter. I had alot of tracked and insured packages that read "delivered to *adress*" and i never got them. Werent roid orders but still

fuk that chest is perfect

so my rotator cuffs are lagging behind so i'm gonna shy away from shoulders + chest for a week or so while i work specifically on them. that means it's back time all the time. aside from diddlys, what do?

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gays are the biggest sluts.
why do I keep coming across these

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External rotation exercises. Band pull aparts. Seated cable rows. Reverse flys.

Isolate your rotator cuffs with specific exercises.
Google athlean-x for that, hes got some good ones.

protip: if you do the exercise and it hurts like fuk, as if you just pulled a muscle ,you are doing it right

For external rotation exercises, use LIGHT weights. LIGHT WEIGHTS, BABY!

Seriously, like 5 or 8 pound dumbbells to begin with. These are tiny muscles we're talking about.

i personally use rubber bands

and yeah, i tried them with dumbbells. the lowest weight in the gym was too heavy for me

mental illness?

Yeah. I have some 2, 3 and 5-pound DBs at home. I used those. But bands work well, too, as long as you keep the form good.

*teleports behinds you*


the weights have are grippy weights so i can hold em pretty good, might just grab the plate and use that instead of the DBs themselves

Yeah, you could do that with a 5 pound plate, sure.

What are the standards you have to be at to roid?

Should I continue to take this bottle of YK-11 or am I being meme’d

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Definitely memed.

I don't even know what it is tho

>Dumbbells for external rotator cuff
Pls tell me you understand which way gravity pulls and you are not just waving them in a horizontal motion.

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>that week or two before your first cycle shipment arrives


>read random steroid forum about tren and cutting since I just added 600mg tren e to my 250mg test e cruise dose for my big defecit
>guys keep saying "lol dude don't worry about cutting just eat 3-4k cals a day and let the tren lean you out

Am I retarded or are they retarded? I'm trying to mentally stick to this cut without breaking like a weak piece of shit and this shit really isn't helping

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>not living in the village of gains

Wasn't sure if you were one of the retards doing it standing with a Dumbbell and not a cable

>crusader start lifting weights you dyel fuck

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No, faggot. I've done these exercises.

Man why is Kobato so cute

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tren cuts alot, but 4k is just overkill.

They are right to an extent tho, on tren you can eat p much what you want, and if you get fat you'll do it slowly unless you eat like a fat fuck and consume 20 fucking burgers per day

crusader hows the bulk going

Depends on workload I low dose tren at 200/w and lean up very well at 3500-4k a day, the lowest I go on tren is 3k or I just feel like I'm wasting it.

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Terrible. But I'm currently enamoured with Kobato's cuteness.

I am using up my sdrol stash which is fun. Once I'm finished with that, probably have about 2 weeks worth, I'll switch over to dbol for twice the liver damage.

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I went from 40mg sdrol/150mg adrol to 150mg var/30mg dbol with no liver damage. Doing 500mg tudca ED right now.

Never drink(like ever) though so it probably helps.

I want a steroid bf but im scared he'd cheat on me with other [spoiler]men[/spoiler]

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I remember chem posting a while back that liver support was a meme. Maybe I should run the dbol with the sdrol for superhero powers.

I very rarely drink as well.

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for input one of my buddies stopped producing bile with adrol and alcohol

Reverse flies use rotator cuff?

What does that mean?

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Whats an alternative to tren? Cbf with alzheimers

He's talking about cholestasis, it's the thing that orals do to your liver if you use em too long without tudca

>le tudca me-me

he couldnt digest fat

not sure of the specifics though

EQ, maybe with some var on and off


For a cut?

Enjoy your dead liver

Essentially liver failure. Liver produces bile to store in the gallbladder and later aids the pancreas in enzymatic breakdown of tissues.

Yeah it's a fairly dry compound

EQ can be added to whatever. Sloooooow gains but no bloat or anything weird plus you get amazing vascularity

I'm still yet to try EQ.

The long ass ester really puts me off, given that I crash diet to get lean and then pulse growth phases it's never really fit my goals.

Just frontload it

>frontload EQ

nothing like pinning 16mls

I feel ya. Bold cyp that I brewed at 200mg/ml was great too no pip.

Somehow my DHB is good at 200mg/ml if I use a fuckton of B.B. weird that some vials crashes and others didn’t makes me think there’s nothing in the uncrashed ones but oil

I’ve pinned 21mls because I’m weird and probably going to die at 35

That... would be a significant amount of oil. Even if I punched it over a few days, I think I'll run out of muscle tissue.

I'd love to try Bold cyp or prop.

Aight guys I'm bored as fuck; ask me bodybuilding/sports science questions.

Is it a substitute for tren though? Heard kt was p mild
How do you guys rate trest/DHB?

Lmao this dude on the SST starting his first cycle looking like this.

How 2get beeeg? Am 6’3 230 but wanna be hueg

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he looks bigger than cucksader after his tren cycle lmao

Not at all. It would be good alongside tren

Is 1-andro a suitable replacement for DHB?

>referring people to the wiki
>not referring them to the decade old basskilleronline html sites through the wayback machine that all of the wiki info was ripped from

But I'm cuter so it doesn't matter.

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your face is average

6 tops if you put in effort maybe

Did BKO just get shut down or something? I used to use their homebrew calculator cuz I’m lazy

Never known anyone that took 1andro. Just get DHB and pin it

As long as Rem is happy

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If I had my time over, I'd start lean and it would be either:

20 weeks 500mg Test E/wk
3 weeks 20mg Superdrol ED with 3 week breaks in between


20 weeks 500mg Test E/wk
8 weeks 40mg Dbol ED, 4 week break, 8 weeks 40mg Dbol ED

Then drop that down to 250mg Test E/wk to get bloods back in order. After that you get to do some nice things with other compounds.

I only pin pharma

So what are you running now

cucksader about to be DOXXED

I haven't seen BKO online for several months. Not sure what happened. The crazy fin hasn't been online on forums for like a year

Ruptured my Achilles a week ago. Got surgery to reattach it.

If I drive down to TJ soon to get that young umbilical/embryonic stem cell injection and inject Growth Hormone and Peptides straight into my tendon every day or every other day, will that fix it up real good by a few months to a year from now? Will my tendon basically be as g00d as new?

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it's now been 14 weeks since i've dropped the testosterona and have been using trenbalona alone.

feels good

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why not run TRT test at least

Only a matter of time.

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wanted to run tren on its own. no regrets.
don't need to take an ai
acne is the least it's ever been since starting hormones
dick works fine

will do again in future

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taking caber at all?

No to which?

>I'll paypal you $50 right now if you give me his full name. Really want to send his entire post history on the archive to his family and ex gf.
>make it 100 AUS and ill think about it.

its happening


>le test base me-me

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lads is paying 71 USD/100AUS worth it to dox crusader? imagine his ex and mother reading his posting history.

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100% do it


starting first tren cycle tommorow :^) what to expect. Also taking sdrol as a kickstarter

I'm 5''8 and fluctuate between 200-210 pounds. I have insomnia and refuse to take sleeping medication. My plan is to:

1) Fast at least 2-3 days a week (will still drink water)
2) Eliminate refined sugar from my diet and eat a maximum of 1500 calories/day
3) 4-5 intense cardio sessions (2 hours) a week at my local gym.
4) Start strength training as soon as I lose my gut.

How much weight can I realistically lose by July if I stick to this routine? I put on all my weight after getting into college and have kept it since.

>150mg of var
that can't have been legit var fucking hell

Just brew it to 500mg/ml
ez pz

This is /fraud/ not /fast/. Also, that sounds totally unsustainable and is going to lead to binges. Start strength training now, not later faggot

But he looks dyel. That's what you get when you don't train your neck.

>straight but curious guise ahah
Now I get it, he doesn't lift but steal other people's gains.

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I got some bloodwork done a few days ago, my Test and free test came back normal but my FSH is super low, below the reference range.
A-am I infertile?

Gay men have a much lower FSH than heterosexuals. Have you ever had lustful thoughts about cocks before?