Weed Detox Thread

>no weed
>no money to buy more weed
>feeling stressed af just wanna get high

This is honestly harder than quitting cigs I would kill for some bud rn

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Cravings go away way faster than cigs in my experience. Give it like 5 days.

Weed is for fags.

Take a month off, you shall feel better by the end. And you get super high when you go back.

It's not only about cravings though. If you're so used to smoke daily, you can get some kind of depersonalisation and lack of enjoyment of life (like you feel "empty") that lasted for me a couple of months. It gets better though.

Yeah same, I just quit dabbing a few days ago. Not because I can't afford it, but I could feel it affecting my gym sessions. I'm just looking forward to being able to eat and sleep without it again, I had gotten too used to doing it before every meal and every night before bed. Stick with it, OP.

I definitely went through a stage where weed was a problem. Don't smoke before bed, it fucks your sleep up and only smoke at the end of a productive day.

had to quit smoking weed every day so i could get an internship. it sucked for a few days but holy shit it clears your head. it felt like there was an extra 4 hours in every day,I used it to lift more, and study more. instead of focusing on your cravings for weed find a new thing to look forward to each day, for me i spent time thinking about what i will lift for the day, and how i will eat. you'll get through this just tough it out and find a constructive outlet

Haha wow I guess it's true that weed isn't addictive at all x:DD

Never had a problem with it also vape it once you vape it you realize how dirty smoking it is.

Three months off it after 10 years daily
It's great
Just do pushups until you're about to pass out from exhaustion and then eat something read a book

>This is honestly harder than quitting cigs
Shut the fuck up retard I bet you haven't even tried doing that.

we're all fags on Jow Forums bro, didn't you hear?

Jow Forumsleaves

cigarellos give a better head high than weed

Just push through it nothing bad can happen if you quit weed cold turkey no matter how much you smoked. You might feel stressed and have trouble sleeping this is all psychological just take a melatonin before bed if you feel like you won't be able to fall asleep. Also if you have no money stop buying so much weed. I buy a cannabis oil cartridge for $40 and I use it every day. Lasts me 2-3 months per cartridge.

Ive tried weed on about 10 or so different occasions. In both Canada and Jamaica. I have had one "good" experience with it. My first time it was all laughs and positive feels, and every other time I either got paranoid or fucking glued to a couch. Why do you smoke this? I prefer alcohol in every aspect.

Don't take advantage of OPs naivety to spread your misinformation.

>Also if you have no money stop buying so much weed. I buy a cannabis oil cartridge for $40 and I use it every day. Lasts me 2-3 months per cartridge.

I got up to about 1/4 oz every 2-3 weeks past few months. Poor collegefag so very little money, I have a part time job that nets about $300 every two weeks. My goal is to get two more paychecks, so three weeks from today, before I smoke again. and yeah tonight is the first time in over a year im going to bed not stoned, besides when maybe when I occasionally drink on a weekend.

Consider becoming a weed vapefag like me you get the most for your dollar. A vape pen rechargeable battery costs like $20-40 depending on quality and you can get a new cartridge for around $40 like I said in my previous post these things last me months. Flower is just way more expensive. I live in California and by from a shop though so prices may vary where you live.

Wtf are you talking about? What were you actually smoking? Never had this problem before quitting cold turkey. Never. I feel no physical withdrawal the next day, and don't even think about it the day after that....

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As a tobacco smoker I am always disappointed in nicotine vape....is it the same with weed, or does weed vape legitimately give the same effect?

It's mental not physical. I don't have a headache or anything I just want to get high.

In that case just power through. It's all will power. It will be noticeable better every day until you forget you want to smoke.

>tfw getting high makes me stressed and anxious
how do I relax when I smoke? Im only relaxed on alcohol and/or xans

Yeah the no pot at night is fucking me up, it’s like a ritual i smoke outside and chill right before bed, i toss and turn all night for a few hours i fuckin hate it.

I smoked every day 3x a day for the past two years. It’s extremly difficult to break the habit but I’m trying hard

The first month is the hardest. Stay with it. Quitting weed was the best thing I've ever done for myself

try some Indica with CBD

Quit coffee at the same time, take melatonin and Benadryl at bed time, hope for the best.

Been there bro. /drugfree/ is the best mode

Oil has very slight difference but its not any less potent or feel of the high. Not at all like nicotine vaping to cigs.

Only smoke in a comfortable environment with few people and work your way up slowly with how much you smoke. Be weary of over dosing.

>feeling stressed af just wanna get high
You are addicted.

>taking melatonin at the same time you quit weed
this is what i did and it helps but strap ur ass in for the craziest motherfucking dreams in your life

Nice, thanks.

i feel like the high is different from an oil cart than smoking regular weed

I agree 100 percent.

Yeah that's what I said in my post. It's slightly different but there is no loss in potency. THC is THC

Everyone thinks their's is the greatest trial.

Drink some tea when you wake up and before bed. Also do more cardio, and be sure to keep hydrating. Cravings will significantly decrease after 3 days. Hell maybe have a couple drinks depending on how much you smoked if you really need something to calm you down. About 6 days in you should have weak cravings comparable to wanting to eat unhealthy food or some lesser habit.

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>Smoking the herbal jew
>Not drinking the liquid jew instead
Weed isn't even addictive, and the side effects aren't bad enough to make you rethink your life when things get bad

i smoke daily after work - 1 joint post-workout shake whilst cooking a proper meal.
I need it (not really desu) to switch off work and have a cozy evening.

I never get withdrawals from cannabis, but I just greatly prefer to be high. It's not like I get cravings, I just like being high.