If you are destined to be bald, when do you start?

Been wondering about this, despite both my families having strong hair genes to the point that even in the ripe age of 70 years old my grandad had full head of hair but I'm worried about myself since I have hypothyroidism, I'm currently 25 so when would I see if I am balding or destined to bald?

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Any time after puberty


sorry OP, looks like you're fucked

It is most common to start between mid 20's and early 30's. I think I'm experiencing a little but the scalp beneath is also a little inflamed so it my just be folliculitis.

Take yer vitamins

Hmm I see so if I am going to bald it will start soon and if it doesn't by 35 then I am safe?



Felix ?

I've given you the answer, anytime after puberty. You're 25 now and since you're worrying about your hairline I'm assuming you're not married. Your hair is the least of your worries boy

Are you sure you're 25 and not 22?

It is part of my real worry, my health. I don't want to be a fat, bald man.
Nope 25, why 22?

Chances are, you won't bald since you're going strong even with hypothyroidism

I'm 19 with diffuse thinning at 23 my only option will be shaving it off

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Shave that with a 1 blade and you’d probably look okay for a few years

That's alright then, how can I best help support my hypothyroidism? I'm on medicine for it however this doesn't fully treat it, what sort of foods would help benefit my thyroid?

It can happen at any time. You're never safe.

Done that before, it looks great on me but I look like a 40 y/o

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Iodine. Maybe look at T3 and T4 supplements

>tfw inherited my mother's genes so have a thick head of hair but went silver fox / heavy salt and pepper at the age of 23

32 now and truly it is the greatest feeling.
By your thirties you would know (brother has my father's genes and is going full receeding) if it's time to bic your head or not. Good luck user.

Oh bin tbnk

Flex Lev

Ah ok I'm on T4 (levothyroxine) but I don't have a diet that contains Iodine or Selenium so I'm going to introduce eggs and seaweed into my diet.

Both my mother and father and their parents have strong hair and they have kept their hair colour til around 50 years old then it starts to grey a bit, I just hope I go the same way.

Since both sides of my family have all got strong hair, I'll be the same right?

Le cas Lévesque

My hairline started receding at like 19 but hasn't budged since then. I'm now 25

Lol stu le op?

Ouais man check ses cheveux

>Ouais man check ses cheveux

My hairstyle is shit then?

Lol they are fine man you just look exactly like a guy we know

Hope he aint an ugly fucker

I second Iodone. Pic related

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Jfc having a high hairline does not mean balding. You just have a big forehead

You know I was just wondering if I had a big forehead lol is that attractive for a man to have for women?

My hairline had receded as fuck the last 7 years. My hair is still thick, but i feel like some spots it's less thick. I don't have issues with the thought of going bald. My dad lost most of his hair in this late teens. So how do you guys keep the "balding" away for a few years?

Not if you're insecure about it. Judging by the thread you made of say you need to grow some thicker skin.