/fat/-Make a new thread you lazy fatasses

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Previous: → #

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Reposting for 400lbs user See

I'm about to eat a fuck ton of veggie tots
only thing I'll eat today
will total about 1150 calories

bless me padre

What happened to that nyrfag that used to post daily photos of an untouched plastic bag full of chocolate? Did he eat it?

gonna badly play tennis with some bros after work today.

Good luck user

Just today noticed stretch marks on my biceps when i looked in the mirror

These are some stretch marks I can live with
Belly ones can fuck off though

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>1150 kcal of veggies
Tha fuck.
Try not to explode.

>coworkers who started diet with me went from happy for me to pissy with me

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So I'm a super manlet at 5.4, because of this I was always made fun of for being short and skinny, so the last ten years I got kinda fat, for awhile I kinda liked it.
However, I turned 30 this year, and kids teasing me in school is a really shitty reason to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

The biggest thing is I realized I have been drinking all my calories, as I really liked pop.
Sugar being the big thing I wanted to cut from my life, since I'm super scared of getting diabetus. So I switched to pepsi zero and sprite zero, like usually 2 cans a day, and a lot of water. It honestly tastes the same to me so I have no real reason to switch back.

Outside of that, I have always made my own food and ate relatively healthy. Counting my calories I normally eat between 1400 to 1700 calories a day.
On top of that, my job generally seems pretty active to the point I will sweat a lot and have to constantly be moving as fast as I can.

Since cutting sugar last month I have went from 226 to 203. I know that's going to slow down considerably, and that's fine, I'm in no big hurry.
So far it has felt too easy, I don't crave anything, I just went on normal and nothing has really changed in anything but the sugar.
So, any advice or tips? Anything I should look out for, or if I'm doing anything wrong?

I was tempted by the gains goblins' cookies. I had a few yesterday and today. I maintained my deficit at least.

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Is a 13 minute mile at 267lbs any good

wtf literally just stop eating, you fat pathetic retards what’s so complicated about it that requires an entire general?

The best mile time is faster than your last mile time.

True that my man. One day I'll be a low enough weight and fit enough to get sub 10 minute.


could only eat about 800 calories worth



fuck you, I'm struggling here

Been really stressed with some family shit. As a result I missed the gym twice and have been stress eating. Forgive me father, I will atone for my sins. Please just let this stressful time period pass.

That's exactly what everyone in this thread is doing.

I don't wanna go to the gym again today fuuuck.
I've been going twice a day all week.

I ate at the all you can eat chines for dinner.

>Ive been using lose it for the two months
>actually lost 20 pounds
>just from portion my food better and being really autistic about measuring my food.
> for my birthday I decided to treat myself and get a Fitbit and subscription to lose it for a year.
>It counts your steps and once you get a certain about of calories burnt it gives you bonus calories

WTF I'm so confused I've walking around campus way more than usual today but this seems nutty.
Should I stop using this feature I feel like it's really not accurate or someshit

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yeah turn that shit off, total meme

ate chocolate and drunk wine today, what a disaster. I'm coming off these meds and the withdrawal is worse than life iself

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Eaten some 300 cal of chocolate today
Still under TDEE, but fuck my lack of self control

me want kfc

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You think you do, but you actually don't.


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Its not. Dont trust any calorie reading or try to translate steps into calories because its way off

I posted my snake juice poo poo mattress for /fast/ so im giving it to /fat/ too as this is a milestone in my life

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It's a bummer
I'm having hardcore buyers remorse
At least I've got a nice leather strap for the watch and it doesn't look like a completely a toy

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I really like their stuff with honeymustard.
I bought a bunch of chicken breast fillets, grilled it, and eaten with normal mustard.
Felt the same, and it must have 1/3 of the calories.

Another hack
Don't worry about it


Went from 230 to 219 past 4 days water fasting. I felt like I was gonna die last night from nausea and crippling headaches but was fine today. Tomorrow is day 5 and I want to keep going but the hardest part is keeping myself busy. I really want some fucking pizza or boneless wings bros help. I need guidance.

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The calorie bit is trash but it’s fun to see how many steps you take. The HR and sleep tracking features are nice as well.

Me want wingstop, Popeyes, or Chinese food

Those are my big 3

dont tempt me

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LoseIt! premium is super nice, make sure you take advantage of the macro insights those things are immensely helpful when I’m trying to figure out which foods work the best for getting my protein or fiber every day.

The patterns feature is great too for figuring out what keeps the fatass side of me at bay.

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Is a 2700 calorie deficit good enough for losing weight?

Missed the gym on Monday and went over by like 500 cals Monday and Tuesday.

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I want two bowls of ramen and three orders of Gyoza.

Pic from profile
>inb4 manlet, I already know
260 currently, started 3 weeks ago, at 274.
Lost 14lbs in first 2 weeks. Stagnated this last week, but didn't gain anything back

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Picture from front.

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Keep it up, brother. You're gonna make it.

How's your diet?

I ate 2600 calories yesterday, I was on vacation. But it's alright.

Nothing to confess. Been eating at a 2000 calorie deficit this past week but the devil is still trying to tempt me father. Please help me not give in to temptation and the allure of Sour Gummi Worms and Pizza

2000 calories deficit?

I've been eating at a 2600 calorie deficit. Doing meal prepping to make sticking to the diet easier. Only eating 1000 calories a day sucks, but it's been getting me results. Macros have been good, minimal carbs and lots of protein to keep the muscle mass I already have.

Alternate day fasting averages out to 2k per day. My maintenance is 2800 and I have been eating 1600 every other day

>allowed 600 more calories today
>unsure what to eat
Help me out, guys. What should I go out and get? I'm about to head to the gym in another hour and a half.

Why not some lean meat?

Large chocolate frosty

Stop drinking all form of bepis.

From where?


just started actively trying to lose weight for the first time ever after a change in perspective. no scale, but I think I'm around 350.

quit drinking sugar, only eat a tortilla or two of carbs a day and less than 2kcals of spinach/beans/a little cheese that I'll probably eventually cut out.

a little over a week in and after a few days of feeling extremely good, today I felt weaker than usual. just sort of physically more tired than usual.

is this normal? I literally have no idea and googling info about losing weight is impossible because it's such a highly searched term most of the results are shit tier.

dude I lost 10 lbs my first week with a 500 calorie per day deficit. quit fasting its a meme and you're gonna burn out.

Got a bowl of chili from Steak n Shake. I've got a few more cals left if I want to get a snack if I dare. Tomorrow begins the Caesar salad diet.

How physically active are you? You might just be burning too much with nothing in the tank. That can lead to fatigue. You have to remember. At your size it takes a lot of energy to move around and be active at all.

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That sounds decent
No fucking lie, I just found some salmon in the freezer. Didn't even know we had this.

How fat are you? I am >only 40 lbs overweight at 230

Do you do Keto ?

Just 2 weeks ago I weighed myself at 308 pounds. I'm 5 ft 8 and if I kept this up I would be dead.

But I'm making it bros :)
Gym almost every night, eating way way less than I used to, barely any sugar or fat too.

I started at 210
>only 40 lbs overweight
lad ...

delete this

Hence the >

Unless you burned like 1000 calories a day working out I don’t see how you drop 10 lbs in a week on a 500 deficit at that weight, even if mostly water.

why not mostly water?

I suppose it’s possible if you were like extremely inflamed but I did a 1k deficit at 300 lbs and lost 6 lbs my first week

Hello no
But you'll get better
I did 4.7 miles in exactly 30 mins (i stop at 30 and move onto something else) yesterday and I weigh 285

work 3 ten hour shifts a week around half that time is spent standing up, walking, and picking up and moving 30-50lb boxes around.

I'm 6'2 if it matters.

I'm definitely a strong fat, and I'd like to lose as little muscle as possible.

Ok then, we are in a similar boat. I am a strongfat manlet, work as a drywall contractor, have to lift 60 pound pieces of drywall all day, 4 ten hour shifts. Increase the carbs slightly. Maybe add one more tortilla, working a very physical job throws off your calories needed in a day. Also consider reworking your macros to include more protein, to help stave off muscle loss.

that's such a huge change in your diet that its no wonder you're struggling a little bit. I see a lot of people go balls to the wall, get burned out, then quit. if you like your diet and think you can continue with it forever, then sure but I wouldnt enjoy that.


I thought I had a system going this week but I’ve been deluding myself

I haven’t been gaining weight but the good exercise I’ve done is constantly and more than sufficiently undoing downward progress

It’s gotta stop or I’ll never get along

At what weight will I not smell like body odor?

Currently 300. I shower every day

That baggy shirt game is on point


Is Keto a meme? I wish it was because I like rice but I have only had success with keto long term because it controls cravings

It works for diabetics but otherwise it’s pretty much a meme

What can it do that regular calorie restriction can’t and more simply

Well I've personally noticed its easier because I have less hunger when I eat no carbs but I also miss eating my favorite foods. I have an unhealthy relationship with food and it's my only vice.I love shitty food.

I wanna do intermittent fasting without keto but don't know if I have the willpower.

What does it mean if I can curl 70 pound dumbells, but I still remain skinny fat?
How do I stop being skinny fat?

me want kebab wrap
me get kebab wrap tonight

lift for volume

If you're above 270lb then yea but it's cutting it really high

About to eat some white castles after work. Usually have a snack now then 1 meal during the day. Lost 39lb

How do I stop getting lightheaded every time I stand up? It's been worrying me all week. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Even getting out of the car makes my vision blur and my head gets fuzzy.

I like dieting on fastfood. The calories are clearly labeled and accurate, easy to find online. And unlike most restaurants that make you buy 8-10 dollars of food minimum, fast food places let you buy 1-3 dollar items that fit into a 1800 calorie day.

Dunks egg and cheese muffins are only 340 cals, I can eat fucking 5 of those a day. kfc 3 piece tenders is like 4 hundred I think. As someone with no self control, I don't keep food in the house. Convenience stores are also really nice. You cant buy a bag of chips at a grocery store- they are all deathbags with 1800 calories inside. But corner stores sell bags of like 125 calories- it's great.

>go from 250 to 210, and lift the whole time.
>have beard the whole
>shave beard off

whole fuck, nobody told me about them face gains

Good luck! I wish I had that kind of willpower. Sometimes I get really into a videogame and get so distracted I hardly eat for days. It's the reason Im only about 195 instead of 300 lbs probably. Distractions are number 1!

In any case when you stop, have an 800 calorie meal maximum. You'll feel fine after eating it- just dont binge for the love of god and undo everything.

While torturing yourself, you may as well go for a run, then take a 15 minute ice cold shower ( extreme shivering burns as much cals as an hour of running-). Enjoy your misery!

>Sometimes I get really into a videogame and get so distracted I hardly eat for days

That and I've been lucky enough to have a week off work are the only things helping me. I've been watching tv shows and playing games literally 10 hours a day for the past week to keep my brain busy. But I will take your advice and keep calories

The only thing better is the dick gains desu. Didn't realize I actually had a decent dong hiding under there.


I'd be careful at your weight I'm not sure what your height is but when I was 180 and playing American football I was crushing 745 minute miles no problem I had the stamina now 260 to do 1030 minute miles and my ankles were so sore and started bruising so now I'm sticking to low impact stuff for awhile

>ass leaks after getting rammed by 20 cocks

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I've lost 8kgs so far. Really tired of eating spaghetti all the time. Anyone know any good recipes?

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9pounds of water weight my dude truste you didn't magically burn off 9 pounds of fat

You know you're all going to gain your weight back, right?