Tinder rate tthread

I get about 5-10 matches a day atm I just brought tinder gold just to try it out as im after a GF atm

has getting Jow Forums helped you on tinder boys? got any success stories who came from nothing?

Attached: okid13.png (482x746, 397K)

All of them but 3 and 6 are horrendous

too many selfies friendo, more of just you chilling with friends

thanks for the advice friendo, but i seem to be doing ok rn


> getting fit

You're not fit lmao

I dont remember writing that i was

Drop 2 4 5 pick up you eating pizza with friends and you with a dog

Great thread OP.

Unfortunately the fat jannies don't allow fun

and catch the shadow of your penis on the one with dog
but make it look like you don't know about it, just accident you didn't realize

This right here. Also change bio to something humorous i.e. “I build houses and shit, still clumsy as fuck.”

or just Crap enter

Holy shit delete 5 immediately >tinder rate tthread
>Get triggered when someone gives advice

I’ve had both and after doing some statistics the result was having only “Carpenter” netted me on average 10 less matches a week than “I build houses and shit”

does anyone on Jow Forums even fucking lift. RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Is this a "you cringe you lose" thread? Because I lost

Hey man, congrats you are good looking and healthy.

Areas for improvement :

1. No selfies. They make you look lonely and weird.

2. No middle fingers. Makes you look insecure, and implies somebody just insulted you.

3. Take more outdoor photos. And more with your full body.

Hope that helps. Also don't be a faggot bitch and say "im doing ok rn" to this. You fucking faggot.


You only need ottermode + FACE to slay on tinder

2 4 and 5 are bad. But without those, you look like every gay guy from Brooklyn.


>made a new tinder account yesterday
>only match with fatties, uggos, and some chubby qts, 5/10s at best
>most stop messaging me back but one chubby qt seems interested
>after some boring conversation ask chubby qt if she wants to hookup
>unmatches me immediately

I make a tinder account every 6 months or so and it goes the same every time. But I'm not surprised with the results because I'm still dyel and all my pictures are selfies with my cat. I'm still doing better than a couple years ago when I was 50 lbs heavier and getting 3/10s.

Once I max out my aesthetics meter I'll hire a professional to take some photos.

Attached: 54543554353543535453543.jpg (225x225, 6K)

picture 4 makes you look like a fucking weirdo

No dude better yet go
"Did I build your house? Find out now!"

"Did I built you're house? Lets find it!"

Rate mine

Attached: 2018-03-29-1.jpg (720x1280, 86K)

Should i starve

Attached: 2018-03-29-3.jpg (720x1280, 51K)

Both these are fucking terrible. No chance OP or this guy is getting any matches other than bots unless they’re in Japan or Thailand or some shit where white men are a rare commodity.

If I’m being constructive, make your painting pic your main picture and ditch the one of you in the blue shirt.

Every match I get instantly unmatches me within 5 minutes? Is it because I only have one picture?

Meh. BS this is just from past 2 days with 3 boosts

Attached: 2018-03-29-4.jpg (720x1280, 74K)

Make the blue shirt photo your main, the others are a little awkward bro take the apron one off and get a photo when you're actually smiling.



Fuck it, rate mine as well. Idk how I’m not getting as many matches as I did overseas. My profile reads this as well:

“I love craft beer with a passion. I’m also currently ranked 34th in the world in beer bong chugging.

I have a Jeep, let’s go on an adventure!”

Attached: D6D05222-0916-4B5C-92FB-F97CF61E4E88.png (750x1334, 882K)

1. not bad
2. mirin arms but your body language is beta
3. "if only you knew how bad things really are"
4. solid
5. backpack makes your posture look bad

just cut like 15 lbs and take a body pic, you're gonna make it bro

This better be bait, there’s no way someone actually thinks these are acceptable pictures

How hard is it for you absolute virgins to NOT PUT FUCKING SELFIES

It looks fruity as fuck

>I have a jeep
Fuck bro I have a jeep too, can I pull this off?? I always thought bragging about my cars/motorbike in my bio is cringe. Let me know if it works for you

This is a pretty good profile, keep it up senpai

Not him but my friends group literally never takes pictures. Were not Instagram thots, when cool this happens no one thinks about taking a picture

looks fine tbqh

Solid profile.

>not Instagram thots

They are exactly the people who take selfies.
Next time you go out, just remember to get some candids, it’s not hard

tinder is a waste of time. nothin but low quality old ass girls.

Not one bit, just being brutally honest on my fitness inspired Peruvian needlepointing forum

It’s a new line I’m trying out, I figured it would look good cuz all of the girls on campus always talk about going on adventures and dumb shit like that

How do all you guys have so many pictures of you eating or drinking with friends. Just trying to imagine bringing up taking a pic with my friends ...would probably end with
>wtf are you gay bro HAHAHAHAHAH

Look boring

>a selfie putting up a middle finger while showing off your shitty physique

Unironically kill yourself

>that number 5

You have to go back

Maybe the blandest most uninteresting person I've ever seen. Couldn't be more normal. Cherish your 4/10 accountant wife that listens to Fall Out Boy, and keep telling yourself you're special because God knows you need the confidence.

Maybe the problem is that your friends are 12 years old

Just ask a bro to snap a pic for your tinder its not hard m8

Guys how's my bio kek

Attached: 20180329_225231.jpg (720x1020, 350K)

Hello friends, rate and suggestions please
>inb4 dyel

Attached: 89507841-1A5A-4D5B-8E6F-0A8ED3164ECA.png (750x1334, 1.49M)

If your friends wont help you get laid theyre not your friends

Attached: 88117757-38A9-43A7-8374-EFC43D090335.png (736x527, 31K)

>needs glasses

desu the one good picture is the painting one. Everything else here is ass.

Please change it, it’s pretty cringeworthy

Does anyone on Jow Forums lift?

Been lifting a year and I’m 200 pounds believe it or not, most of it’s in my torso unfortunately

put 4 as your first pic. I can tell you're fit in the other pics but #1 makes you look like a fatass.

What the fuck is going on with your hair that shit is atrosh

This thread is straight up embarrassing. These are the people calling you a soyboy in every thread, just remember that

Just takin the piss m8 desu i would say ditch pic 3 the mix of those high socks and shorts above your knee, in the fuckin snow no less is not doing you any favors

Same. I get about 5-10 matches a day, too, though I ain't posting my profile.

Delete four. Bad posture, unflattering trying to be serious expression. Way worse than all the others

Yup. My hair is atrosh. Keep coping.

Attached: 20180321_185513.jpg (720x1384, 360K)

Dubs decides bio

I know I'm too far away in most of my pictures

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-225532.png (1080x1920, 1.16M)

Shorten the last sentence\tidy it up. Your losing the punch it should have

Lyft harder and cut like your life depends on it. Don't bulk till your so fucking skinny all you have left is muscle

You have great hair, actually.

Ugly face

Street shitter/10

>i eat ass on the first date

because we have female friends as well

i like your hair

Is it really that bad? Only had one other decent picture with friends and I thought it looked ok

Didn’t know the pic was being taken but I see how you could think that just looking at it. I’ll toss it

gupreet gotta sheet in street


You look like you’ve been drinking a steady stream of soy your whole life

Also your bio is shitty

Drop selfies obviously
Pics of whatever sport you play (you do.. right?)
Something more candid, and don't fake it either like some colossal faggot. Everyone can tell when you do so don't start off your poonani crusades with lies and a facade
Look happier

Rate my photos. Also, dubs decides my profile.

Attached: screenshot.png (426x749, 310K)

Learn how to dress you absolute fucking slav

>first picture is a selfie

Delete your profile

How old are you?

In those pics I was 210, I lost weight since going to college and I’m fighting to stay at 200. So maybe I need a more updated picture? My muscles aren’t where I want them yet so I’m trying to gain again

fat face, other than that ur golden

It wouldnt look bad if you cropped the bottom out to look like you had pants on

>that hair
>those glasses
>that jacket
>that stupid pose

You’re not even trying

Wow the only non cringy profile so far besides the ubermensc of course...


I am Ubermensch bugman.

>besides the ubermensc of course...

You’re not fooling anyone, samefag

Retard thumb lol

thanks... any suggestion tho?

>no time to shave or shower? No problem! Ill tongue punch your shit fritter without even asking you to wipe first!

It’s not that’s bad, just replace the selfie with a candid

I can't get the timing of my boosts right. When do you use them?

No I literally am not trying. I only use tinder ironically. And I'm only wearing that jacket ironically. I send retarded messages to my matches just to fuck around. And if you use take tinder seriously you may have autism...

It has. More if u guys want. So easy to get laid as a chad

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