His GF doesn't work out with him

>his GF doesn't work out with him
How beta do you have to be working out at the gym while your gf sits at home not wanting to improve her body?

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fitness women are crazy AS FUCK
do not approach

Generally in that they want to improve themselves and turn it into an obsession but that is better than 99% of women who have no personal standards.

>personal standards
>only working out to show your ass off on instagram and get fucked by literal 10/10 chads

>Wanting to get fucked by 10/10s
>a bad thing
Also I would hardly call the stupid shit instagram whores do as "working out" considering it's stupid meme shit and all focused on the glutes. I'm talking about actually doing squats, press, overhead, deads, ect with a woman.

Why would you want your gf to have a huge ass? Do you have a 12 inch dick?

>sex differences
>men are taller than wo-

>Do you have a 12 inch dick?
Uh, yeah. Not everyone is white.

Ok guys true story

>About a month ago
>Go to bar with friends
>Female friend introduces me to her friend
>'Oh yea user, you go to Golds, Ive seen you there alot'
>Turns out shes been mirin me for months
>Take her home
>hook up for about a week, becomes clingy
>Cant break it off fully because she goes to my fucking gym, at the same time
>We both go 6 days a week
>My sanctuary has been violated
>Avoid her as much as humanly possible

Its a fucking nightmare. My membership is up in a couple months and I might switch gyms.

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>while your gf sits at home not wanting to improve her body?

jokes on you buddy I don't even have a gf

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Suck it up and get married loser

Being such a beta you want to switch gyms because a female.

Actually this guy might be right. You fit the betabux picture!

Perfect gf

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You guys realize that's not even her bf right? On another note though, god fucking DAMN she got a fatty. I wanna bury my face in that ass. And yes brapfags, that's what real men like.

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I dated a personal trainer for 3 months and confirmed crazy.
She only wanted to eat at red robin. EVER. and she squirted like crazy and let me tell you boys. Squirt is Piss. 90% piss 10% good stuff

Always had the hots for She-Hulk

And why would that be user?

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How to I convince my gf to eat more so she gets more gains? She works out in the gym but she can't stop counting her calories and making sure they always go below 1600.

lmfao @ bringing your girl to the most masculine thing you do all day.

The only workouts my gf does with me are when she's naked.

ever notice how dudes that bring their girls to the gym are the biggest faggots ever? the girl never even wants to be there and it's clear she's just humoring him because this is his only hobby.

I thought sex was the most masculine.

Why wouldn't I want her to see you at your best?

my roommates boyfriend is on roids but claims natty
he works out 3-4 hours a day, 7 days a week. She recently had a breakdown because she couldn't keep up with him and he shit on her for having no fortitude

Tell her she's getting fatty. Psychology reversed works bud

>those wrist
Snap city is waiting

I think this is about half the men that bring girlfriends to the gym. I've noticed it more with teenagers/dyels. I think their girlfriends can tell they don't know what they're doing so they don't really put effort in.

On the flip-side, my girlfriend and my sister both stuck with lifting cause I actually spent time explaining to them why I did what I did. I think a lot of dudes just expect their girlfriends to be impressed by the act of going to the gym.

>She only wanted to eat at red robin. EVER.

that is hilariously specific

I can't work out with my girlfriend if I don't have a girlfriend.

Just friend zone her

I take my gf to the gym with me and she does squats, rdl's, hip bridges, bulgarian split squats and sometimes pullups

This is why we dont shit where we eat

If you're working out with your girl you're either doing 1 hour of cardio and pink weights or you're a closeted gaysexual and you're trying to turn her into a man, I'll stick to working out on my own thank you very much

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>Taking Roids
What's even the point? The reason people work out is for health and looks. Roids ruin both.

>The reason people work out is for health and looks. Roids ruin both.
2 wrong statements

>TFW my gf reads the sticky and follows it

to get qt asian gfs apparently

This. Holy fuck, this.

>Falls for the "if a woman works out she will get big" meme
First week on Jow Forums I see, read the sticky before posting.