My buddy told me this shit was insane but I didn't believe him... I got kicked out after dropping weights when I visited with my dad
My buddy told me this shit was insane but I didn't believe him... I got kicked out after dropping weights when I visited with my dad
>we're not a gym
The response is pretty good
>3rd commercial is just a trainer giving legit motivation
What is so bad about dropping weights?
rippetoe said don't do it
Tell me this isn't taken seriously? A Planet Fitness just opened 5 minutes from my house and I'm thinking seriously about signing up.
Why? They don't even have weights lmao. Just machines
Bumper plates are designed to be dropped. Other kinds of weights, particularly dumbbells, could be damaged if you drop them at the wrong angle.
wtf I hate gyms now
stop shilling your gym
yo the gym where you get picked as a competitor would be cool as fuck.
>no lunking allowed
but how else will i show off my bod?
I was about to post this exact same shit.
>burgers are unironically so insecure that they have to call out people who actually lift
If you come to a gym and you get put off by grunting or weight dropping, you belong in the gayoga class, not the gym. Gym is where you go to 100% + extra.
$10 a month?
Is that seriously what americans pay?
It's not a meme. The alarm is real.
>Dmitri will never be your gym bro
do they just kick you out? how would you actually do anything?
Holy shit senpai
its like Amway, its a scam and it will fuck you up.
>free junkfood
>"""low""" prices that end up being much more than advertized
>nothing but cardio equipment, you will not get gains here
>massage chairs and tanning beds (because when you go to a gym, you really mean to go to a span instead)
its one big fucking joke, this is the kind of place you go to make no progress and simply virtue-signal how healthy you are while you stuff your fat fucking face full of cake and candy.
$10 is pretty cheap as gyms go. The next closest commercial gym I know of is anytime fitness (which actually has barbells and squat racks, planet fitness does not), and they're $35 a month.
This was my first gym four years ago, I think the weights were wrong too probably made them lighter than usual.
because the surrounding gyms are honest about the prices.
Actually tally up the price and its a bit more than the surrounding gyms (around 40$). This is the wall-mart of gyms, they will get a strangle-hold, keep you in a comfortable bubble of lies to make it feel like you're actually making progress, etc. all while crushing competition. Its a scam and it needs to be stopped.
Lank alarm is because people actually making gains poses a threat to their business.
damn some of those "bad" gyms look fucking sick
Oh, don't get me wrong, I started at planet fitness, I'm familiar with the bullshit. There were tootsie roll buckets every 20 feet, pizza on fridays and bagels on tuesdays. Lunk alarm was a very real and present threat. I had to wander around to collect enough plates for a "proper" deadlift in a smith machine.
To this day I make as little noise as possible when lifting, out of sheer habit.
but how does it pose a threat? It's not like getting skinny, where you can say "ok I hit healthy bodyweight I'm gonna start dieting now" there is no limit on weights, sure you can plateau but then you just start working on maxxing out some other body part
I wouldn't say people making gains directly hurts their business. It's more like their target market is people who want to feel like they're exercising/ being healthy without actually putting in work, and they've created a safe space where those people can sign up and just pay them money forever, because "it's only $10 a month" and it's the easiest way to feel good about themselves.
>pay 10$ to feel good about yourself
Jow Forums would be proud
Bullshit. You're telling me they have no barbells, no dumbbells, nothing?
no barbells, just a whole lot of smith machines and dumbbells that go up to 60 lbs.
Planet fitness is a glorified hotel gym. It's fine in a pinch, but a terrible regular gym if you are serious.
Yup. I go to fit focus, 24hr, a couple power racks, a squat rack, two sets of flat and inclined bench, plenty of space for death lifts, a good selection of machines, and dumbbells that go up to 75. Not to mention other services like sauna etc. 10$ a month
Lunk alarm in action
deadlift is one word
Planet fitness gets way more hate than it deserves.
I went to a planet fitness for a little over a year when I first started, until I outgrew it.
dumbbells only go up to 75 lbs
no barbells, so you have to do your deads and squats on a smith, which while not optimal, you can still make great gains and transition later to barbells like I did.
$10 a month
Equipment is in hella nice condition since it never gets knocked around, machines feel smooth etc.
You seem bigger. Squatting 3 pl8 or more for reps at a normal gym nobody really cares. Squat that at planet fitness you get watched and cardio-bunnies mire cause it's "gym lite" and very few people move decent weight there.
In all my time there the lunk alarm was never rung.
Nobody cares if you grunt, granted i've never seen anybody do it excessively at the top of their lungs.
Never see people shirtless, but stringers and w/e are fine.
My gym only advertised an annual pizza party, not monthly or w/e some people say they do.
While planet fitness is not the most optimal place for gains it is a great starter gym if you're just starting out, intimidated, or tight on cash.
I will forever vouch for planet fitness because it helped me start my journey from fat and depressed to strong and confident.
$10 a month seems insane, I'd just fast on pizza day, go lift in the evening then polish off 2 pizzas post-workout and get my moneys worth there alone.
>equipment is in hella nice condition
>in hella
please kill yourself friendo
What the fuck lmao
I am in fact just starting out and short on time, so a Planet Fitness, 15 minutes closer than the next gym, seems good for a lot of reasons.
Thank you for the informative post.
>dropping weights
bye douche
Anyone think that a fucking alarm going off while you do 5x5 deadlifts would be hype?
it also goes off if you drop a pen, or breathe too loud
It was right in front of us the whole time
Planet fitness is aight if you're pretty dyel, broke or have no other alternative.
I've done some medium level grunting and I've heard dudes do louder and never heard an alarm or w/e go off. People there are pretty chill and some decently fit folk. I personally love doing legs but there's always some bitches memeing it up on the >machines
Is it really only $10 per month?
depends on location. There's like a $30 annual fee and it's like $10 a month on a contract or like 15 per month, add $5 if you want the black card membership which lets you use tanning beds and massage chairs whenever.
They also serve pizza the first monday of the month and bagels the second tuesday, if you feel like never making it. Or if you just want to chat with braps
Lol. Those commercials are pretty hilarious, and not in a cringe way. Obviously they’re appealing to people who have no interest in being fit and just want to work out to feel like they accomplished something without actually doing it. And they’re successful so kudos to them, keeps the brain dead out of the real gym
Btw usually whatever they were hyperbolically comparing planet fitness to looked awesome esp the hottie thottie girls gym
This is like a real life containment board.
>not allowed to overhead press
How has no one been startled mid-lift, injured themselves and sued the fuck out of hamplanet fitness yet?
it can be intimidating when people are slamming weights.
>that Chad with the bathroom key
It's about as intimidating as walking down a busy road and maybe some construction work.
>being a genuine soyboy
lol ok virgin.
>lookup inside of local planet fitness on Google
>buckets of candy at the front counter
>some weird ass vibrating machine that they claim to be exercise
>dyel timed perfectly with knees locked snap style on the leg press
What the fuck guys. Pic related and more coming
>no OHP or deadlift
Is this a fucking joke?
I can't speak for anyone else but I go to planet fitness and I've made some gains. Dunno what you fags are complaining about.
PF doesn’t even have barbells. Just dumbbells, machines and smith machines. So you can’t really deadlift anyway.
Literally anywhere else would be superior for making gains
I mostly do dumbbell training and have yet to even touch the 75s for any particular lift.
You can make good progress with what planet fitness has. The problem is that you can't do proper barbell training which which is kind of a big deal around here. Essentially because most of the shit is machines you won't build your stabilizer muscles, but that means fuck all if you're only concerned about aesthetics.
My location has barbells, just not removable plates.
because you might drop them on me, I cant watch out for retards constantly when I'm doing my own exercises
go home
A faggy Trainer told me to be lighter on the weights when I deadlifitng today
>squatting 3 plates
>smith machine
Pick one
I don't understand, why the fuck would you forbid that?
that's cheap as fuck, I pay more than double that even after the discount I got for a 12-month contract + student discount