Making my little bro a chad

How can I make my little brother (5) healthier and more sporty so it becomes a habit for him?

How can I engage him properly? Running? Have him lift heavy stuff? Play chess and stuff?

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No weights. You' stunt his bone growth and make him into a circus freak you dumb fuck

Have an epic fight to the death, may the best man win whoever shall stand must take it upon themselves to cary their dead brothers mantle


treat him like he's a smart adult (within reason) - this will give him higher level social skills quickly. tell him jokes and teach him the importance of humour.
in terms of exercise, get him a trampoline. kids fucking love trampolines and it's really good exercise.

nah make him do physical activities instead of just exercise. Get him to do a martial art or join a sports team. Play football or wrestle/play fight with him

This is just not true.

Set up a gauntlet in the basement with spinning blades, swinging axes and logs, etc.
If he makes it through the gaunlet he earns the right to be your brother, otherwise shame and banishment.
Many cultures have rites of passage like this.

Heres what a friend of mine did, it works like a charm.

>be friends with neighbor
>his 7 year old brother had been acting quite fagy lately
>those jewish cartoons no doubt
>one night while grilling lil faggot decided to dance in his room to some nigger hollering
>we catch him twerking in his room
>my brah is crying in shame
>he breaks into the room
>beats the living shit out of him
>has him pressed against the floor
>and so every single day he would slap the fuck out of the little faggot
>his parents even let him do it lol
>five years later
>kid got into judo and comes lift with us



Give him all the supplements for dong health, when he starts hitting puberty he'll thank you for it.
Also cardio and if you want, some lighter weights

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unironically gymnastics

I started flexing a lot and calling my little brother Tank and stuff like that now he wanta to lift with me
Hes only 8 so will wait 4 more years then ease him into it

My brother and I don’t talk much. He’s 17 and I’m 19. I want him to become a chad but he’s not interested at all. What do I do guys how can I convince to stop being fat?

He will regret it as 16-28 is prime age for MILF.

It'e best to use no iron, just bodyweight until they're at least 8-10.
Seriously bro, their bones are fragile as fuck before 10.

>12 year old kid.
>Lifts with us.
Which state is that? When I was 15 and doing pro-MMA I didn't get anyone to sponsor me to give access into a gym.
Then this fucking negro just is let into a gym at 12.


>his gym doesn't allow kids in

keking at your backwards country

even then, the local gym I go to is so starved of clientele they'd let in homeless people to sleep in if they could afford it

Teach him how to swim, get him involved in sports too (eg AYSO, kid's track and field, gymnastics)

Lol which pro org are you in now buddy?

Make him interested in girls, play football or anything with him, make him eat better plus reward him for critical thinking